A lightweight slider component built with StencilJS.
Stencil components are just Web Components, so they work in any major framework or with no framework at all.
<img src="http://via.placeholder.com/550x500?text=test 1"/>
<img src="http://via.placeholder.com/550x500?text=test 2"/>
<img src="http://via.placeholder.com/550x500?text=test 3"/>
<img src="http://via.placeholder.com/550x500?text=test 4"/>
<img src="http://via.placeholder.com/550x500?text=test 5"/>
- Put a script tag similar to this
<script src='https://unpkg.com/@edgeworkscreative/ewc-slides@latest/dist/ewc.js'></script>
in the head of your index.html - Then you can use the element anywhere in your template, JSX, html etc
- Run
npm install @edgeworkscreative/ewc-slides --save
- Put a script tag similar to this
<script src='node_modules/@edgeworkscreative/ewc-slides/dist/ewc.js'></script>
in the head of your index.html - Then you can use the element anywhere in your template, JSX, html etc
- Run
npm install @edgeworkscreative/ewc-slides --save
- Add an import to the npm packages
import '@edgeworkscreative/ewc-slides';
- Then you can use the element anywhere in your template, JSX, html etc
Stencil is a compiler for building fast web apps using Web Components.
Stencil combines the best concepts of the most popular frontend frameworks into a compile-time rather than run-time tool. Stencil takes TypeScript, JSX, a tiny virtual DOM layer, efficient one-way data binding, an asynchronous rendering pipeline (similar to React Fiber), and lazy-loading out of the box, and generates 100% standards-based Web Components that run in any browser supporting the Custom Elements v1 spec.