1.6.0 (2023-01-18)
CICS preprocessor statements highlighting and parsing (3fd716b )
Code actions for an unknown operation code (f3522fd )
Command for downloading copybooks allows selections of data sets which should be downloaded (44a19d9 )
DB2 preprocessor statements highlighting and parsing (73b545f )
Endevor preprocessor statements highlighting and parsing (cb1a834 )
Implement step out support in the macro tracer (e0529a8 )
Instruction suggestions are included in the completion list (17a6eff )
Quick fixes for typos in instruction and macro names added to the code actions (aaa6703 )
Support for the SYSCLOCK system variable (6116699 )
Other changes
Abstract id_index pointer nature (cdb8a9e )
Enhance coverage reporting (87dcc26 )
Keep small IDs inline in id_index (e871d92 )
preprocessor copy members (e4da1ef )
Reference matching version of resources in the readme file (3f13c0f )
Remove unsupported actions (f2eee14 )
Update GH actions due to node12 deprecation (e912d22 )
Upgrade all the things (ce8ce03 )
Workflow refactoring (a3387a2 )
Do not display messages related to Bridge for Git configuration unless it is actively utilized (1c8fb3e )
Enhance language server response times (3452dfd )
File extensions are now ignored when macro_extensions
option is not provided in proc_grps.json (40862d5 )
Language server may crash on hover (36c8895 )
Language server may crash while generating the document outline (f85ae1d )
Library contents are now shared between processor groups (25dfa69 )
LSP requests on virtual files are evaluated in the correct workspace context (64420d1 )
Macro label is the preferred go to definition target unless the request is made from the label itself (1fb6427 )
Missing references and hover text in model statements (a81918a )
Regex workaround (9a6a2cb )
Restrict configuration file patterns (9938bc2 )
Sequence symbol location is incorrect when discovered in the lookahead mode (20dda28 )
Sort variables in the macro tracer (94b3acd )
The language server may occasionally work with obsolete configuration (8d39b9f )
You can’t perform that action at this time.