eduCrate, a learning management system, offers a streamlined infrastructure advantageous for the blended learning environments of grade-school aged students. The software provides educators an authoring tool in which to deliver assignments, document the progress of students, record correspondence with parents, and otherwise manage and administer all other miscellaneous instructional content directly to the parents and students.
- Eddie Atkinson Charming Genius|console.logger|Tolerates Giraffes|can now officially say he's a React Developer
- Valerie Jane Thoma
Genius|Likes Giraffes|Lives for Hugs|can now officially say she's a React Developer
Registration and Log In
- Software accepts log in from three distinct registered users: teachers, parents, and students
- Teachers and Parents log in using their email, a hashed password, and a generated token
- Students log in using a username, hashed password, and a generated token
Features for Teachers
This application was designed for ease of use among teachers and parents, particularly teachers
Teachers have administrative control over the information that is uploaded and disseminated
The teacher's Dashboard and Navigation Bar will have more features than both parents and students
Dashboard Nav routes users to Courses, Students, Inbox, Calendar, and Log out
Courses view displays a list of that user's courses and course descriptions
Clickable Course Name generates a Course Navigation Bar
Course Navigation Bar routes users to Syllabus, Assignments, Grades, and __Students
Syllabus view displays the syllabus for the course previously selected
Assignments view displays name and description of current assignments for the selected course
For the teacher, he/she has button to 'add assignments'
Add Assignment view allows the teacher to name and describe the new assignment - it is then added to the Assignment view
Students view displays the names of the teacher's students along with email, phone, and a link to guardian info
Guardian info link displays guardian's information (name, email, telephone)
When the name of the guardian is clicked, a compose message box is generated
Grades view displays student name, assignment name, assignment status, and grade
Because the teacher will have a multitude of grades data, the Grades table is searchable
The teacher also has an 'edit' option to update a student's assignment status or grade
The Inbox displays unread messages, both numerically near the Dashboard Navbar icon and in bold text in the message view. User can compose and send messages, view all previous sent messaes.
The Calendar displays and paginates through months, weeks, work weeks (M-F), days, and agenda tables
The teacher's calendar features, exclusively, an 'add event' button
The Add Event display allows teachers to name the event, chose a start and end time from a date picker, enter notes about or a description of the event, and assign the event to a specific course
Log Out destroys the users token
Features for everyone
- Dashboard Nav routes users to Courses, Inbox, Calendar, and Log out
- Courses view displays a list of that user's courses and course descriptions
- Clickable Course Name generates a Course Navigation Bar
- Course Navigation Bar routes users to Syllabus, Assignments, Grades
- Syllabus view displays the syllabus for the course previously selected
- Assignments view displays name and description of current assignments for the selected course
- Grades view displays student name, assignment name, assignment status, and grade
- To best serve the many instances of parents with multiple students, the Grades table is searchable
- The Inbox displays unread messages, both numerically near the Dashboard Navbar icon and in bold text in the message view. User can compose and send messages, view all previous sent messaes.
- The Calendar displays and paginates through months, weeks, work weeks (M-F), days, and agenda tables
- Log Out destroys the users token
- Frontend: React, Redux, JSX, Sass, React-Materialize, Material-UI
- Backend API: Node.js, Express, MySQL
- Server: AWS EC2
Log in page:
Assignment view from Dashboard:
Compose Message:
Dashboard Navbar inbox icon indicates how many unread messages a user has. This number decrements when read.
import axios from 'axios';
export default function(level, userId){
const url = `${window.apiHost}/${level}s/countNewMessages/${userId}/get`; // uses "teachers" Express route but works for everyone
const axiosPromise = axios.get(url)
payload: axiosPromise
router.get('/countNewMessages/:teacherId/get', (req, res)=>{
const teacherId = req.params.teacherId;
var coursesQuery = `SELECT COUNT(messageStatus)
FROM inbox
WHERE messageStatus = "new" and receiverId = ? AND receiverStatus = 1;`;
connection.query(coursesQuery, [teacherId], (error, results)=>{
throw error;
Show history of sent messages
router.get('/sentMessages/:userId/get', (req, res)=>{
const userId = req.params.userId;
var sentMessageQuery = `SELECT, inbox.subject, inbox.body, inbox.receiverStatus,
inbox.senderStatus, inbox.receiverName, inbox.receiverId, inbox.senderId, inbox.senderName, inbox.messageStatus,
DATE_FORMAT(, '%M %D\, %Y') as date, status.level AS receiverLevel,
s2.level AS senderLevel
FROM inbox
INNER JOIN status ON inbox.receiverStatus = status.statusId
INNER JOIN status s2 ON inbox.senderStatus = s2.statusId
WHERE inbox.senderId = ? AND inbox.senderStatus = 1
connection.query(sentMessageQuery, [userId], (error, results)=>{
throw error;
if(this.props.match.params.status === "sent"){
show: true
var level = this.props.auth.level;
var status = `${this.props.auth.level}s`;
var sent;
if(this.props.match.path === '/sentMessages'){
sent = true;
sent = false;
var whichId = `${level}Id`;
var userId;
case "teacherId":
userId = this.props.auth.teacherId;
case "parentId":
userId = this.props.auth.parentId;
case "studentId":
userId = this.props.auth.studentId;
this.props.getInbox(status, userId, sent);
sent = false;
Teachers can edit grades, change status of assignment, search grades, etc.
class Grades extends Component{
this.state = {
grades: []
this.changeStatus = this.changeStatus.bind(this);
this.changeGrade = this.changeGrade.bind(this);
this.editInformation = this.editInformation.bind(this);
this.handleSearch = this.handleSearch.bind(this);
changeGrade(event, aid, sid, index){
var newGrade =[0].value;
var newData = {
newGrade: newGrade,
aid: aid,
sid: sid
var axiosPromise = axios({
url: `${window.apiHost}/teachers/changeGrade`,
method: 'POST',
data: newData
if( === 'gradeUpdated'){
// make a copy of the grades state var so we can change the student
// var newGrades = {...this.state.grades};
var courseId = this.props.match.params.courseId;
var teacherId = this.props.auth.teacherId;
const url = `${window.apiHost}/teachers/grades/${courseId}/${teacherId}/get`;
var gradeDataFull =;
var gradeData =, index)=>{
<tr key={index}>
<td>{`${grade.firstName} ${grade.lastName}`}</td>
<Input id='newStatus' />
<Button className='edit' onClick={(event)=>{
this.changeStatus(event,grade.aid,grade.sid, index)
<td><Input id='newGrade' /><Button className='edit' onClick={(event)=>{
this.changeGrade(event,grade.aid,grade.sid, index)
grades: gradeData
- Special thank you Robert Bunch, our Ambassador of Quan.
12/19/2017 - Project Start 01/10/2018 - DigitaCrafts September '17 cohort Demo Day