Paper release
This release brings the changes requested by @sjackman in the JOSS review.
[X] Fix install instructions
[X] Remove citation to repo in summary
[X] Mention the homepage and license in the summary
[X] Make GFAKluge a header-only library
[X] Add a make install target to makefile
[X] Change the wording of "legacy GFA formats"
[X] Reference GFApy and RGFA and ABYSS, all of which are other programs which can convert GFA 1 -> 2
[X] Fix typesetting of convert
[X] Fix typesetting of vg msga
[X] Change wording to reflect that GFA2 and GFA1 interconversion needs are not temporary
[X] List the currently available commands in the manuscript.
[X] Give command line examples of three or more commands
[X] Mention the API documentation in the manuscript
[X] Add a make test target in the makefile that runs automated tests
[X] Add a contributing section to the Readme