- Minimum Viable Dataspace Demo
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Purpose of this Demo
- 3. The Scenario
- 4. Running the demo (inside IntelliJ)
- 5. Running the Demo (Kubernetes)
- 6. Differences between Kubernetes and IntelliJ
- 7. Executing REST requests using Postman
- 8. Custom extensions in MVD
- 9. Advanced topics
- 10. Other caveats, shortcuts and workarounds
The Decentralized Claims Protocol defines a secure way how to participants in a dataspace can exchange and present credential information. In particular, the DCP specification defines the Presentation Flow, which is the process of requesting, presenting and verifying Verifiable Credentials.
So in order to get the most out of this demo, a basic understanding of VerifiableCredentials, VerifiablePresentations, Decentralized Identifiers (DID) and cryptography is necessary. These concepts will not be explained here further.
The Presentation Flow was adopted in the Eclipse Dataspace Components project and is currently implemented in modules pertaining to the Connector as well as the IdentityHub.
This demo is to demonstrate how two dataspace participants can perform a credential exchange prior to a DSP message exchange, for example requesting a catalog or negotiating a contract.
It must be stated in the strongest terms that this is NOT a production grade installation, nor should any production-grade developments be based on it. Shortcuts were taken, and assumptions were made that are potentially invalid in other scenarios.
It merely is a playground for developers wanting to kick the tires in the EDC and DCP space, and its purpose is to demonstrate how DCP works to an otherwise unassuming audience.
In this example, we will see how two companies can share data through federated catalogs using Management Domains.
There are two fictitious companies, called "Provider Corp" and "Consumer Corp". "Consumer Corp" wants to consume data from "Provider Corp". Provider Corp has two departments "Q&A" and "Manufacturing". Both are independent and host their own EDC connectors, named "provider-qna" and "provider-manufacturing". Both are administered individually, but don't expose their data catalog directly to the internet.
To make the catalogs available, Provider Corp also hosts a catalog server that is shared between the catalog server, "provider-qna"" and "provider-manufacturing".
Both Consumer Corp and Provider Corp each operate an IdentityHub. Note that on the provider side, three runtimes
share the same participantId
, and thus, the same set of credentials, and by extension, the same identity. So the
IdentityHub represents "identities" rather than individual runtimes. A catalog server is a stripped-down EDC runtime,
that only contains modules for servicing catalog requests.
Consumer Corp has a connector plus its own IdentityHub.
"provider-qna" and "provider-manufacturing" both have two data assets each, named "asset-1"
and "asset-2"
neither "provider-qna" nor "provider-manufacturing" expose their catalog endpoint directly to the internet. Instead, the
catalog server (of the Provider Corp) provides a catalog that contains special assets (think: pointers) to both "
provider-qna"'s and "provider-manufacturing"'s connectors, specifically, their DSP endpoints.
We call this a "root catalog", and the pointers are called "catalog assets". This means, that by resolving the root catalog, and by following the links therein, "Consumer Corp" can resolve the actual asset from "provider-qna" and "provider-manufacturing".
Linked assets, or CatalogAsset
objects are easily recognizable by the "isCatalog": true
property. They do not
contain any metadata, only a link to service URL, where the actual asset is available.
Note that the consumer connector does not contain any data assets in this scenario.
In this fictitious dataspace there are two types of VerifiableCredentials:
: contains information about the holder's membership in the dataspace as well as some holder information -
: contains the version of the "Data Organization and Processing Edict (DOPE)" the holder has signed and it attests to the "ability of the holder to process data at a certain level". The following levels exist:"processing"
: means, the holder can process non-sensitive data"sensitive"
: means, the holder has undergone "some very highly secure vetting process" and can process sensitive data
The information about the level of data a holder can process is stored in the
of the DataProcessorCredential.
Both assets of "provider-qna" and "provider-manufacturing" have some access restrictions on their assets:
: requires a MembershipCredential to view and a DataProcessorCredential with"level": "processing"
to negotiate a contract and transfer dataasset-2
: requires a MembershipCredential to view and a DataProcessorCredential with a"level": "sensitive"
to negotiate a contract
These requirements are formulated as EDC policies:
"policy": {
"@type": "Set",
"obligation": [
"action": "use",
"constraint": {
"leftOperand": "DataAccess.level",
"operator": "eq",
"rightOperand": "processing"
In addition, it is a dataspace rule that the MembershipCredential
must be presented in every DSP request. This
credential attests that the holder is a member of the dataspace.
