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@m1ghtym0 m1ghtym0 released this 14 Apr 09:41
· 653 commits to master since this release
  • Fix a bug in the marble-injector Kubernetes MutatingAdmissionController deployment. Not setting the CABundle for Kubernetes version 1.19 and higher resulted in failed authentication of the webhook in the Kubernetes API server. Ultimately, this is leading to failing deployments of Marble pods.
  • Add CLI features:
    • check: Check the status of Marbleruns control plane
    • graphene-prepare Modifies a Graphene manifest for use with Marblerun
    • precheck: Check if your Kubernetes cluster supports SGX
    • uninstall Removes Marblerun from a Kubernetes cluster
    • version: Display version of this CLI and (if running) the Marblerun coordinator