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build #603

Workflow file for this run

name: build
# Controls when the workflow will run
# Triggers the workflow on push events
branches: [ 'main', 'develop' ]
tags-ignore: [ '**' ]
# Triggers the workflow on pull request events
# Allows you to run this workflow manually from the Actions tab
# A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel
# This workflow contains a single job called "build"
name: ${{ matrix.arch }} ${{ matrix.io_library_flag }} ${{ matrix.build_flags }}
# The type of runner that the job will run on
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
fail-fast: false # false: try to complete all jobs
arch: ['gnu/9.4.0'] # Default arch on Github is GNU 9.4.0 for now
io_library_flag: ['', '--with-serialbox'] # Switch between Serialbox and HDF5
- '' # Plain build without any options
- '--with-gpu --with-loki --with-atlas' # Enable Loki, Atlas, and GPU variants
- '--with-gpu --with-loki --with-atlas --with-mpi' # Enable Loki, Atlas, and GPU variants with MPI
- '--single-precision --with-gpu --with-loki --with-atlas --with-mpi' # Enable Loki, and GPU variants with MPI in a single-precision build
- '--with-field' # Enable Field API CPU variant
- '--with-field --with-mpi' # Enable Field API CPU variant with mpi
- '--single-precision --with-field --with-mpi' # Enable Field API CPU variant with mpi and single-precision
pyiface_flag: [''] # Enable the pyiface variant
python_f2py_flag: [''] # Enable the f2py variant
ctest_exclude_pattern: ['-scc-hoist-'] # Regex to disable CTest tests
# Add pyiface build configuration for double precision, non-MPI, HDF5 only
- arch: gnu/9.4.0
io_library_flag: ''
build_flags: '--cloudsc-fortran-pyiface=ON --cloudsc-python-f2py=ON'
# Add nvhpc build configurations with serialbox and HDF5
- arch: nvhpc/21.9
nvhpc_version: 21.9
io_library_flag: ''
build_flags: '--with-gpu --with-loki --cmake="ENABLE_ACC=OFF"'
ctest_exclude_pattern: '-gpu-|-scc-|-loki-c|-cuda-' # GPU variants don't work on CPU runners, loki-c variant causes SIGFPE
- arch: nvhpc/21.9
nvhpc_version: 21.9
io_library_flag: ''
build_flags: '--with-gpu --with-loki --with-cuda'
ctest_exclude_pattern: '-gpu-|-scc-|-loki-c|-cuda-' # GPU variants don't work on CPU runners, loki-c variant causes SIGFPE
- arch: nvhpc/21.9
nvhpc_version: 21.9
io_library_flag: ''
build_flags: '--single-precision --with-gpu --with-loki --with-cuda --with-atlas'
ctest_exclude_pattern: '-gpu-|-scc-|-loki-c|-cuda' # GPU variants don't work on CPU runners, loki-c variant causes SIGFPE
- arch: nvhpc/21.9
nvhpc_version: 21.9
io_library_flag: '--with-serialbox'
build_flags: '--with-gpu --with-loki --with-cuda --with-atlas'
ctest_exclude_pattern: '-gpu-|-scc-|-loki-c|-cuda' # GPU variants don't work on CPU runners, loki-c variant causes SIGFPE
- arch: nvhpc/21.9
nvhpc_version: 21.9
io_library_flag: ''
build_flags: '--single-precision --with-gpu --with-loki --with-cuda --with-field'
ctest_exclude_pattern: '-gpu-|-scc-|-loki-c|-cuda' # GPU variants don't work on CPU runners, loki-c variant causes SIGFPE
- arch: nvhpc/21.9
nvhpc_version: 21.9
io_library_flag: '--with-serialbox'
build_flags: '--with-gpu --with-loki --with-cuda --with-field'
ctest_exclude_pattern: '-gpu-|-scc-|-loki-c|-cuda' # GPU variants don't work on CPU runners, loki-c variant causes SIGFPE
- arch: nvhpc/21.9
nvhpc_version: 21.9
io_library_flag: ''
build_flags: '--single-precision --with-gpu --with-loki --with-cuda --with-field --without-mapped-fields'
ctest_exclude_pattern: '-gpu-|-scc-|-loki-c|-cuda' # GPU variants don't work on CPU runners, loki-c variant causes SIGFPE
- arch: nvhpc/21.9
nvhpc_version: 21.9
io_library_flag: '--with-serialbox'
