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Merge pull request #731 from catroest/TDP_3
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[Model Update] Transmission Passport for 24.08
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agg3fe authored May 22, 2024
2 parents ce8c995 + 6854548 commit 12cda14
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399 changes: 399 additions & 0 deletions io.catenax.transmission.transmission_pass/3.0.0/TransmissionPass.ttl
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@@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
# Copyright (c) 2023-2024 BASF SE
# Copyright (c) 2023-2024 BMW AG
# Copyright (c) 2024 CGI Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG
# Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Henkel AG & Co. KGaA
# Copyright (c) 2023 Robert Bosch GmbH
# Copyright (c) 2023-2024 SAP SE
# Copyright (c) 2023-2024 T-Systems International GmbH
# Copyright (c) 2023-2024 ZF Friedrichshafen AG
# Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation
# See the NOTICE file(s) distributed with this work for additional
# information regarding copyright ownership.
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@prefix samm: <urn:samm:org.eclipse.esmf.samm:meta-model:2.1.0#> .
@prefix samm-c: <urn:samm:org.eclipse.esmf.samm:characteristic:2.1.0#> .
@prefix samm-e: <urn:samm:org.eclipse.esmf.samm:entity:2.1.0#> .
@prefix unit: <urn:samm:org.eclipse.esmf.samm:unit:2.1.0#> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix : <urn:samm:io.catenax.transmission.transmission_pass:3.0.0#> .
@prefix ext-passport: <urn:samm:io.catenax.generic.digital_product_passport:5.0.0#> .

:TransmissionPass a samm:Aspect ;
samm:preferredName "Transmission Pass"@en ;
samm:description "The transmission passport corresponds to the digital product passport information required by the proposed Ecodesign Regulation (ESPR-2022) and describes the data that is collected and available during the lifespan of a transmission."@en ;
samm:properties ( [ samm:property :productSpecificParameters; samm:payloadName "specific" ] [ samm:property :productGenericParameters; samm:payloadName "generic" ] ) ;
samm:operations ( ) ;
samm:events ( ) .

:productSpecificParameters a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Product Specific Parameters"@en ;
samm:description "Product specific parameters of the transmission."@en ;
samm:characteristic :SpecificCharacteristic .

:productGenericParameters a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Product Generic Parameters"@en ;
samm:description "The product generic parameters. These are defined by the Digital Product Passport proposal from the ESPR. The main basis is provided by the document \"Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL establishing a framework for setting ecodesign requirements for sustainable products and repealing Directive 2009/125/EC\" from March 30th, 2022. The latest version of the document was the provisional agreement between the EU Council and the Parliament from January 9th, 2024."@en ;
samm:characteristic :GenericCharacteristic .

:SpecificCharacteristic a samm:Characteristic ;
samm:preferredName "Specific Characteristic"@en ;
samm:description "The Characteristic to describe product specific parameters of the transmission."@en ;
samm:dataType :SpecificEntity .

:GenericCharacteristic a samm:Characteristic ;
samm:preferredName "Generic Characteristic"@en ;
samm:description "Characteristic for the product generic parameters."@en ;
samm:dataType :GenericEntity .

:SpecificEntity a samm:Entity ;
samm:preferredName "Specific Entity"@en ;
samm:description "The entity describing various product specific parameters of the transmission."@en ;
samm:properties ( :driveType :torque :power [ samm:property :torqueConverter; samm:optional true ] [ samm:property :speedResistance; samm:optional true ] :standardGearRatio :spreading :oil :electricalPerformance [ samm:property :serviceHistory; samm:optional true ] ) .

:GenericEntity a samm:Entity ;
samm:preferredName "Generic Entity"@en ;
samm:description "Entity for the product generic parameters."@en ;
samm:properties ( :characteristics ext-passport:metadata ext-passport:identification ext-passport:operation ext-passport:handling ext-passport:commercial ext-passport:materials ext-passport:sustainability ext-passport:sources ) .

:driveType a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Drive Type"@en ;
samm:description "A list of the type of transmission drive. For example combustion, full hybrid, mild hybrid, plug-in hybrid or purely electric drive (battery or fuelcell)."@en ;
samm:characteristic :DriveTypeTrait ;
samm:exampleValue "full hybrid" .

:torque a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Torque Performance"@en ;
samm:description "The maximum input torque in newton meters (the operating characteristics of the transmission)."@en ;
samm:characteristic :TorqueNewtonMetre ;
samm:exampleValue "500"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger .

:power a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Power"@en ;
samm:description "The maximum power in kilowatt (the operating characteristics of the transmission)."@en ;
samm:characteristic :KilowattMeasurement ;
samm:exampleValue "300"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger .

