EDA FPGate Server is application service which provide unified access to fiscal printers. The server is not complied to UnifiedPOS specification, but is made to be simple of use. It is restful web service application which provide unified protocol for access to various fiscal devices (fiscal printers and cash registers). The main goal of FPGate is to separate common programming logic for work with fiscal devices from complexity to manage variety of fiscal devices.
FPGate server is application which provide web API for access to unlimited number of predefined set of fiscal printers. The server contains two main components:
1.Administration (HTML) interface for defining printers and users http://localhost:8182/admin/
2.Application JSON protocol API interface for using printers http://localhost:8182/print/
Current version of FPGate supports following fiscal printers:
- Tremol full range of fiscal printers via ZFPLabServer and native serial communication (No real tests was made)
- DATECS FP-800, FP-2000, FP-650, SK1-21F, SK1-31F, FMP-10, FP-550 (Real test was made only on FP2000!), FMP-350X, FMP-55X, FP-700X, FP-700XE
- Daisy fiscal printers (No real tests was made)
- Eltrade fiscal printers (No real tests was made)
Current version of FPGate supports following cash registers:
- Tremol full range of cash registers via ZFPLabServer and serial communication (Real tests was made with S21)
- DATECS DP-05, DP-25, DP-35, WP-50, DP-150 (Real tests was made with DP-150), WP-500X, WP-50X, DP-25X, DP-150X, DP-05C, WP-25X
- Daisy cash registers (Real tests was made with Compact M)
- Eltrade cash registers (Real tests was made with A3)
- Java Runtime Environment 8.0+
- Download latest release of FPGateSrvInstall.jar from Github.
- Start FPGateSrvInstall.jar and complete the process.
- Install printer drivers/libraries.
- Start FPGate Server with $INSTALL_PATH\bin\FPGateSrv.cmd
- Configure server from Control panel and setup user administrator.
- Launch browser and go to FPGate server administration (for example: http://localhost:8182/admin/)
- Define printers and users.
- Defined printers are ready to be used from applications (see examples bellow).
API for access to printers is based on simple JSON-RPC (http://www.jsonrpc.org/specification) application protocol over HTTP/HTTPS. All API calls to services are in form of posting JSON Request object and receiving Response object as result of execution of request.
Request Object contains following attributes:
Attribute | Type | Description |
jsonrpc | String | A String specifying the version of the JSON-RPC protocol. MUST be exactly "2.0". |
method | String | A String containing the name of the method/printer command to be invoked. Method names that begin with the word rpc followed by a period character (U+002E or ASCII 46) are reserved for rpc-internal methods and extensions and MUST NOT be used for anything else. |
params | Object | A Structured value that holds the parameter values to be used during the invocation of the method. |
id | String | An identifier established by the Client that MUST contain a String, Number, or NULL value if included. |
'params' object in request contain following attributes:
Attribute | Type | Description |
Printer | Object | with following attributes |
.ID | String | Unique ID of printer |
.Model | String | Optional name of Printer Model Class (in case of using printer not defined on server) |
.Params | Object | Optional Hash map with printer parameters in form of pairs parameter_name = value |
Command | String | Name of Printer Command |
Arguments | Array | Array of strings with arguments of command |
Response Object contains following attributes:
Attribute | Type | Description |
jsonrpc | String | A String specifying the version of the JSON-RPC protocol. MUST be exactly "2.0". |
result | Object | This member exists and is object in case of success. This member doesn't exists in case of error. |
error | Object | This member exists in case of error. When error exists 'result' doesn't exist. |
Errors | Array | List of errors and waring during execution of command |
id | String | It contains the same as the value of the id member in the Request Object. |
In case of success 'result' object contains following attributes:
Attribute | Type | Description |
ResultTable | Object | Hash map result in form Key = Value |
ErrorCode | Integer | Error code of last executed command (Depend of Command and specific printer implementation) |
Messages | Array | List of messages in process of executing command |
Errors | Array | List of errors and waring during execution of command |
Log | Array | Detailed log of execution of command |
In case of error 'error' object contains following attributes:
Attribute | Type | Description |
code | Number | A Number that indicates the error type that occurred. |
message | String | A String providing a short description of the error. |
data | Object | An object with same structure as 'result'. This contains particular information to the the point of error is occurred. |
For simplifying implementation in web applications there is Javascript Library fpg-client.js which encapsulate protocol in useful objects. Here is example request:
var fpg = new FPGate({
URL: 'https//localhost:8183/print/'
, Printer: new FPGPrinter({
var args =
'SON\tOperator Name\n' +
'STG\tProduct of tax group B\tB\t0.12\t0\n' +
'STG\tProduct of tax group A\tA\t0.25\t0\n' +
'PFT\tSample fiscal text\n' +
'STL\n' +
'TTL\tTotal:\tCASH\t2.00\n' +
'FTR\tThank you!\n' +
fpg.sendRequest(new FPGRequest({
Command: 'PrintFiscalCheck'
, Arguments : args.split('\\n')
, onRequestComplete: function(data, textStatus) {
try {
var resultData = null;
if ('result' in data && data.result) {
resultData = data.result;
} else if ('error' in data && typeof data.error == 'object' && 'data' in data.error) {
resultData = data.error.data;
if ('result' in data && data.result) {
var resultData = data.result.resultTable;
// LastPrintDocNum
f['FPData[FPDocNum]'].value = ('LastPrintDocNum' in resultData)?resultData.LastPrintDocNum:'N/A';
f['FPData[SerialNum]'].value = ('LFRI_DocNum' in resultData)?resultData.LFRI_DocNum:'N/A';
// LFRI_DateTime
f['FPData[FPDocDate]'].value = ('LFRI_DateTime' in resultData)?resultData.LFRI_DateTime:'';
} else if ('error' in data && data.error) {
for (var i in data.error.data.errors) {
f.elements['Errors'].value += data.error.data.errors[i]+'\n';
} else {
alert('Missing Result!');
} catch (err) {
FPGate Server supports following list of commands.
