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Material Flow Simulation Result v3.0.0
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agg3fe authored May 23, 2024
2 parents 9e691a7 + d67df99 commit f2a92da
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Showing 3 changed files with 344 additions and 0 deletions.
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@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
# Copyright (c) 2023,2024 Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e. V.
# Copyright (c) 2023,2024 German Edge Cloud GmbH & Co. KG
# Copyright (c) 2023,2024 Siemens AG
# Copyright (c) 2023,2024 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation
# See the NOTICE file(s) distributed with this work for additional
# information regarding copyright ownership.
# This work is made available under the terms of the
# Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0) license,
# which is available at
# SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0

@prefix samm: <urn:samm:org.eclipse.esmf.samm:meta-model:2.1.0#> .
@prefix samm-c: <urn:samm:org.eclipse.esmf.samm:characteristic:2.1.0#> .
@prefix samm-e: <urn:samm:org.eclipse.esmf.samm:entity:2.1.0#> .
@prefix unit: <urn:samm:org.eclipse.esmf.samm:unit:2.1.0#> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix : <urn:samm:io.catenax.material_flow_simulation_result:3.0.0#> .
@prefix ext-number: <urn:samm:io.catenax.shared.business_partner_number:2.0.0#> .

:MaterialFlowSimulationResultAspect a samm:Aspect ;
samm:preferredName "Material Flow Simulation Result Aspect"@en ;
samm:description "Aspect Model for the result of a Material Flow Simulation"@en ;
samm:properties ( :materialFlowSimulationResult ) ;
samm:operations ( ) ;
samm:events ( ) .

:materialFlowSimulationResult a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Material Flow Simulation Result"@en ;
samm:description "Contains standardized attributes for the result of a material flow simulation"@en ;
samm:characteristic :MaterialFlowSimulationResultCharacteristic .

:MaterialFlowSimulationResultCharacteristic a samm:Characteristic ;
samm:preferredName "Material Flow Simulation Result Characteristic"@en ;
samm:description "Characteristic describing the aspect material flow simulation result"@en ;
samm:dataType :MaterialFlowSimulationResult .

:MaterialFlowSimulationResult a samm:Entity ;
samm:preferredName "Material Flow Simulation Result"@en ;
samm:description "Result of a Material Flow Simulation"@en ;
samm:properties ( :description :runId :comment :expirationTimestamp :owner :dataQuality :shipments :timestamp ) .

:description a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Description"@en ;
samm:description "Verbal description"@en ;
samm:characteristic :Text ;
samm:exampleValue "Please simulate asap" .

:runId a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "RunId"@en ;
samm:description "Id of the simulation run"@en ;
samm:characteristic :Text ;
samm:exampleValue "0fece48b-c8d1-4180-1a9caca6d67e" .

:comment a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Comment"@en ;
samm:description "Additional comments"@en ;
samm:characteristic :Text ;
samm:exampleValue "successful simulation " .

:expirationTimestamp a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "ExpirationTimestamp"@en ;
samm:description "Date and time when the simulation is expired"@en ;
samm:characteristic samm-c:Timestamp ;
samm:exampleValue "2023-03-24T09:15:24.000Z"^^xsd:dateTime .

:owner a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Owner"@en ;
samm:description "Site identifier of the simulation originator"@en ;
samm:characteristic :OwnerCharacteristic .

:dataQuality a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Data Quality"@en ;
samm:description "Information on quality of simulation results"@en ;
samm:characteristic :DataQualityOptions ;
samm:exampleValue "0"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger .

:shipments a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Shipments"@en ;
samm:description "List of shipments"@en ;
samm:characteristic :ShipmentList .

:timestamp a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Timestamp"@en ;
samm:description "Timestamp of simulation run"@en ;
samm:characteristic samm-c:Timestamp ;
samm:exampleValue "2023-03-09T14:13:42.806Z"^^xsd:dateTime .

:Text a samm:Characteristic ;
samm:preferredName "Text"@en ;
samm:description "Describes a Property which contains plain text. This is intended exclusively for human readable strings, not for identifiers, measurement values, etc."@en ;
samm:dataType xsd:string .

:OwnerCharacteristic a samm-c:SingleEntity ;
samm:preferredName "Owner Characteristic"@en ;
samm:description "Site identifier of the simulation originator"@en ;
samm:dataType :BusinessPartnerSite .

:DataQualityOptions a samm-c:Enumeration ;
samm:preferredName "Data Quality Options"@en ;
samm:description "Possible values determining data quality"@en ;
samm:dataType xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
samm-c:values ( "0"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger "2"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger "3"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger "4"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger "5"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ) .

