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Added and metadata.json. Renamed ManufacturingCapabi…
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…lityAspectModel to fit the file name. Moved from SAMM to BAMM.
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FlorianPatzerC0d3 committed Jun 14, 2023
1 parent c6f0912 commit ede247f
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Showing 3 changed files with 173 additions and 158 deletions.
316 changes: 158 additions & 158 deletions io.catenax.manufacturing_capability/1.0.0/ManufacturingCapability.ttl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,162 +1,162 @@
@prefix samm: <urn:samm:org.eclipse.esmf.samm:meta-model:2.0.0#> .
@prefix samm-c: <urn:samm:org.eclipse.esmf.samm:characteristic:2.0.0#> .
@prefix samm-e: <urn:samm:org.eclipse.esmf.samm:entity:2.0.0#> .
@prefix unit: <urn:samm:org.eclipse.esmf.samm:unit:2.0.0#> .
@prefix bamm: <urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:meta-model:2.0.0#> .
@prefix bamm-c: <urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:characteristic:2.0.0#> .
@prefix bamm-e: <urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:entity:2.0.0#> .
@prefix unit: <urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:unit:2.0.0#> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix : <urn:samm:io.catenax.manufacturing_capibility:1.0.0#> .

:ManufacturingCapabilityAspectModel a samm:Aspect ;
samm:preferredName "Manufacturing Capability Aspect Model"@en ;
samm:description "An aspect model representing manufacturing capabilities, based on the concepts for products, processes, resources and capabilities, as well as their relations to eachother."@en ;
samm:properties ( :processSet :resourceSet :productSet :capabilitySet :capabilityConstraintSet ) ;
samm:operations ( ) ;
samm:events ( ) .

:processSet a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "process set"@en ;
samm:description "Set of production-relevant activities at any level of granularity that might affect materials and is performed by resources."@en ;
samm:see <>;
samm:characteristic :ProcessSetCharacteristic .

:resourceSet a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "resource set"@en ;
samm:description "Set of entities capable of performing functions specified as capabilities."@en ;
samm:see <>;
samm:characteristic :ResourceSetCharacteristic .

:productSet a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "product set"@en ;
samm:description "Set of physical objects being used as an input or created as an output of a production process."@en ;
samm:see <>;
samm:characteristic :ProductSetCharacteristic .

:capabilitySet a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "capability set"@en ;
samm:description "Set of implementation-independent specifications of functions in industrial production to achieve an effect in the physical or virtual world."@en ;
samm:see <>;
samm:characteristic :CapabilitySetCharacteristic .

:capabilityConstraintSet a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "capability constraint set"@en ;
samm:description "Set of conditions imposed on capabilities which further detail their applicability."@en ;
samm:characteristic :CapabilityConstraintSetCharacteristic .

:ProcessSetCharacteristic a samm-c:Set ;
samm:preferredName "Process Set Characteristic"@en ;
samm:description "Characteristic for a set of process representations."@en ;
samm:dataType :ProcessEntity .

:ResourceSetCharacteristic a samm-c:Set ;
samm:preferredName "Resource Set Characteristic"@en ;
samm:description "Characteristic for a set of resource representations."@en ;
samm:dataType :ResourceEntity .

:ProductSetCharacteristic a samm-c:Set ;
samm:preferredName "Product Set Characteristic"@en ;
samm:description "Characteristic for a set of productrepresentations."@en ;
samm:dataType :ProductEntity .

:CapabilitySetCharacteristic a samm-c:Set ;
samm:preferredName "Capability Set Characteristic"@en ;
samm:description "Characteristic for a set of capability representations."@en ;
samm:dataType :CapabilityEntity .

:CapabilityConstraintSetCharacteristic a samm-c:Set ;
samm:preferredName "Capability Constraint Set Characteristic"@en ;
samm:description "Characteristic for a set of capability constraint representations."@en ;
samm:dataType :CapabilityConstraintEntity .

:PropertySetCharacteristic a samm-c:Set ;
samm:preferredName "Property Set Characteristic"@en ;
samm:description "Characteristic for a set of property representations."@en ;
samm:dataType :PropertyEntity .

:ProcessEntity a samm:Entity ;
samm:extends :ElementAbstractEntity ;
samm:preferredName "ProcessEntity"@en ;
samm:description "Element containing the SAMM properties of a process."@en ;
samm:properties (:hasInput :hasOutput) .

:ResourceEntity a samm:Entity ;
samm:extends :ElementAbstractEntity ;
samm:preferredName "Resource Entity"@en ;
samm:description "Element containing the SAMM properties of a resource."@en ;
samm:properties ( :provides ) .

:ProductEntity a samm:Entity ;
samm:extends :ElementAbstractEntity ;
samm:preferredName "Product Entity"@en ;
samm:description "Element containing the SAMM properties of a product."@en ;
samm:properties ( :productLabel ) .

