The Smart Parking App allows students and professors to move in a faster and efficient way around the University campus. It is developed as native Android app in Android Studio Bumblebee (2021.1.1) using Kotlin.
- Login/Logout
- Get appointments to the calendar
- Search locations in the campus
- Get position from GPS / select custom origin
- Get from Google APIs the fastest route to destination (car/bike)
- Open Google Maps with the selected location
- Select additional bubble stops
- Multi User with custom appointments, destinations and bubble stops
- MVVM pattern
- Coroutines
- Retrofit REST API call
- Google Maps API
- Firestore Authentication
- Firebase Database integration
- Image download through MQTT messages (paho-mqtt library)
- Room
- Kodeine
- Pixel 3a API 29 (emulator)
- Pixel 4 API 32 (device)
- Poco 5G API 32 (device)
The app is helped by firestore + a custom node.js/pythonserver that
- Read the stream from the smart camera (opencv2 library)
- Save a subset of the stream
- Perform occupancy estimation on the parking lots
- Publish the parking image on a MQTT topic