:torqueConverter a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Torque Converter"@en ;
samm:description "A list of the used transmission damper technology (depending on the transmission type). For example NW 200 TTD and NW 200 ZDW"@en ;
samm:characteristic :StringList ;
samm:exampleValue "NW 200 TTD" .

:speedResistance a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Speed Resistance"@en ;
samm:description "The permissible maximum input speed in the respective gear depending on the transmission type."@en ;
samm:characteristic :SpeedResistanceList .

:standardGearRatio a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Standard Gear Ratio"@en ;
samm:description "The ratio in the respective gear (ratio between transmission input speed and transmission output speed). For example 1 : 4.1567; 2 : 3.898; 3 : 2.887; 4 : 2.7783; 5 : 1.811; 6 : 1.6545; 7 : 0.4377; 8 : 0.6121; R : -2.2183."@en ;
samm:characteristic :StandardGearRatioSet .

:spreading a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Spreading"@en ;
samm:description "The transmission spreading coefficient. The ratio between the smallest (shortest gear) and the largest (longest gear) ratio."@en ;
samm:characteristic :Ratio ;
samm:exampleValue "6.79"^^xsd:float .

:oil a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Oil"@en ;
samm:description "The oil used for the transmission."@en ;
samm:characteristic :OilCharacteristic .

:electricalPerformance a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Electrical Performance"@en ;
samm:description "Attributes connected to the transmission-integrated electrical machine, if applicable."@en ;
samm:characteristic :PerformanceCharacteristic .

:serviceHistory a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Service History"@en ;
samm:description "Documentation of the service history of the transmission."@en ;
samm:characteristic ext-passport:DocumentList .

:characteristics a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Characteristics"@en ;
samm:description "Defines specific characteristics of the transmission."@en ;
samm:characteristic :ProductCharacteristics .

:DriveTypeTrait a samm-c:Trait ;
samm:preferredName "Drive Type Trait"@en ;
samm:description "Trait of the drive type."@en ;
samm-c:baseCharacteristic :DriveList ;
samm-c:constraint :DriveTypeConstraint .

:TorqueNewtonMetre a samm-c:Measurement ;
samm:preferredName "Torque Newton Metre"@en ;
samm:description "Characteristic to describe torque in newton meters."@en ;
samm:dataType xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
samm-c:unit unit:newtonMetre .

:KilowattMeasurement a samm-c:Measurement ;
samm:preferredName "Kilowatt Measurement"@en ;
samm:description "The performance power in kilowatt as non-negative integer."@en ;
samm:dataType xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
samm-c:unit unit:kilowatt .

:StringList a samm-c:List ;
samm:preferredName "String Characteristic"@en ;
samm:description "A list with the data types string."@en ;
samm:dataType xsd:string .

:SpeedResistanceList a samm-c:List ;
samm:preferredName "Speed Resistance List"@en ;
samm:description "The speed resistance characteristic."@en ;
samm:dataType :SpeedResistanceEntity .

:StandardGearRatioSet a samm-c:Set ;
samm:preferredName "Standard Gear Ratio Set"@en ;
samm:description "The set of ratio in the respective gear."@en ;
samm:dataType :GearRatioEntity .

:Ratio a samm-c:Quantifiable ;
samm:preferredName "Ratio Characteristic"@en ;
samm:description "The ratio in the respective gear."@en ;
samm:dataType xsd:float .

:OilCharacteristic a samm:Characteristic ;
samm:preferredName "Oil Characteristic"@en ;
samm:description "Characteristic for the oil."@en ;
samm:dataType :OilEntity .

:PerformanceCharacteristic a samm:Characteristic ;
samm:preferredName "Performance Characteristic"@en ;
samm:description "Characteristic for performance related values."@en ;
samm:dataType :PerformanceEntity .

:ProductCharacteristics a samm:Characteristic ;
samm:preferredName "Product Characteristics"@en ;
samm:description "Defines a set of specific characteristics of the transmission."@en ;
samm:dataType :CharacteristicsEntity .

:DriveList a samm-c:List ;
samm:preferredName "Drive List"@en ;
samm:description "List of drive types, which is restricted to combustion, full hybrid, mild hybrid, plug-in hybrid, fuel-cell and battery."@en ;
samm:dataType xsd:string .

:DriveTypeConstraint a samm-c:RegularExpressionConstraint ;
samm:preferredName "Drive Type Constraint"@en ;
samm:description "Constraint to only allow combustion, full hybrid, mild hybrid, plug-in hybrid, fuel-cell or battery.\n"@en ;
samm:value "(combustion|full hybrid|mild hybrid|plug-in hybrid|fuel-cell|battery)" .