:CapabilityEntity a samm:Entity ;
samm:extends :ElementAbstractEntity ;
samm:preferredName "Capability Entity"@en ;
samm:description "Element containing the SAMM properties of a capability."@en ;
samm:properties ( :capabilityLabel) .

:CapabilityConstraintEntity a samm:Entity ;
samm:preferredName "Capability Constraint Entity"@en ;
samm:description "Element containing the SAMM properties of a capability constraint."@en ;
samm:properties ( :references ) .

:ElementAbstractEntity a samm:AbstractEntity ;
samm:preferredName "Element Abstract Entity"@en ;
samm:description "Abstract Entity containing the SAMM properties every process, resource, product and capability entity shall contain."@en ;
samm:properties (:propertySet ) .

:hasInput a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "has input"@en ;
samm:description "Relation between a process and its input products."@en ;
samm:characteristic :ProductSetCharacteristic .

:hasOutput a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "has output"@en ;
samm:description "Relation between a process and its output products."@en ;
samm:characteristic :ProductSetCharacteristic .

:requires a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "requires"@en ;
samm:description "Relation between a process and capabilities it requires."@en ;
samm:characteristic :CapabilitySetCharacteristic .

:provides a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "provides"@en ;
samm:description "Relation between a resource and capabilities it provides."@en ;
samm:characteristic :CapabilitySetCharacteristic .

:productLabel a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "product label"@en ;
samm:description "Human readable label of a product, e.g. the name."@en ;
samm:exampleValue "wheel suspension"@en;
samm:characteristic samm-c:MultiLanguageText .

:capabilityLabel a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "capability label"@en ;
samm:description "Human readable label of a capability"@en ;
samm:exampleValue "drilling"@en;
samm:characteristic samm-c:MultiLanguageText .

:references a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "references"@en ;
samm:description "Relation between a capability constraint and its properties."@en ;
samm:characteristic :PropertySetCharacteristic .

:PropertyEntity a samm:Entity ;
samm:preferredName "Property Entity"@en ;
samm:description "Element containing the SAMM properties of a property."@en ;
samm:properties ( :propertyLabel ) .

:propertyLabel a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "property label"@en ;
samm:description "Human readable label of a property."@en ;
samm:exampleValue "diameter"@en;
samm:characteristic samm-c:MultiLanguageText .

:propertySet a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "property set"@en ;
samm:description "Set of qualities or characteristics inherent in or ascribed to process, resource, product or capability entities."@en ;
samm:characteristic :PropertySetCharacteristic .
@prefix : <urn:bamm:io.catenax.manufacturing_capability:1.0.0#> .

:ManufacturingCapability a bamm:Aspect ;
bamm:preferredName "Manufacturing Capability Aspect Model"@en ;
bamm:description "An aspect model representing manufacturing capabilities, based on the concepts for products, processes, resources and capabilities, as well as their relations to eachother."@en ;
bamm:properties ( :processSet :resourceSet :productSet :capabilitySet :capabilityConstraintSet ) ;
bamm:operations ( ) ;
bamm:events ( ) .

:processSet a bamm:Property ;
bamm:preferredName "process set"@en ;
bamm:description "Set of production-relevant activities at any level of granularity that might affect materials and is performed by resources."@en ;
bamm:see <>;
bamm:characteristic :ProcessSetCharacteristic .

:resourceSet a bamm:Property ;
bamm:preferredName "resource set"@en ;
bamm:description "Set of entities capable of performing functions specified as capabilities."@en ;
bamm:see <>;
bamm:characteristic :ResourceSetCharacteristic .

:productSet a bamm:Property ;
bamm:preferredName "product set"@en ;
bamm:description "Set of physical objects being used as an input or created as an output of a production process."@en ;
bamm:see <>;
bamm:characteristic :ProductSetCharacteristic .

:capabilitySet a bamm:Property ;
bamm:preferredName "capability set"@en ;
bamm:description "Set of implementation-independent specifications of functions in industrial production to achieve an effect in the physical or virtual world."@en ;
bamm:see <>;
bamm:characteristic :CapabilitySetCharacteristic .

:capabilityConstraintSet a bamm:Property ;
bamm:preferredName "capability constraint set"@en ;
bamm:description "Set of conditions imposed on capabilities which further detail their applicability."@en ;
bamm:characteristic :CapabilityConstraintSetCharacteristic .

:ProcessSetCharacteristic a bamm-c:Set ;
bamm:preferredName "Process Set Characteristic"@en ;
bamm:description "Characteristic for a set of process representations."@en ;
bamm:dataType :ProcessEntity .

:ResourceSetCharacteristic a bamm-c:Set ;
bamm:preferredName "Resource Set Characteristic"@en ;
bamm:description "Characteristic for a set of resource representations."@en ;
bamm:dataType :ResourceEntity .

:ProductSetCharacteristic a bamm-c:Set ;
bamm:preferredName "Product Set Characteristic"@en ;
bamm:description "Characteristic for a set of productrepresentations."@en ;
bamm:dataType :ProductEntity .

