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Monitoring your edge nodes and workload made easy.

About The Project

Using EdgeFarm.monitor there is a easy way of monitoring everything you need. Let it be edge node hardware metrics or accessing logs of your applications.

EdgeFarm.monitor uses different open source tools like Grafana, Grafana Mimir, Node Exporter to provide monitoring of edge nodes and monitoring of application running on them.


  • Monitor metrics of your edge nodes (CPU, load, memory, disk I/O, thermal information, network I/O)
  • Managing alerts
  • Metrics even are collected during times of unreliable network connections

Getting Started

Follow those simple steps, to install edgefarm.monitor in your cluster.

✔️ Prerequisites

🎯 Installation

Use helm3 to install the EdgeFarm.monitor chart.

helm upgrade --install --create-namespace -n edgefarm-monitor edgefarm-monitor oci:// --version "1.0.0-beta.14"

See charts/edgefarm-monitor/values.yaml for options to configure the chart.

If you need information on how to use helm with OCI-based registries, please refer to the helm documentation.

💡 Usage

Make sure that your nodepools corresponding to your edge nodes have the labels default set to enable monitoring for them.

kubectl label <name>

If you deplyed this to the local EdgeFarm cluster, go to the Grafana UI (https://grafana.localhost) and login with the default credentials admin/edgefarm.

edge nodes dashboard

🤝🏽 Contributing

Code contributions are very much welcome.

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Branch (git checkout -b AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (`git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature")
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request targetting the beta branch.

🫶 Acknowledgements

Thanks to the great open source projects Grafana, Grafana Mimir and Node Exporter stack!