All participants of the dataspace are in possession of the MembershipCredential
as well as a DataProcessorCredential
with level "processing"
None possess the
with level="sensitive".
That means that no contract for asset-2
can be negotiated by anyone. For the purposes of this demo the
VerifiableCredentials are pre-created and are seeded directly to the participants' credential storage (no
issuance) via a dedicated
When the consumer wants to inspect the consolidated catalog (containing assets from both the provider's Q&A and manufacturing departments), then negotiate a contract for an asset, and then transfer the asset, several credentials need to be presented:
- catalog request: present
- contract negotiation:
, respectively - transfer process:
Participant Identifiers in MVD are Web-DIDs. They are used to identify the holder of a VC, to reference public key material and to tell the FederatedCatalog Crawlers whom to crawl. DID documents contain important endpoint information, namely the connector's DSP endpoint and it's CredentialService endpoint. That means that all relevant information about participants can be gathered simply by resolving and inspecting its DID document.
One caveat is that with did:web
DIDs there is a direct coupling between the identifier and the URL. The did:web:xyz
identifier directly translates to the URL where the document is resolvable.
In the context of MVD this means that different DIDs have to be used when running from within IntelliJ versus running in Kubernetes, since the URLs are different. As a consequence, for every VerifiableCredential there are two variants, one that contains the "localhost" DID and one that contains the DID with the Kubernetes service URL. Also, the participant lists are different between those two.
Please note that due to the way how Windows handles file paths, running the IntelliJ Run Configs on Windows can sometimes cause problems. We recommend either running this from within WSL or on a Linux machine. Alternatively, paths could be corrected manually. Running MVD natively on Windows is not supported!
There are several run configurations for IntelliJ in the .run/
folder. One each for the consumer and provider
connectors runtimes and IdentityHub runtimes plus one for the provider catalog server, and one named "dataspace". The
latter is a compound run config an brings up all other runtimes together.
The issuer's DID document is hosted on NGINX, so the easiest way of running NGINX is with a docker container:
docker run -d --name nginx -p 9876:80 --rm \
-v "$PWD"/deployment/assets/issuer/nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf:ro \
-v "$PWD"/deployment/assets/issuer/did.docker.json:/var/www/.well-known/did.json:ro \
To verify that it worked, please execute curl -X GET http://localhost:9876/.well-known/did.json
and see if it returns
DID document as JSON structure:
"service": [],
"verificationMethod": [
"id": "did:web:localhost%3A9876#key-1",
"type": "JsonWebKey2020",
"controller": "did:web:localhost%3A9876",
"publicKeyMultibase": null,
"publicKeyJwk": {
"kty": "OKP",
"crv": "Ed25519",
"x": "Hsq2QXPbbsU7j6JwXstbpxGSgliI04g_fU3z2nwkuVc"
"authentication": [
"id": "did:web:localhost%3A9876",
"@context": [
"@base": "did:web:localhost%3A9876"
The port mapping is important, because it influences the DID of the issuer: with a host port of
the issuer DID resolves to did:web:localhost%3A9876
. Changing the port mapping changes the DID, soif you change
the port mapping, be sure to execute a search-and-replace!
Naturally, you are free to install NGINX natively on your computer or use any other webserver altogether, but this won't be supported by us.
The connector runtimes contain both the controlplane and the dataplane. Note that in a real-world scenario those would likely be separate runtimes to be able to scale and deploy them individually. Note also, that the Kubernetes deployment (next chapter) does indeed run them as separate pods.
The run configs use the temurin-22
JDK. If you don't have it installed already, you can choose to install it (IntelliJ
makes this really easy), or to select whatever JDK you have available in each run config.
All run configs take their configuration from *.env
files which are located in deployment/assets/env
DID documents are dynamically generated when "seeding" the data, specifically when creating the ParticipantContext
objects in IdentityHub. This is automatically being done by a script seed.sh
After executing the dataspace
run config in Intellij, be sure to execute the seed.sh
script after all the runtimes
have started. Omitting to do so will leave the dataspace in an uninitialized state and cause all
connector-to-connector communication to fail.
