twitter-text-python is a Tweet parser and formatter for Python. Extract users, hashtags, URLs and format as HTML for display.
Note: Since the Twitter public API was effectively killed by the new ownership, and the paywall makes testing and development impractical, this module will no longer be actively maintained. It should work fine with any existing API data.
PyPI release:
$ pip install twitter-text-python
twitter-text-python has been tested with Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, and 3.7.
>>> from ttp import ttp
>>> p = ttp.Parser()
>>> result = p.parse("@burnettedmond, you now support #IvoWertzel's tweet parser!")
>>> result.reply
>>> result.users
>>> result.tags
>>> result.urls
>>> result.html
u'<a href="">@burnettedmond</a>, you now support <a href="">#IvoWertzel</a>\'s tweet parser! <a href=""></a>'
If you need different HTML output just subclass and override the format_*
You can also ask for the span tags to be returned for each entity:
>>> p = ttp.Parser(include_spans=True)
>>> result = p.parse("@burnettedmond, you now support #IvoWertzel's tweet parser!")
>>> result.urls
[('', (57, 87))]
To use the shortlink follower (depends on the Requests library):
>>> from ttp import utils
>>> # assume that result.urls == ['', u'']
>>> print utils.follow_shortlinks(result.urls) # pass in list of shortlink URLs
{'': [u'', u'', u''], u'': [u'', u'']}
>>> # note that bad shortlink URLs have a key to an empty list (lost/forgotten shortlink URLs don't generate any error)
- 2019/02/17 1.1.1 Minor release to fix Python 3 support for, test with 3.7
- 2015/04/11 1.1.0 Add basic support for Python 3
- 2014/07/30 1.0.3 Update parsed URLs for Twitter API 1.1 compatibility
- 2013/06/01 1.0.1 new working version, adding comma parse fix (thanks, used autopep8 to clean the src, added a shortlink expander
- 2013/02/11 released to PyPI
Run the unit tests:
$ python ttp/
Ran 100 tests in 0.009s
Or test on multiple Python versions with tox:
$ pip install tox
$ tox
See the relevant wiki page for notes on contributing to twitter-text-python.
The current version was forked by Edmond Burnett in July 2014:
The library was forked by Ian Ozsvald in January 2013 and released to PyPI, some bugs were fixed, a few minor changes to functionality added (no longer supported):
The original ttp comes from Ivo Wetzel (no longer supported):
Originally based on