This project contains low-level bindings for the OpenGL graphics system.
It comes with some bells and whistles:
- An OBJ-Loader for loading 3D-Models
- PNG-Texure Loading
- Utilities for creating view / perspective / transformation matrices
- a few convenience functions for shader initialisation, model to gpu transfer etc.
- Effects (upcoming)
Currently this project only provides OpenGL version 4.1 because I'm on a mac, and version only 4.1 is provided.
The low-level bindings are generated from the OpenGL API Registry. Currently the generator is too stupid to handle all the cases so there are still some commands missing.
- OpenGL OpenGL itself.
- GLEW OpenGL initialisation and extension loading
- pkg-config for providing the include and lib flags to the compiler
- Idris at least version 0.9.18
- Lightyear for OBJ file parsing
- libpng for texture loading
Please follow the individual installation instructions for each of the required components.
If you are on a mac you can get away with brew install
for GLEW, pkg-config and libpng.
OpenGL is already installed.
This project contains a small C file for easier integration. The Makefile for the FFI is platform dependent and will currently work only on MacOS:
Specifically it says in `src/MakefileGl'
echo "%flag C \"-framework OpenGL\"" >> Graphics/Rendering/Config.idr
You might need to change -framework OpenGL
to whatever is needed for the C flags on your system.
There are two examples in the example
To run these examples you need to install more libraries, since OpenGL provides
no means to open a window or process user input.
The first examples uses GLFW while the second uses SDL2
For the GLFW example you need an additional Idris libray found here: For the SDL2 example you obviously also need an additional library:
I primarily did all this because I wanted to lear Idris and thought I'd do it by drawing things. Right now I am still on working on it, so it is not abandoned.
It might even be stable enough even if lots of things are still missing.
The real low-level stuff sits in the module
which is a fairly
direct translation of the OpenGL stuff except for the enums, which I have tried to group into data types.
I'm still not clear whether this was a good idea or not.
However I have no plans to change any of that stuff any time soon.
Is it safe to use it? I don't know..