:SpeedResistanceEntity a samm:Entity ;
samm:preferredName "Speed Resistance Entity"@en ;
samm:description "The speed resistance entity. Includes the gear and the speed as separate properties."@en ;
samm:properties ( :gear :ratedSpeed ) .

:GearRatioEntity a samm:Entity ;
samm:preferredName "Gear Ratio Entity"@en ;
samm:description "Entity for the ratio in the respective gear. Includes the gear and the ratio as separate properties."@en ;
samm:properties ( :gear :gearRatio ) .

:OilEntity a samm:Entity ;
samm:preferredName "Oil Entity"@en ;
samm:description "Entity for the oil capacity and type."@en ;
samm:properties ( :oilCapacity :oilType ) .

:PerformanceEntity a samm:Entity ;
samm:preferredName "Performance Entity"@en ;
samm:description "Entity for the performance."@en ;
samm:properties ( :applicable :electricalMachine ) .

:CharacteristicsEntity a samm:Entity ;
samm:preferredName "Characteristics Entity"@en ;
samm:description "Entity which defines specific characteristics of the transmission such as different life spans and physical dimensions."@en ;
samm:properties ( :warranty :lifeTime ext-passport:physicalDimension ) .

:gear a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Gear"@en ;
samm:description "Respective gear for the measurement."@en ;
samm:characteristic :GearTrait ;
samm:exampleValue "1" .

:ratedSpeed a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Rated Speed"@en ;
samm:description "The permissible maximum input speed in the respective gear (depending on the transmission type) in 1/min."@en ;
samm:characteristic :RevolutionsPerMinute ;
samm:exampleValue "7800"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger .

:gearRatio a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Gear Ratio"@en ;
samm:description "The ratio in the respective gear (ratio between transmission input speed and transmission output speed)."@en ;
samm:characteristic :Ratio ;
samm:exampleValue "4.1567"^^xsd:float .

:oilCapacity a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Oil Capacity"@en ;
samm:description "The defined oil volume in the transmission in cubic decimeters."@en ;
samm:characteristic :Capacity ;
samm:exampleValue "8.9"^^xsd:float .

:oilType a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Oil Type"@en ;
samm:description "The type of the oil for the transmission defined by the manufacturer of the transmission."@en ;
samm:characteristic :StringList ;
samm:exampleValue "Transmission Oil XY" .

:applicable a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Applicable"@en ;
samm:description "If there is a transmission-integrated electrical machine included, select true and state the values in the connected attributes. If there is none, select false and provide dummy data."@en ;
samm:characteristic samm-c:Boolean ;
samm:exampleValue true .

:electricalMachine a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Electrical Machine"@en ;
samm:description "Attributes connected to the transmission-integrated electrical machine, if applicable. Otherwise dummy data (0 or null) can be provided."@en ;
samm:characteristic :ElectricalMachineCharacteristic .

:warranty a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Warranty"@en ;
samm:description "Commercial warranty period of the transmission (coupled to the Vehicle) in months."@en ;
samm:characteristic :MonthCharacteristics ;
samm:exampleValue "60"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger .

:lifeTime a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Life Time"@en ;
samm:description "Expected transmission lifespan in kilometres."@en ;
samm:characteristic :KilometreCharacteristic ;
samm:exampleValue "500000"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger .

:GearTrait a samm-c:Trait ;
samm:preferredName "Gear Trait"@en ;
samm:description "Constraint to match a gear from 1 to 18 or R (reverse)."@en ;
samm-c:baseCharacteristic samm-c:Text ;
samm-c:constraint :GearConstraint .

:RevolutionsPerMinute a samm-c:Measurement ;
samm:preferredName "Revolutions "@en ;
samm:description "The permissible maximum input speed in revolutions per minute in the respective gear."@en ;
samm:dataType xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
samm-c:unit unit:revolutionsPerMinute .

:Capacity a samm-c:Quantifiable ;
samm:preferredName "Capacity Characteristic"@en ;
samm:description "The oil capacity in dm³."@en ;
samm:dataType xsd:float ;
samm-c:unit unit:cubicDecimetre .

:ElectricalMachineCharacteristic a samm:Characteristic ;
samm:preferredName "Electrical Machine Characteristic"@en ;
samm:description "Characteristic for the electrical machine."@en ;
samm:dataType :ElectricalMachineEntity .

:MonthCharacteristics a samm-c:Measurement ;
samm:preferredName "Month Characteristics"@en ;
samm:description "Measurement in months as an integer."@en ;
samm:dataType xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
samm-c:unit unit:month .

