LoRaWAN HAT for Raspberry and EcoBoard with LCD, I2C and UART connectors.
EcoRadio is a very usefull LoRaWAN HAT for EcoBoard and compatible with Raspberry boards. The board has an U.FL connector for the Antenna and a I2C and UART connector to connect sensors. You can easly connect a LCD OLED 128x64 to display messages
The board will be available current June 2020 and in the meantime, some C++ and Python script will be uploaded to let you easly start with the board
If you are using the 128x64 OLED LCD, you have to activate the I2C bus
sudo raspi-config
Then choose and activate it
- 5 Interface Options
- P5 i2C
Update your Bustar OS, install pip3 and the needed packages
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install python3-pip
sudo pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-ssd1306
sudo apt install python3-pil
Here are come example to start
The EcoRadio board conatins 3 LED. Beside of the LEDs, there are 3 jumbers to be soldered to use the LEDs. Note LED 18 (GPIO18) only works if you use the EcoRadio board with a Raspberry. The two other LEDs work with a Raspberry or the EcoBoard board.
Colse jumper SJ18 to activate D18 Colse jumper SJ19 to activate D19 Close jumper SJ10 to activate D20.
D18 is connected to GPIO18 D19 is connected to GPIO19 D20 is connected to GPIO20
You can also connect LED without resistance, to the connector J3 if you need an external LED. R20 is a 330Ω connected to the Anode of D20.
You need to import DigitalInput
from digitalio import DigitalInOut, Direction, Pull
then add the following lines
d18Output = DigitalInOut(board.D18)
d18Output.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
d18Output.value = False
d19Output = DigitalInOut(board.D19)
d19Output.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
d19Output.value = False
d20Output = DigitalInOut(board.D20)
d20Output.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
d20Output.value = False
To turn on a LED
d18Output.value = 1
To turn off a LEDD
d18Output.value = 0
sudo pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-tinylora
Here is a python script example, but do not miss to prepare a device at TTN
We assume, you have created an account at The Things Network (TTN)
Let's go to your console and let's create an application
Now, you will need to create a device. Return to your application view
click on the application you just created, select the "Device" tab
At the field Device EUI, make sure you can read this field will be generated or give an unique identifier.
Finaly, click register.
Now, edit your new device and go to the settings tab
and modify the following settings
- Activation Method => ABP
- Frame Counter Width => 16 bit
- Frame Counter Check => uncheck it
and save it.
You will later need the keys of the Device Address, the Network Session Key and the App Session Key
Have a fun and do not miss the python example script.