:ShipmentList a samm-c:List ;
samm:preferredName "Shipment List"@en ;
samm:description "List of shipments contained in the simulation"@en ;
samm:dataType :Shipment .

:BusinessPartnerSite a samm:Entity ;
samm:preferredName "Business Partner Site"@en ;
samm:description "Identifier for the physical location of a business partner plant or site, (e.g. BPNS in Catena-X context)"@en ;
samm:properties ( :bpnsProperty ) .

:Shipment a samm:Entity ;
samm:preferredName "Shipment"@en ;
samm:description "Delivery item from a sender to a recipient containing goods"@en ;
samm:properties ( :shipmentId :destination :destinationTimestamp :recipient :recipientTimestampPlanned :splittingAllowed :logistics :preceding :handlingUnits ) .

:bpnsProperty a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "bpnsProperty"@en ;
samm:description "Property based on BPNS"@en ;
samm:characteristic ext-number:BpnsTrait ;
samm:exampleValue "BPNS0123456789ZZ" .

:shipmentId a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Shipment Id"@en ;
samm:description "ID to identify the shipment"@en ;
samm:characteristic samm-c:Text ;
samm:exampleValue "DE51515151" .

:destination a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Destination"@en ;
samm:description "Address where the shipment is immediately delivered to (by logistician) or provided for pickup (by producer)"@en ;
samm:characteristic :DestinationCharacteristic .

:destinationTimestamp a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Destination Timestamp"@en ;
samm:description "Time when delivery arrives or is ready at goods issue"@en ;
samm:characteristic samm-c:Timestamp ;
samm:exampleValue "2023-03-19T09:00:00.000Z"^^xsd:dateTime .

:recipient a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Recipient"@en ;
samm:description "Address of final recipient of shipment"@en ;
samm:characteristic :RecipientCharacteristic .

:recipientTimestampPlanned a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Recipient Timestamp Planned"@en ;
samm:description "Planned delivery time"@en ;
samm:characteristic samm-c:Timestamp ;
samm:exampleValue "2023-04-19T09:00:00.000Z"^^xsd:dateTime .

:splittingAllowed a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Splitting Allowed"@en ;
samm:description "Permission to split the shipment into individual deliveries"@en ;
samm:characteristic samm-c:Boolean ;
samm:exampleValue true .

:logistics a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Logistics"@en ;
samm:description "Address of logistician executing the shipment"@en ;
samm:characteristic :LogisticsCharacteristic .

:preceding a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Preceding"@en ;
samm:description "Reference ID of a preceding shipment"@en ;
samm:characteristic :PrecedingCharacteristic .

:handlingUnits a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Handling Units"@en ;
samm:description "List of Handling Units"@en ;
samm:characteristic :HandlingUnitList .

:DestinationCharacteristic a samm-c:SingleEntity ;
samm:preferredName "Destination Characteristic"@en ;
samm:description "Address where the shipment is immediately delivered to (by logistician) or provided for pickup (by producer)"@en ;
samm:dataType :BusinessPartnerSite .

:RecipientCharacteristic a samm-c:SingleEntity ;
samm:preferredName "Recipient Characteristic"@en ;
samm:description "Location identifier of the final recipient of the shipment"@en ;
samm:dataType :BusinessPartnerSite .

:LogisticsCharacteristic a samm-c:SingleEntity ;
samm:preferredName "Logistics Characteristic"@en ;
samm:description "Site identifier of the logistician executing the shipment"@en ;
samm:dataType :BusinessPartnerSite .

:PrecedingCharacteristic a samm-c:SingleEntity ;
samm:preferredName "Preceding Characteristic"@en ;
samm:description "Reference of preceding shipments"@en ;
samm:dataType :BusinessPartnerSite .

:HandlingUnitList a samm-c:List ;
samm:preferredName "Handling Unit List"@en ;
samm:description "List of handling units included in the shipment"@en ;
samm:dataType :HandlingUnit .

:HandlingUnit a samm:Entity ;
samm:preferredName "Handling Unit"@en ;
samm:description "Handling Unit is the smallest shipment unit and cannot be divided into several shipments"@en ;
samm:properties ( :handlingUnitId :name :volume :weight :amount :batches ) .

:handlingUnitId a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Handling Unit Id"@en ;
samm:description "ID of the handling unit"@en ;
samm:characteristic :Text ;
samm:exampleValue "HUT_1" .

:name a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Name"@en ;
samm:description "Name of the type of handling unit"@en ;
samm:characteristic :Text ;
samm:exampleValue "Palette" .