:KilometreCharacteristic a samm-c:Measurement ;
samm:preferredName "Kilometre Characteristic"@en ;
samm:description "Measurement in kilometre as an integer."@en ;
samm:dataType xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
samm-c:unit unit:kilometre .

:GearConstraint a samm-c:RegularExpressionConstraint ;
samm:preferredName "Gear Constraint"@en ;
samm:description "Constraint to match a gear from 1 to 18 or R (reverse)."@en ;
samm:value "^(1[0-8]|[1-9]|R)$" .

:ElectricalMachineEntity a samm:Entity ;
samm:preferredName "Electrical Machine Entity"@en ;
samm:description "Entity for the electrical machine with power, torque and speed values."@en ;
samm:properties ( [ samm:property :machineTorque; samm:payloadName "torque" ] [ samm:property :machinePower; samm:payloadName "power" ] [ samm:property :machineVoltage; samm:payloadName "voltage" ] [ samm:property :machineSpeed; samm:payloadName "speed" ] ) .

:machineTorque a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Machine Torque"@en ;
samm:description "The torque of the electrical machine."@en ;
samm:characteristic :MachineTorqueCharacteristic .

:machinePower a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Machine Power"@en ;
samm:description "The power of the electrical machine."@en ;
samm:characteristic :MachinePowerCharacteristic .

:machineVoltage a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Machine Voltage"@en ;
samm:description "Nominal voltage of the electric system in volt."@en ;
samm:characteristic :VoltageMeasurement ;
samm:exampleValue "52"^^xsd:decimal .

:machineSpeed a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Machine Speed"@en ;
samm:description "Maximum allowable speed for the electric motor in revolutions per minute."@en ;
samm:characteristic :RevolutionsPerMinute ;
samm:exampleValue "16700"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger .

:MachineTorqueCharacteristic a samm:Characteristic ;
samm:preferredName "Machine Torque Characteristic"@en ;
samm:description "The electrical machine torque."@en ;
samm:dataType :MachineTorqueEntity .

:MachinePowerCharacteristic a samm:Characteristic ;
samm:preferredName "Machine Power Characteristic"@en ;
samm:description "The electrical machine power."@en ;
samm:dataType :MachinePowerEntity .

:VoltageMeasurement a samm-c:Measurement ;
samm:preferredName "Voltage Measurement"@en ;
samm:description "Measurement in voltage."@en ;
samm:dataType xsd:decimal ;
samm-c:unit unit:volt .

:MachineTorqueEntity a samm:Entity ;
samm:preferredName "Machine Torque Entity"@en ;
samm:description "The entity for the electrical machine torque."@en ;
samm:properties ( [ samm:property :maximumTorque; samm:payloadName "max" ] :maximumAvailability [ samm:property :continuousTorque; samm:payloadName "continuous" ] ) .

:MachinePowerEntity a samm:Entity ;
samm:preferredName "Machine Power Entity"@en ;
samm:description "The entity for the electrical machine power."@en ;
samm:properties ( [ samm:property :maximumPower; samm:payloadName "max" ] [ samm:property :continuousPower; samm:payloadName "continuous" ] :maximumAvailability ) .

:maximumTorque a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "MaximumTorque"@en ;
samm:description "The maximum output torque in newton meters for a specified time period."@en ;
samm:characteristic :TorqueNewtonMetre ;
samm:exampleValue "180"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger .

:maximumAvailability a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Maximum Availability"@en ;
samm:description "Specified time period for the peak measurement in seconds."@en ;
samm:characteristic :TimeMeasurement ;
samm:exampleValue "10"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger .

:continuousTorque a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Continuous Torque"@en ;
samm:description "The torque that can be delivered without time limit in newton meters."@en ;
samm:characteristic :TorqueNewtonMetre ;
samm:exampleValue "178"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger .

:maximumPower a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Maximum Power"@en ;
samm:description "The maximum output power in kilowatts for a specified time period."@en ;
samm:characteristic :KilowattMeasurement ;
samm:exampleValue "22"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger .

:continuousPower a samm:Property ;
samm:preferredName "Continuous Power"@en ;
samm:description "The power that can be delivered without time limit."@en ;
samm:characteristic :KilowattMeasurement ;
samm:exampleValue "16"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger .

:TimeMeasurement a samm-c:Measurement ;
samm:preferredName "Time Measurement"@en ;
samm:description "Time in seconds."@en ;
samm:dataType xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
samm-c:unit unit:secondUnitOfTime .


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