All REST requests made from the script are available in the Postman collection. With the HTTP Client and Import from Postman Collections plugins, the Postman collection can be imported and then executed by means of the environment file, selecting the "Local" environment.
Please read chapter 7 for details.
For this section a basic understanding of Kubernetes, Docker, Gradle and Terraform is required. It is assumed that the following tools are installed and readily available:
- Docker
- KinD (other cluster engines may work as well - not tested!)
- Terraform
- JDK 17+
- Git
- a POSIX compliant shell
- Postman (to comfortably execute REST requests)
, optional, but required to regenerate keysnewman
(to run Postman collections from the command line)- not needed, but recommended: Kubernetes monitoring tools like K9s
All commands are executed from the repository's root folder unless stated otherwise via cd
Since this is not a production deployment, all applications are deployed in the same cluster and in the same namespace, plainly for the sake of simplicity.
./gradlew build
./gradlew -Ppersistence=true dockerize
this builds the runtime images and creates the following docker images: controlplane:latest
, dataplane:latest
and identity-hub:latest
in the local docker image cache. Note the -Ppersistence
flag which
puts the HashiCorp Vault module and PostgreSQL persistence modules on the runtime classpath.
This demo will not work properly, if the
flag is omitted!
PostgreSQL and Hashicorp Vault obviously require additional configuration, which is handled by the Terraform scripts.
After the runtime images are built, we bring up and configure the Kubernetes cluster. We are using KinD here, but this should work similarly well on other cluster runtimes, such as MicroK8s, K3s or Minikube. Please refer to the respective documentation for more information.
# Create the cluster
kind create cluster -n mvd --config deployment/kind.config.yaml
# Load docker images into KinD
kind load docker-image controlplane:latest dataplane:latest identity-hub:latest catalog-server:latest issuerservice:latest -n mvd
# Deploy an NGINX ingress
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/main/deploy/static/provider/kind/deploy.yaml
# Wait for the ingress controller to become available
kubectl wait --namespace ingress-nginx \
--for=condition=ready pod \
--selector=app.kubernetes.io/component=controller \
# Deploy the dataspace, type 'yes' when prompted
cd deployment
terraform init
terraform apply
Once Terraform has completed the deployment, type kubectl get pods
and verify the output:
❯ kubectl get pods --namespace mvd
consumer-controlplane-5854f6f4d7-pk4lm 1/1 Running 0 24s
consumer-dataplane-64c59668fb-w66vz 1/1 Running 0 17s
consumer-identityhub-57465876c5-9hdhj 1/1 Running 0 24s
consumer-postgres-6978d86b59-8zbps 1/1 Running 0 40s
consumer-vault-0 1/1 Running 0 37s
provider-catalog-server-7f78cf6875-bxc5p 1/1 Running 0 24s
provider-identityhub-f9d8d4446-nz7k7 1/1 Running 0 24s
provider-manufacturing-controlplane-d74946b69-rdqnz 1/1 Running 0 24s
provider-manufacturing-dataplane-546956b4f8-hkx85 1/1 Running 0 17s
provider-postgres-75d64bb9fc-drf84 1/1 Running 0 40s
provider-qna-controlplane-6cd65bf6f7-fpt7h 1/1 Running 0 24s
provider-qna-dataplane-5dc5fc4c7d-k4qh4 1/1 Running 0 17s
provider-vault-0 1/1 Running 0 36s
The consumer company has a controlplane, a dataplane, an IdentityHub, a postgres database and a vault to store secrets. The provider company has a catalog server, a "provider-qna" and a "provider-manufacturing" controlplane/dataplane combo plus an IdentityHub, a postgres database and a vault.
It is possible that pods need to restart a number of time before the cluster becomes stable. This is normal and expected. If pods don't come up after a reasonable amount of time, it is time to look at the logs and investigate.
Remote Debugging is possible, but Kubernetes port-forwards are necessary.
Once all the deployments are up-and-running, the seed script needs to be executed which should produce command line output similar to this:
Seed data to "provider-qna" and "provider-manufacturing"
(node:545000) [DEP0040] DeprecationWarning: The `punycode` module is deprecated. Please use a userland alternative instead.