:volume a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Volume"@en ;
samm:description "Volume of the handling unit"@en ;
samm:characteristic :VolumeCharacteristic ;
samm:exampleValue "1.00"^^xsd:float .

:weight a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Weight"@en ;
samm:description "Weight of the handling unit"@en ;
samm:characteristic :WeightCharacteristic ;
samm:exampleValue "189"^^xsd:float .

:amount a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Amount"@en ;
samm:description "Number of handling units with identical content"@en ;
samm:characteristic :AmountCharacteristic ;
samm:exampleValue "1"^^xsd:positiveInteger .

:batches a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Batches"@en ;
samm:description "List of material batches contained within a handling unit"@en ;
samm:characteristic :BatchList .

:VolumeCharacteristic a samm-c:Measurement ;
samm:preferredName "Volume Characteristic"@en ;
samm:description "Volumetric value determining the volume of the handling unit"@en ;
samm:dataType xsd:float ;
samm-c:unit unit:litre .

:WeightCharacteristic a samm-c:Measurement ;
samm:preferredName "Weight Characteristic"@en ;
samm:description "Amount of weight of the handling unit"@en ;
samm:dataType xsd:float ;
samm-c:unit unit:kilogram .

:AmountCharacteristic a samm-c:Quantifiable ;
samm:preferredName "Amount Characteristic"@en ;
samm:description "Number describing handling units with identical pieces"@en ;
samm:dataType xsd:positiveInteger ;
samm-c:unit unit:piece .

:BatchList a samm-c:List ;
samm:preferredName "Batch List"@en ;
samm:description "List of material batches"@en ;
samm:dataType :MaterialBatch .

:MaterialBatch a samm:Entity ;
samm:preferredName "Material Batch"@en ;
samm:description "Material Batches are part of a handling unit"@en ;
samm:properties ( :batchSerialNumber :materialNumber :materialName :materialHazardousGoods :batchExpirationTimestamp :quantity :unitOfMeasurement :batchNumber :batchOrderId ) .

:batchSerialNumber a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Batch Serial Number"@en ;
samm:description "can be used to uniquely identify a singe product part"@en ;
samm:characteristic :Text ;
samm:exampleValue "Batch_1" .

:materialNumber a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Material Number"@en ;
samm:description "ID of the material contained in the batch"@en ;
samm:characteristic :Text ;
samm:exampleValue "KK1000GR" .

:materialName a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Material Name"@en ;
samm:description "Name of the material"@en ;
samm:characteristic :Text ;
samm:exampleValue "KK1000GR-Gehäuse-Rot" .

:materialHazardousGoods a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Material Hazardous Goods"@en ;
samm:description "Flags hazardous goods"@en ;
samm:characteristic samm-c:Boolean ;
samm:exampleValue false .

:batchExpirationTimestamp a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Batch Expiration Timestamp"@en ;
samm:description "Expiration date of batch"@en ;
samm:characteristic samm-c:Timestamp ;
samm:exampleValue "2023-08-22T16:00:00.000Z"^^xsd:dateTime .

:quantity a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Quantity"@en ;
samm:description "Amount of materials"@en ;
samm:characteristic :QuantityCharacteristic ;
samm:exampleValue "50"^^xsd:float .

:unitOfMeasurement a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Unit Of Measurement"@en ;
samm:description "Unit used for measuring the quantity"@en ;
samm:characteristic :UnitOfMeasurementCharacteristic .

:batchNumber a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Batch Number"@en ;
samm:description "Number of the batch, generated by originator (e.g. from ERP system, no uuid)"@en ;
samm:characteristic :Text ;
samm:exampleValue "45" .

:batchOrderId a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Batch Order Id"@en ;
samm:description "Order ID to which the batch belongs"@en ;
samm:characteristic :Text ;
samm:exampleValue "Order-0001" .

:QuantityCharacteristic a samm:Characteristic ;
samm:preferredName "Quantity Characteristic"@en ;
samm:description "Number of materials contained within a handling unit"@en ;
samm:dataType xsd:float .

:UnitOfMeasurementCharacteristic a samm-c:Enumeration ;
samm:preferredName "Unit Of Measurement Characteristic"@en ;
samm:description "Possible options for units of measurement"@en ;
samm:dataType xsd:string ;
samm-c:values ( "KG" "Liter" "Piece" ) .
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
{ "status" : "release" }
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions io.catenax.material_flow_simulation_result/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,12 @@

All notable changes to this model will be documented in this file.

## [3.0.0] 2024-05-21

- Add BPNS as entity with properties
- Update header
- Replace `batchID` with `batchSerialNumber`

## [2.0.0] 2023-10-16

### Added
Expand Down

0 comments on commit f2a92da

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