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Is it possible to configure MiniStatusline.config.diagnostic_levels? #41

Answered by echasnovski
HoldenLucas asked this question in Q&A
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Not at the moment, no. Not really because of that line (which is actually redundant, so thank you for pointing this out :) ).

I'll think for a while about adding this here somehow, as it seems like a reasonable usage. But currently I can't see a good way of doing this that is better than custom minimal section function. Here is my version for Neovim 0.6+ (add it before call to require('mini.statusline').setup()):

local diagnostic_level = function(level, prefix)
  if MiniStatusline.is_truncated(75) then
    return ''

  local n = #vim.diagnostic.get(0, { severity = vim.diagnostic.severity[level] })
  return (n == 0) and '' or ('%s%s'):format(prefix, n)

After that it can be used s…

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