build_flags: '--with-gpu --with-loki --with-cuda --with-field --without-mapped-fields'
ctest_exclude_pattern: '-gpu-|-scc-|-loki-c|-cuda' # GPU variants don't work on CPU runners, loki-c variant causes SIGFPE
- arch: nvhpc/23.5
nvhpc_version: 23.5
io_library_flag: ''
build_flags: '--with-gpu --with-loki --cmake="ENABLE_ACC=OFF"'
ctest_exclude_pattern: '-gpu-|-scc-|-loki-c|-loki-sca|-cuda-' # GPU variants don't work on CPU runners, loki-c and loki-sca variant causes SIGFPE
- arch: nvhpc/23.5
nvhpc_version: 23.5
io_library_flag: ''
build_flags: '--with-gpu --with-loki --with-cuda'
ctest_exclude_pattern: '-gpu-|-scc-|-loki-c|-loki-sca|-cuda-' # GPU variants don't work on CPU runners, loki-c and loki-sca variant causes SIGFPE
- arch: nvhpc/23.5
nvhpc_version: 23.5
io_library_flag: ''
build_flags: '--single-precision --with-gpu --with-loki --with-cuda --with-atlas'
ctest_exclude_pattern: '-gpu-|-scc-|-loki-c|-loki-sca|-cuda' # GPU variants don't work on CPU runners, loki-c and loki-sca variant causes SIGFPE
- arch: nvhpc/23.5
nvhpc_version: 23.5
io_library_flag: '--with-serialbox'
build_flags: '--with-gpu --with-loki --with-cuda --with-atlas'
ctest_exclude_pattern: '-gpu-|-scc-|-loki-c|-loki-sca|-cuda' # GPU variants don't work on CPU runners, loki-c and loki-sca variant causes SIGFPE
- arch: nvhpc/23.5
nvhpc_version: 23.5
io_library_flag: ''
build_flags: '--single-precision --with-gpu --with-loki --with-cuda --with-field'
ctest_exclude_pattern: '-gpu-|-scc-|-loki-c|-loki-sca|-cuda' # GPU variants don't work on CPU runners, loki-c and loki-sca variant causes SIGFPE
- arch: nvhpc/23.5
nvhpc_version: 23.5
io_library_flag: '--with-serialbox'
build_flags: '--with-gpu --with-loki --with-cuda --with-field'
ctest_exclude_pattern: '-gpu-|-scc-|-loki-c|-loki-sca|-cuda' # GPU variants don't work on CPU runners, loki-c and loki-sca variant causes SIGFPE
- arch: nvhpc/23.5
nvhpc_version: 23.5
io_library_flag: ''
build_flags: '--single-precision --with-gpu --with-loki --with-cuda --with-field --without-mapped-fields'
ctest_exclude_pattern: '-gpu-|-scc-|-loki-c|-loki-sca|-cuda' # GPU variants don't work on CPU runners, loki-c and loki-sca variant causes SIGFPE
- arch: nvhpc/23.5
nvhpc_version: 23.5
io_library_flag: '--with-serialbox'
build_flags: '--with-gpu --with-loki --with-cuda --with-field --without-mapped-fields'
ctest_exclude_pattern: '-gpu-|-scc-|-loki-c|-loki-sca|-cuda' # GPU variants don't work on CPU runners, loki-c and loki-sca variant causes SIGFPE
# Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job
# Checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your job can access it
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
# Installs required packages
- name: Package installation
run: |
sudo apt-get install libc-dev-bin gfortran-9 gcc-9 g++-9
# Install MPI
- name: Install MPI via Apt
if: contains( matrix.build_flags, 'with-mpi' )
run: sudo apt-get install libopenmpi-dev
# Free up disk space for nvhpc
- name: Free Disk Space (Ubuntu)
uses: jlumbroso/free-disk-space@main
if: contains( matrix.arch, 'nvhpc' )
continue-on-error: true
# this might remove tools that are actually needed,
# if set to "true" but frees about 6 GB
tool-cache: false
# all of these default to true, but feel free to set to
# "false" if necessary for your workflow
android: true
dotnet: true
haskell: true
large-packages: true
docker-images: true
swap-storage: true
# Install Compiler
- name: Install nvhpc
if: contains( matrix.arch, 'nvhpc' )
nvhpc_version: ${{ matrix.nvhpc_version }}
run: .github/scripts/
# Install HDF5
- name: Install HDF5 via Apt
if: ${{ ! contains( matrix.arch, 'nvhpc' ) && ! contains( matrix.io_library_flag, 'with-serialbox' ) }}
run: sudo apt-get install libhdf5-dev
- name: Install HDF5 from source