(Use `node --trace-deprecation ...` to show where the warning was created)
(node:545154) [DEP0040] DeprecationWarning: The `punycode` module is deprecated. Please use a userland alternative instead.
(Use `node --trace-deprecation ...` to show where the warning was created)
Create linked assets on the Catalog Server
(node:545270) [DEP0040] DeprecationWarning: The `punycode` module is deprecated. Please use a userland alternative instead.
(Use `node --trace-deprecation ...` to show where the warning was created)
Create consumer participant
Create provider participant
the node
warnings are harmless and can be ignored
Failing to run the seed script will leave the dataspace in an uninitialized state and cause all connector-to-connector communication to fail.
We have noticed, that the JVM inside the Docker container sometimes crashes with a SIGILL
signal right
away without even starting the runtime. So far we've only seen this on ARM platforms such as Apple Silicon. The UseSVE
option seems to mitigate this. If you are affected by this, please
try enabling the useSVE
terraform apply -var="useSVE=true"
This will add the -XX:UseSVE=0
switch to the JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS
in all runtimes, enabling the Scalable Vector
Extensions that are available on ARM processors. Alternatively, you can also set the useSVE = true
variable in a
file, cf. documentation.
Important note: on non-ARM platforms, the -XX:UseSVE=0
VM option is not recognized and will crash the JVM!
All of MVD's runtime images come with remote JVM debugging enabled by default. This is configured by setting an environment variable
All runtimes use port 1044 for debugging, unless configured otherwise in terraform. The only thing left to do for you is to create a Kubernetes port-forwarding:
kubectl port-forward -n mvd service/consumer-controlplane 1044:1044
This assumes the default Kubernetes namespace mvd
. Note that the port-forward targets a service
to have it
consistent across pod restarts, but targeting a specific pod is also possible. Please refer to the official
documentation for details.
The host port (the value after the :
) is completely arbitrary, and should be altered if multiple runtimes are debugged
in parallel.
When creating a "Remote JVM Debug" run configuration in IntelliJ it is important to select the appropriate module
classpath. Those are generally located in the launchers/
Please also refer to the official IntelliJ tutorial on how to do remote debugging.
The focus with the Kubernetes deployment is to achieve a "one-click-deployment" (don't count them, it's more than 1) with minimum hassle for people who don't necessarily have developer tools installed on their computers. Conversely, the deployment with IntelliJ is intended to give developers an easy way to debug and trace the code base, and to extend and play with MVD without having to do the entire rebuild-docker-image-redeploy loop every time. Also, debugging is much easier.
However, to keep the IntelliJ setup as simple as possible, a few shortcuts were taken:
No persistent storage is available, because that would have meant manually setting up and populating several PostgreSQL databases. Everytime a runtime (re-)starts, it starts with a clean slate. This can cause some inconsistencies, e.g. when consumer and provider have negotiated a contract, and the provider restarts, the contract will be missing from its database. Keep that in mind. It is recommended to always restart the entire dataspace with the included composite run config.
This is the big one. Since the memory-vault is compiled into the runtime, components of one participant (e.g. controlplane and identityhub) do not share vault secrets, because their vaults are different. Thus, all secrets that need to be accessed by multiple components must be pre-populated.
While in the Kubernetes deployment the SecureTokenService (S)S is a stand-alone component, in the IntelliJ deployment it is embedded into the controlplane. The reason for this is, that during seeding a participant context and an STS Account is created. This includes a (generated) client secret, that gets stored in the vault.
In the IntelliJ case that vault is purely in-memory and is isolated in IdentityHub, with no way to access it from the connector's controlplane. So the connector's controlplane and IdentityHub physically cannot share any secrets. To overcome this, STS is simply embedded in the controlplane directly.
In the Kubernetes deployment this limitation goes away, because a dedicated vault service (HashiCorp Vault) is used, which is accessible from either component.
This demo comes with a Postman collection located in deployment/postman
. Be aware that the collection has different
sets of variables in different environments, "MVD local development" and "MVD K8S". These are located in the same
directory and must be imported into Postman too.