This command requesting printing of fiscal/non-fiscal check and accept as Arguments list of subcommands which generate content of fiscal check. Every subcommand is string in the following format: subcommand[\tParam...] Where subcommand can be:
Subcommand | Parameters | Description |
SON | OperatorName | Set operator name |
UNS | DDDDDDDD-OOOO-####### | Unique Number of Sell |
REV | Revision/Storno type | |
RTA | RevType | Revision/Storno type 'RET' - Return, 'ERR' - Error, 'RED' - Reduce amount |
RDN | ####### | Doc Number subject of revision/storno |
RDT | YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss | Doc Date/time subject of revision/storno |
RIN | ########## | Credit note to InvoiceNum |
RUS | DDDDDDDD-OOOO-####### | Unique Number of sell subject of revision/storno |
RFM | ######## | Fiscal Memory number subject of revision/storno document |
RRR | Text | Optional revision/storno text |
INV | Extended/invoice fiscal check | |
CRCP | Recipient | Customer Recipient name |
CBUY | Buyer | Customer company name |
CADR | Addrsss | Customer address |
CUIC | UIC | Customer Unified Identification Code |
CUIT | UICType | Customer UIC Type code. 'BULSTAT', 'EGN', 'FOREIGN', 'NRA' |
CVAT | VATNum | Customer VAT Number |
CSEL | Seller | Seller name (Not supported on all devices!) |
PFT | Text | Print Fiscal Text |
PNT | Text | Print Nonfiscal Text |
PLF | RowCount | Paper Line Feed |
STG | Text,TaxCode,Price,DiscountPercentOrAmount,Quantity | Register Sell by Tax Group. DiscountPercentOrAmount and Quantity are optional. Tax Code is Tax Group Abbreviation A,B,C... |
SDP | Text,DepCode,Price,DiscountPercentOrAmount,Quantity | Register Sell by Department. DiscountPercentOrAmount and Quantity are optional. Department Code is programmed code of department. |
STL | ToPrint,ToDisplay,Percent | Calculate subtotal. Parameters are optional. |
CMD | Command,Params... | Call custom printer command. Depending on printer model behavior will be different. |
FTR | Footer text | Print footer text before close check. |
in STG
and SDP
can contain '~~' (double tild) to send Line1 and Line2 to register sell.
follow rules: [+|-]99.99[%]
for percent discount, v[+|-]99.99
for amount discount
PFT and PNT supports some simple formatting syntax in the following from. @padl\tText[\tPaddingSymbol] - Align text to the left and pad to the whole width with padding symbol (by default is space) @padr\tText[\tPaddingSymbol] - Align text to the right and pad to the whole width with padding symbol (by default is space) @padc\tText[\tPaddingSymbol] - Align text to the center and pad to the whole width with padding symbol (by default is space) @lval\tLabel\tValue - Align Label And Value.
Prints duplicate of last printed fiscal check. Can be executed only once. Only one duplicate check can be printed.
Print duplicate check from EJ by document (check) number.
Document number
Sets the name of operator.
Operator Code
Operator Password
Operator Full Name
Return information about current/last check.
Requests last fiscal record info (Data for last Z-Report).
Request daily report. The commend accepts ReportType
argument that selects desired report.
Requests X Report
Requests Z Report
Prints report by dates. The command accepts following arguments:
Detailed report
Short report
From date in format yyyy-mm-dd
To date in format yyyy-mm-dd
Get printer date and time.
Set printer date and time. The command accepts optional argument DateTime
where date and time is in following format 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:nn:ss'.
If DateTime
argument is omitted the current date and time of system will be used.
Get printer status information. The result is dependent of printer model.
Get printer diagnostic information. The result is dependent of printer model.
Request journal information and return it. Available only if printer support it.
Request printer journal and return it.
From Document Number
To Document Number. If missing ToDoc
From Date
To Date. If Missing ToDate
If FromDoc
is used FromDate
is ignored.
Register cash in
and cash out
to the cash register. Accepts parameter Amount
which set cash value. The positive Amount
is cash in
, negative Amount
is cash out
, zero Amount
prints current cash.
Return list of programmed payment methods in fiscal device with their name and mapping to NRA schema (if is available).
Return list of tax groups in fiscal device with their code and tax percentage.
Return list of programmed departments in fiscal device with their name and tax group.
Sends raw command to printer. The command accepts following arguments.
and Args=arguments
Request printer to cancel all pending operations and returns it in ready state.
Request test operation on printer and returns result. Result depends on Printer Support class implementation. Mostly get diagnostic information is used.