if: contains( matrix.arch, 'nvhpc' ) && ! contains( matrix.io_library_flag, 'with-serialbox' )
run: |
source arch/github/ubuntu/${{ matrix.arch }}/
FC=pgf90 .github/scripts/
# Install Boost
- name: Install Boost libraries
if: contains( matrix.io_library_flag, 'with-serialbox' )
run: sudo apt install libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-system-dev
# Check-out dependencies as part of the bundle creation
- name: Bundle create
run: ./cloudsc-bundle create
# Build the targets
- name: Bundle build
run: |
./cloudsc-bundle build --verbose --retry-verbose \
--arch=arch/github/ubuntu/${{ matrix.arch }} \
${{ matrix.io_library_flag }} ${{ matrix.build_flags }}
# Verify targets exist
- name: Verify targets
io_library_flag: ${{ matrix.io_library_flag }}
build_flags: ${{ matrix.build_flags }}
run: .github/scripts/
# Run ctest
- name: Run CTest
if: ${{ !( contains(matrix.build_flags, '--single-precision') || (contains(matrix.build_flags, '--with-cuda') && contains(matrix.arch, 'nvhpc')) ) }}
working-directory: ./build
run: |
ctest -O ctest.log --output-on-failure -E "${{ matrix.ctest_exclude_pattern }}"
name: ci-hpc
fail-fast: false # false: try to complete all jobs
- ac-gpu nvhpc
- name: ac-gpu nvhpc
site: ac-batch
sbatch_options: |
#SBATCH --time=00:20:00
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=32
#SBATCH --gpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --mem=100G
#SBATCH --qos=dg
acc: True
cuda: True
hip: False
sycl: False
runs-on: [self-hosted, linux, hpc]
GH_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }}
- uses: ecmwf-actions/reusable-workflows/ci-hpc-generic@v2
site: ${{ }}
troika_user: ${{ secrets.HPC_CI_SSH_USER }}
sbatch_options: ${{ matrix.sbatch_options }}
template_data: |
- cmake
- ninja
- ecbuild
- prgenv/nvidia
- hdf5
- python3
- -DENABLE_ACC=${{ matrix.acc }}
- -DFIELD_API_ENABLE_ACC=${{ matrix.acc }}
- -DENABLE_CLOUDSC_GPU_SCC=${{ matrix.acc }}
- -DENABLE_CLOUDSC_GPU_SCC_HOIST=${{ matrix.acc }}
- -DENABLE_CLOUDSC_GPU_SCC_STACK=${{ matrix.acc }}
- -DENABLE_CLOUDSC_GPU_OMP_SCC=${{ matrix.acc }}
- -DENABLE_CUDA=${{ matrix.cuda }}
- -DENABLE_CLOUDSC_GPU_SCC_CUF=${{ matrix.cuda }}
- -DENABLE_HIP=${{ matrix.hip }}
- -DENABLE_SYCL=${{ matrix.sycl }}
- -DENABLE_SINGLE_PRECISION=${{ matrix.prec == 'SP' }}
- -DENABLE_DOUBLE_PRECISION=${{ matrix.prec == 'DP' }}
version: v0.2.9
version: 1.4.1
- -DENABLE_SINGLE_PRECISION=${{ matrix.prec == 'SP' }}
- -DENABLE_DOUBLE_PRECISION=${{ matrix.prec == 'DP' }}
version: v0.3.3
- -DENABLE_ACC=${{ matrix.acc }}
- -DENABLE_CUDA=${{ matrix.cuda }}
- -DENABLE_SINGLE_PRECISION=${{ matrix.prec == 'SP' }}
- -DENABLE_DOUBLE_PRECISION=${{ matrix.prec == 'DP' }}
template: |
{% for module in modules %}
module load {{module}}
{% endfor %}
{% for name, options in dependencies.items() %}
mkdir -p {{name}}
pushd {{name}}
git init
git remote add origin ${{ github.server_url }}/{{name}}
git fetch origin {{options['version']}}
git reset --hard FETCH_HEAD
cmake -G Ninja -S . -B build \
{% for name in dependencies %}
{% set org, proj = name.split('/') %}
-D{{proj}}_ROOT=$BASEDIR/{{name}}/installation \
{% endfor %}
{{ options['cmake_options']|join(' ') }}
cmake --build build
cmake --install build --prefix installation
{% endfor %}
mkdir -p ${{ github.repository }}
pushd ${{ github.repository }}
git init
git remote add origin ${{ github.server_url }}/${{ github.repository }}
git fetch origin ${{ github.sha }}
git reset --hard FETCH_HEAD
cmake -G Ninja -S ${{ github.repository }} -B build \
{% for name in dependencies %}
{% set org, proj = name.split('/') %}
-D{{proj}}_ROOT=$BASEDIR/{{name}}/installation \
{% endfor %}
{{ cmake_options|join(' ') }}
cmake --build build
ctest --test-dir build