The collection itself is pretty self-explanatory, it allows you to request a catalog, perform a contract negotiation and execute a data transfer.
The following sequence must be observed:
to get the dataspace catalog across all participants, execute ControlPlane Management/Get Cached Catalog
. Note that it
takes a few seconds for the consumer connector to collect all entries. Watch out for a dataset entry named asset-1
similar to this:
"@id": "asset-1",
"@type": "dcat:Dataset",
"odrl:hasPolicy": {
"@id": "bWVtYmVyLWFuZC1wY2YtZGVm:YXNzZXQtMQ==:MThhNTgwMzEtNjE3Zi00N2U2LWFlNjMtMTlkZmZlMjA5NDE4",
"@type": "odrl:Offer",
"odrl:permission": [],
"odrl:prohibition": [],
"odrl:obligation": {
"odrl:action": {
"@id": "use"
"odrl:constraint": {
"odrl:leftOperand": {
"@id": "DataAccess.level"
"odrl:operator": {
"@id": "odrl:eq"
"odrl:rightOperand": "processing"
"dcat:distribution": [
"description": "This asset requires Membership to view and negotiate.",
"id": "asset-1"
for the purposes of this tutorial we'll focus on the offers from the Provider's Q&A department, so the associated service entry should be:
"dcat:service": {
// ...
"dcat:endpointUrl": "http://provider-qna-controlplane:8082/api/dsp",
"dcat:endpointDescription": "dspace:connector"
// ...
Important: copy the @id
value of the odrl:hasPolicy
, we'll need that to initiate the negotiation!
From the previous step we have the odrl:hasPolicy.@id
value, that should look something like
. This value must now be copied
into the policy.@id
field of the ControlPlane Management/Initiate Negotiation
request of the Postman collection:
"counterPartyId": "{{PROVIDER_ID}}",
"protocol": "dataspace-protocol-http",
"policy": {
"@type": "Offer",
"@id": "bWVtYmVyLWFuZC1wY2YtZGVm:YXNzZXQtMQ==:MThhNTgwMzEtNjE3Zi00N2U2LWFlNjMtMTlkZmZlMjA5NDE4",
You will receive a response immediately, but that only means that the request has been received. In order to get the current status of the negotiation, we'll have to inquire periodically.
With the ControlPlane Management/Get Contract Negotiations
request we can periodically query the status of all our
contract negotiations. Once the state shows FINALIZED
, we copy the value of the contractAgreementId
"state": "FINALIZED",
"contractAgreementId": "3fb08a81-62b4-46fb-9a40-c574ec437759"
From the previous step we have the contractAgreementId
value 3fb08a81-62b4-46fb-9a40-c574ec437759
. In the
ControlPlane Management/Initiate Transfer
request we will paste that into the contractId
"contractId": "3fb08a81-62b4-46fb-9a40-c574ec437759",
"dataDestination": {
"type": "HttpProxy"
"protocol": "dataspace-protocol-http",
"transferType": "HttpData-PULL"
Like with contract negotiations, data transfers are asynchronous processes so we need to periodically query their status
using the ControlPlane Management/Get transfer processes
request. Once we find a "state": "STARTED"
field in the
response, we can move on.
The type of data transfer that we are using here (HttpData-PULL
) means that we can fetch data from the provider
dataplane's public endpoint, as we would query any other REST API. However, an access token is needed to authenticate
the request. This access token is provided to the consumer in the form of an EndpointDataReference (EDR). We must thus
query the consumer's EDR endpoint to obtain the token.
Using the ControlPlane Management/Get Cached EDRs
request, we fetch the EDR and note down the value of the @id
field, for example 392d1767-e546-4b54-ab6e-6fb20a3dc12a
. This should be identical to the value of the
With that value, we can obtain the access token for this particular EDR.
In the ControlPlane Management/Get EDR DataAddress for TransferId
request we have to paste the transferProcessId
value from the previous step in the URL path, for example:
Executing this request produces a response that contains both the endpoint where we can fetch the data, and the authorization token:
"endpoint": "http://provider-qna-dataplane:11002/api/public",
"authType": "bearer",
"endpointType": "https://w3id.org/idsa/v4.1/HTTP",
"authorization": "eyJra.....PbovoypJGtWJst30vD9zy5w"
Note that the token was abbreviated for legibility.
