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iago-lito committed Oct 25, 2023
1 parent a4653c5 commit 25d2498
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Showing 116 changed files with 14,495 additions and 790 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,3 +18,4 @@ OrderedCollections = "bac558e1-5e72-5ebc-8fee-abe8a469f55d"
SciMLBase = "0bca4576-84f4-4d90-8ffe-ffa030f20462"
SparseArrays = "2f01184e-e22b-5df5-ae63-d93ebab69eaf"
Statistics = "10745b16-79ce-11e8-11f9-7d13ad32a3b2"
StringCases = "f22f4433-750e-5048-95f9-cae576f2c120"
313 changes: 313 additions & 0 deletions src/AliasingDicts/AliasingDicts.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
module AliasingDicts

using OrderedCollections
using StringCases
import ..Option

# Design a data structure behaving like a julia's Dict{Symbol, T},
# but alternate references can be given as a key, aka key aliases.
# Constructing the type requires providing aliases specifications,
# under the form of an 'AliasingSystem'.
# Terminology:
# - "reference": anything given by user to access data in the structure.
# - "standard": the actual key used to store the data
# - "alias": non-standard key possibly used to access the data.
# The structure should protect from ambiguous aliasing specifications.
# TODO: AliasingSystem should be defined \
# along with a `struct `Enum` s::Symbol end` \
# only accepting valid symbols values,
# and conveniently used as keys.

# ==========================================================================================
# The aliasing system is the value taking care
# of bookeeping aliases, references and standards.

struct AliasingSystem
# {standard ↦ [ref, ref, ref..]} with refs sorted by length then lexicog.
_references::OrderedDict{Symbol,Vector{Symbol}} # Standards are ordered by user.
# {reference ↦ standard}
# What kind of things are we referring to?
# (useful for error messages and code generation)

# Construct from a non-sorted aliases dict.
function AliasingSystem(name, shortname, g)
err(mess) = throw(AliasingError(name, mess))
references = OrderedDict()
surjection = Dict()
for (std, aliases) in g
std = Symbol(std)
refs = vcat([Symbol(a) for a in aliases], [std])
references[std] = sort!(sort!(refs); by = x -> length(string(x)))
for ref in refs
# Protect from ambiguity.
if ref in keys(surjection)
target = surjection[ref]
if target == std
err("Duplicated $name alias for '$std': '$ref'.")
"Ambiguous $name reference: " *
"'$ref' either means '$target' or '$std'.",
surjection[ref] = std
new(references, surjection, name, shortname)

Base.length(a::AliasingSystem) = Base.length(a._references)

# Access copies of underlying aliasing information.
# (not actual references: we do *not* want the alias system to be mutated)
name(a::AliasingSystem) =
shortname(a::AliasingSystem) = a.shortname
standards(a::AliasingSystem) = (r for r in keys(a._references))
references(a::AliasingSystem) = (r for refs in values(a._references) for r in refs)

# One cheat-sheet with all standards, their order and aliases.
aliases(a::AliasingSystem) =
OrderedDict(s => [r for r in references(s, a) if r != s] for s in standards(a))
function standardize(ref, a::AliasingSystem)
key = Symbol(ref)
if key in references(a)
return a._surjection[key]
throw(AliasingError(, "Invalid $( name: '$ref'."))

# Get all alternate references.
references(ref, a::AliasingSystem) = (r for r in a._references[standardize(ref, a)])

# Get first alias (shortest + earliest lexically).
shortest(ref, a::AliasingSystem) = first(references(ref, a))

# Match reference to others, regardless of aliasing.
is(ref_a, ref_b, a::AliasingSystem) = standardize(ref_a, a) == standardize(ref_b, a)
isin(ref, refs, a::AliasingSystem) =
any(standardize(ref, a) == standardize(r, a) for r in refs)

# ==========================================================================================
# The actual aliasing dict type internally refers to one aliasing system to work.
abstract type AliasingDict{T} <: AbstractDict{Symbol,T} end

# Defer basic interface to the interface of dict,
# assuming all subtypes are of the form:
# struct Sub <: AliasingDict{T}
# _d::Dict{Symbol,T}
# end
Base.haskey(a::AliasingDict, k) = Base.haskey(a._d, standardize(k, a))
Base.getindex(a::AliasingDict, k) = Base.getindex(a._d, standardize(k, a))
Base.setindex!(a::AliasingDict, k, v) = Base.setindex!(a._d, standardize(k, a), v)
Base.get(a::AliasingDict, k, d) = Base.get(a._d, standardize(k, a), d)
Base.get!(a::AliasingDict, k, d) = Base.get!(a._d, standardize(k, a), d)
Base.get(f, a::AliasingDict, k) = Base.get(f, a._d, standardize(k, a))
Base.get!(f, a::AliasingDict, k) = Base.get!(f, a._d, standardize(k, a))
Base.pop!(a::AliasingDict, k) = Base.pop!(a._d, standardize(k, a))
Base.pop!(a::AliasingDict, k, d) = Base.pop!(a._d, standardize(k, a), d)
Base.length(a::AliasingDict) = length(a._d)
Base.merge(a::AliasingDict, b::AliasingDict) = AliasingDict(merge(a._d, b._d))
Base.iterate(a::AliasingDict) = Base.iterate(a._d)
Base.iterate(a::AliasingDict, state) = Base.iterate(a._d, state)
Base.:(==)(a::AliasingDict, b::AliasingDict) = a._d == b._d
# Forward all basic request on instances to the actual types.