:CapabilitySetCharacteristic a bamm-c:Set ;
bamm:preferredName "Capability Set Characteristic"@en ;
bamm:description "Characteristic for a set of capability representations."@en ;
bamm:dataType :CapabilityEntity .

:CapabilityConstraintSetCharacteristic a bamm-c:Set ;
bamm:preferredName "Capability Constraint Set Characteristic"@en ;
bamm:description "Characteristic for a set of capability constraint representations."@en ;
bamm:dataType :CapabilityConstraintEntity .

:PropertySetCharacteristic a bamm-c:Set ;
bamm:preferredName "Property Set Characteristic"@en ;
bamm:description "Characteristic for a set of property representations."@en ;
bamm:dataType :PropertyEntity .

:ProcessEntity a bamm:Entity ;
bamm:extends :ElementAbstractEntity ;
bamm:preferredName "ProcessEntity"@en ;
bamm:description "Element containing the bamm properties of a process."@en ;
bamm:properties (:hasInput :hasOutput) .

:ResourceEntity a bamm:Entity ;
bamm:extends :ElementAbstractEntity ;
bamm:preferredName "Resource Entity"@en ;
bamm:description "Element containing the bamm properties of a resource."@en ;
bamm:properties ( :provides ) .

:ProductEntity a bamm:Entity ;
bamm:extends :ElementAbstractEntity ;
bamm:preferredName "Product Entity"@en ;
bamm:description "Element containing the bamm properties of a product."@en ;
bamm:properties ( :productLabel ) .

:CapabilityEntity a bamm:Entity ;
bamm:extends :ElementAbstractEntity ;
bamm:preferredName "Capability Entity"@en ;
bamm:description "Element containing the bamm properties of a capability."@en ;
bamm:properties ( :capabilityLabel) .

:CapabilityConstraintEntity a bamm:Entity ;
bamm:preferredName "Capability Constraint Entity"@en ;
bamm:description "Element containing the bamm properties of a capability constraint."@en ;
bamm:properties ( :references ) .

:ElementAbstractEntity a bamm:AbstractEntity ;
bamm:preferredName "Element Abstract Entity"@en ;
bamm:description "Abstract Entity containing the bamm properties every process, resource, product and capability entity shall contain."@en ;
bamm:properties (:propertySet ) .

:hasInput a bamm:Property ;
bamm:preferredName "has input"@en ;
bamm:description "Relation between a process and its input products."@en ;
bamm:characteristic :ProductSetCharacteristic .

:hasOutput a bamm:Property ;
bamm:preferredName "has output"@en ;
bamm:description "Relation between a process and its output products."@en ;
bamm:characteristic :ProductSetCharacteristic .

:requires a bamm:Property ;
bamm:preferredName "requires"@en ;
bamm:description "Relation between a process and capabilities it requires."@en ;
bamm:characteristic :CapabilitySetCharacteristic .

:provides a bamm:Property ;
bamm:preferredName "provides"@en ;
bamm:description "Relation between a resource and capabilities it provides."@en ;
bamm:characteristic :CapabilitySetCharacteristic .

:productLabel a bamm:Property ;
bamm:preferredName "product label"@en ;
bamm:description "Human readable label of a product, e.g. the name."@en ;
bamm:exampleValue "wheel suspension"@en;
bamm:characteristic bamm-c:MultiLanguageText .

:capabilityLabel a bamm:Property ;
bamm:preferredName "capability label"@en ;
bamm:description "Human readable label of a capability"@en ;
bamm:exampleValue "drilling"@en;
bamm:characteristic bamm-c:MultiLanguageText .

:references a bamm:Property ;
bamm:preferredName "references"@en ;
bamm:description "Relation between a capability constraint and its properties."@en ;
bamm:characteristic :PropertySetCharacteristic .

:PropertyEntity a bamm:Entity ;
bamm:preferredName "Property Entity"@en ;
bamm:description "Element containing the bamm properties of a property."@en ;
bamm:properties ( :propertyLabel ) .

:propertyLabel a bamm:Property ;
bamm:preferredName "property label"@en ;
bamm:description "Human readable label of a property."@en ;
bamm:exampleValue "diameter"@en;
bamm:characteristic bamm-c:MultiLanguageText .

:propertySet a bamm:Property ;
bamm:preferredName "property set"@en ;
bamm:description "Set of qualities or characteristics inherent in or ascribed to process, resource, product or capability entities."@en ;
bamm:characteristic :PropertySetCharacteristic .

1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions io.catenax.manufacturing_capability/1.0.0/metadata.json
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
{ "status" : "release"}
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions io.catenax.manufacturing_capability/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
# Changelog
All notable changes to this model will be documented in this file.

## [Unreleased]

## [1.0.0] - 2023-06-14
### Added
- initial model

### Changed

### Removed

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