Using the endpoint and the authorization token from the previous step, we can then download data using the ControlPlane Management/Download Data from Public API
request. To do that, the token must be copied into the request's
Important: do not prepend a bearer
This will return some dummy JSON data.
EDC is not a turn-key application, rather it is a set of modules, that have to be configured, customized and extended to fit the needs of any particular dataspace.
For our demo dataspace there are a several extensions that are required. These can generally be found in the
directory, or directly in the src/main/java
folder of the launcher module.
Out-of-the-box the FederatedCatalog comes with an in-memory implementation of the TargetNodeDirectory
. A
is a high-level list of participants of the dataspace, a "phone book" if you will. In MVD that
phone book is constituted by a hard-coded file, where every participant is listed
with their DID.
To keep things simple, MVD comes with a custom implementation for those participant directory files.
Everything we need such as DSP URLs, public keys, CredentialService URLs is resolved from the DID document.
As per our dataspace rules, every DSP request has to be secured by presenting the Membership credential, even the Catalog request. In detail, this means, that every DSP request that the consumer sends, must carry a token in the Authorization header, which authorizes the verifier to obtain the MembershipCredential from the consumer's IdentityHub.
We achieve this by intercepting the DSP request and adding the correct scope - here:
- to the request builder. Technically, this is achieved by
registering a postValidator
function for the relevant policy scopes, check out the
DcpPatchExtension.java class.
When the consumer wants to negotiate a contract for an offer, that has a DataAccess.level
constraint, it must add the
relevant scope string to the access token upon DSP egress. A policy, that requires the consumer to present a
, where the access level is processing
would look like this:
"@type": "Set",
"obligation": [
"action": "use",
"constraint": {
"leftOperand": "DataAccess.level",
"operator": "eq",
"rightOperand": "processing"
class would convert this into a scope string org.eclipse.edc.vc.type:DataProcessorCredential:read
and add it to the
consumer's access token.
Being able to express a constraint in ODRL gets us only halfway there, we also need some code to evaluate that expression. In EDC, we do this by registering policy evaluation functions with the policy engine.
Since our dataspace defines two credential types, which can be used in policies, we also need two evaluation functions.
This function is used to evaluate Membership constraints in policies by asserting that the Membership credential is present, is not expired and the membership is in force. This is implemented in the MembershipCredentialEvaluationFunction.java.
Similarly, to evaluate DataAccess.level
constraints, there is a
class, that asserts that a DataProcessor credential is present, and that the level is appropriate. Note that to do that,
the function implementation needs to have knowledge about the shape and schema of the credentialSubject
of the
DataProcessor VC.
Hint: all credentials, where the
has the same shape/schema can be evaluated by the same function!
IdentityHub's Identity
is secured with a basic RBAC system. For this, there is a special role called the "super-user"
. Creating participants
must be done using this role, but unless this role exists, we can't create any participants... so we are facing a bit of
a chicken-and-egg problem.
This is why seeding the "super-user" is done directly from code using the ParticipantContextSeedExtension.java.
If a "super-user" does not already exist, one is created in the database using defaults. Feel free to override the defaults and customize your "super-user" and find out what breaks :)
NB: doing this in anything but a demo installation is not recommended, as it poses significant security risks!
The dataspace issuer is the authoritative entity that can issue Verifiable Credentials to participants. For that, two things are needed: a private/public key pair to sign credentials, and a DID document for verifiers to obtain the dataspace issuer's public key.
Consequently, when the dataspace issuer's keys should be updated, these aforementioned places are relevant.
The first step is to create a new key pair:
openssl genpkey -algorithm ed25519 -out deployment/assets/issuer_private.pem
openssl pkey -in assets/issuer_private.pem -pubout -out assets/issuer_public.pem
These puts a new key pair in deployment/assets/
. Note that the path is arbitrary, but needs to be consistent with
subsequent steps.
Next, we need to re-sign the participants' credentials, update the database seed data and update the issuer's DID
There is no easy or convenient way to do this natively on the command line, so we created a test named JwtSigner.java that does all that. Simply executing the test performs all these steps, updates files etc.