# The methods for types are defined within the type definition macro.
shortname(a::AliasingDict) = shortname(typeof(a))
name(a::AliasingDict) = name(typeof(a))
standards(a::AliasingDict) = standards(typeof(a))
aliases(a::AliasingDict) = aliases(typeof(a))
references(a::AliasingDict) = references(typeof(a))
references(ref, a::AliasingDict) = references(ref, typeof(a))
standardize(ref, a::AliasingDict) = standardize(ref, typeof(a))
shortest(ref, a::AliasingDict) = shortest(ref, typeof(a))
is(ref_a, ref_b, a::AliasingDict) = is(ref_a, ref_b, typeof(a))
isin(ref, refs, a::AliasingDict) = isin(ref, refs, typeof(a))

# Generate a correct subtype for the above class,
# with the associated aliasing system.
# TODO: refresh the following code now that julia metaprog is less of a mystery.
macro aliasing_dict(DictName, system_name, shortname, g_xp)
argerr(mess) = throw(ArgumentError(mess))

DictName isa Symbol ||
argerr("Not a symbol name for an aliasing dict type: $(repr(DictName)).")

system_name isa String ||
argerr("Not a string name for an aliasing dict type: $(repr(system_name)).")

# The aliasing system is unfortunately mutable: do not expose to the invoker.
alias_system = Symbol(DictName, :_alias_system)

# Type/methods generation.
DictName = esc(DictName)
res = quote

# Unexposed as unescaped here.
$alias_system = $AliasingSystem($system_name, $shortname, $g_xp)

# Newtype a plain dict.
struct $DictName{T} <: $AliasingDict{T}

# Construct from generator with explicit type.
function $DictName{T}(::$Type{$InnerConstruct}, generator) where {T}
d = Dict{Symbol,T}()
# Guard against redundant/ambiguous specifications.
norm = Dict{Symbol,Symbol}() # standard => ref
for (ref, value) in generator
standard = $standardize(ref, $alias_system)
if standard in keys(norm)
aname = titlecase($
"$aname type '$standard' specified twice: " *
"once with '$(norm[standard])' " *
"and once with '$ref'.",
norm[standard] = ref
d[standard] = value


# Infer common type from pairs, and automatically convert keys to symbols.
function $DictName(args::Pair...)
g = ((Symbol(k), v) for (k, v) in args)
$DictName{$common_type_for(g)}($InnerConstruct, g)
# Same with keyword arguments as keys, default to Any for empty dict.
$DictName(; kwargs...) =
if isempty(kwargs)
$DictName{Any}($InnerConstruct, ())
$DictName{$common_type_for(kwargs)}($InnerConstruct, kwargs)
# Automatically convert keys to symbols, and values to the given T.
$DictName{T}(args...) where {T} =
$DictName{T}($InnerConstruct, ((Symbol(k), v) for (k, v) in args))
# Same with keyword arguments as keys.
$DictName{T}(; kwargs...) where {T} = $DictName{T}($InnerConstruct, kwargs)

# Correct data access with aliasing ystem.
# TODO: this throws KeyError(:reference) instead of KeyError(:alias).
$Base.getindex(adict::$DictName, ref) =
(Base.getindex(adict._d, $standardize(ref, $alias_system)))
$Base.setindex!(adict::$DictName, v, ref) =
(Base.setindex!(adict._d, v, $standardize(ref, $alias_system)))


# Specialize dedicated methods to access underlying AliasingSystem information.
push_res!(quoted) = push!(res.args, quoted.args[2])
for (fn, first_args) in [
(:name, [()]),
(:shortname, [()]),
(:standards, [()]),
(:aliases, [()]),
(:references, [(), (:ref,)]),
(:standardize, [(:ref,)]),
(:shortest, [(:ref,)]),
(:is, [(:ref_a, :ref_b)]),
(:isin, [(:ref, :refs)]),

fn = :($AliasingDicts.$fn)

for fargs in first_args

# Specialize for the UnionAll type.
code = quote
$fn(::Type{$DictName}) = $fn($alias_system)
for a in fargs
insert!(code.args[2].args[1].args, 2, a)
insert!(code.args[2].args[2].args[2].args, 2, a)

# Specialize for the DataType.
code = quote
$fn(::Type{$DictName{T}}) where {T} = $fn($alias_system)
for a in fargs
insert!(code.args[2].args[1].args[1].args, 2, a)
insert!(code.args[2].args[2].args[2].args, 2, a)




export @aliasing_dict

# Marker dispatching to the underlying constructor.
struct InnerConstruct end

# Extract the less abstract common type from the given keyword arguments.
function common_type_for(pairs_generator)
GItem = Base.@default_eltype(pairs_generator) # .. provided I am allowed to use this?
T = GItem.parameters[2]
return T

# Dedicated exception type.
struct AliasingError <: Exception
function Base.showerror(io::IO, e::AliasingError)
print(io, "In aliasing system for $(repr( $(e.message)")

# Useful APIs can be crafted out of nesting two aliased dicts together.

# ==========================================================================================
# Display.

# Compact display with only short references.
function display_short(d::AliasingDict)
D = typeof(d)
"($(join(("$(shortest(k, D)): $v" for (k, v) in d), ", ")))"

# Full display with aliases.
# Optionally indent by increasing level.
function display_long(d::AliasingDict; level = 0)
isempty(d) && return "()"
ind(n) = "\n" * repeat(" ", level + n)
res = "("
for (ref, aliases) in aliases(d)
haskey(d, ref) || continue
res *= ind(1) * "$ref ($(join(repr.(aliases), ", "))) => $(d[ref]),"
res * ind(0) * ")"

function, d::AliasingDict{T}) where {T}
D = typeof(d)
print(io, "$D$(display_short(d))")

function, ::MIME"text/plain", d::AliasingDict{T}) where {T}
D = typeof(d)
print(io, "$D$(display_long(d))")


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