A simple wrapper for the example from the nanoarrow
> library(linesplitter)
> example(linesplit)
lnsplt> txt <- "the\nquick\nbrown\nfox"
lnsplt> linesplit(txt)
<nanoarrow_array string[4]>
$ length : int 4
$ null_count: int 0
$ offset : int 0
$ buffers :List of 3
..$ :<nanoarrow_buffer validity<bool>[0][0 b]> ``
..$ :<nanoarrow_buffer data_offset<int32>[5][20 b]> `0 3 8 13 16`
..$ :<nanoarrow_buffer data<string>[16 b]> `thequickbrownfox`
$ dictionary: NULL
$ children : list()
lnsplt> linesplit(txt, TRUE)
For the sample package, Dirk Eddelbuettel.
The underlying nanoarrow
example is by Dewey Dunnington.