The only thing left to do is to clean-rebuild-restart the applications (IntelliJ) or rebuild and redeploy (Kubernetes).
We strongly encourage readers to closely inspect the
code, because it shows how key conversion, document handling etc. can be done in EDC!
keys must be seeded at startup time (due to this limitation). In addition, if consumer and provider have the same key, that makes things a bit easier, because it removes the need to seed the keys via config or commandline argument. That said, the process is similar to the dataspace issuer:
openssl genpkey -algorithm ed25519 -out deployment/assets/consumer_private.pem
openssl pkey -in assets/consumer_private.pem -pubout -out assets/consumer_public.pem
# use the same key for provider:
cp deployment/assets/consumer_private.pem deployment/assets/provider_private.pem
cp deployment/assets/consumer_public.pem deployment/assets/provider_public.pem
Now comes the hacky part, reader discretion is advised.
In SecretsExtension.java
replace the String block for the private and public key with the contents of the newly created *.pem
Clean-rebuild-restart the applications. Don't forget to seed. Done.
Here, participant keys are dynamically generated by IdentityHub, so there is no need to pre-generate them. In fact,
everytime the dataspace is re-deployed and the seed script is executed, a new key pair is
generated for each participant.
To be extra-precise, the keys are regenerated when a new ParticipantContext
is created.
It must be emphasized that this is a DEMO, it does not come with any guarantee w.r.t. operational readiness and comes with a few significant shortcuts affecting security amongst other things, for the sake of simplicity. These are:
When running the MVD from IntelliJ, the runtimes exclusively use in-memory stores and in-memory vaults. We opted for this to avoid having to either provide (and maintain) a docker-compose file for those services, or to put users through an arduous amount of setup and configuration.
The Kubernetes deployment uses both persistent storage (PostgreSQL) and secure vaults (Hashicorp Vault).
Participants hosts their DIDs in their IdentityHubs, which means, that the HTTP-URL that the DID maps to must be accessible for all other participants. For example, every participant pod in the cluster must be able to resolve a DID from every other participant. For access to pods from outside the cluster we would be using an ingress controller, but then the other pods in the cluster cannot access it, due to missing DNS entries. That means, that the DID cannot use the ingress URL, but must use the service's URL. A service in turn is not accessible from outside the cluster, so DIDs are only resolvable from inside the cluster. Unfortunately, there is no way around this, unless we put DIDs on a publicly resolvable CDN or webserver.
The "dataspace issuer" does not exist as participant yet, so instead of deploying a fake IdentityHub, we opted for simply hosting the dataspace issuer's DID as static file with NGINX.
Even though the DCP Credential Issuance Protocol is now supported, credentials are pre-generated manually and
distributed to the participants during deployment. Credentials are put into the stores by an extension called
and are different for local deployments and Kubernetes deployments.
The JwtSigner.java test class can be used to re-generate and sign all credentials.
Additional credentials can be requested from the dataspace issuer using the MVD/IdentityHub/Make Credential Request
Postman request or by executing on a shell:
curl --location 'http://localhost/consumer/cs//api/identity/v1alpha/participants/ZGlkOndlYjpjb25zdW1lci1pZGVudGl0eWh1YiUzQTcwODM6Y29uc3VtZXI=/credentials/request' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-Api-Key: c3VwZXItdXNlcg==.c3VwZXItc2VjcmV0LWtleQo=' \
--data '{
"issuerDid": "did:web:dataspace-issuer-service%3A10016:issuer",
"holderPid": "credential-request-1",
"credentials": [{
"format": "VC1_0_JWT",
"credentialType": "DemoCredential"
Note that the example assumes a Kubernetes deployment. This will cause the dataspace-issuer-service
to generate and
deliver a credential of type DemoCredential
to the consumer's IdentityHub.
When IdentityHub receives a Presentation query, that carries an access token, it must be able to convert a scope string
into a filter expression, for example org.eclipse.edc.vc.type:DataProcessorCredential:read
is converted into
verifiableCredential.credential.type = DataProcessorCredential
. This filter expression is then used by IdentityHub to
query for DataProcessorCredentials
in the database.
The MVD uses the default EdcScopeToCriterionTransformer
to achieve this. It is recommended to implement a custom
for an actual production scenario.