This README is a partial view of the final document InterruptCollector.pdf
Interrupts connect software (SW) and hardware (HW) very closely. They require a carefully planned concept that starts from the HW source bit, which causes an interrupt event, through different HW controllers/collectors located both outside and inside a CPU system, and extends to the SW operating system and its drivers, up to the application software. The concept is dependent on the specific nature of all components in this chain and dramatically affects the real-time capabilities and overall performance of a system.
A designer of a peripheral logic block for a CPU system is often required to issue an interrupt to the system if their logic needs attention from the CPU. Typically, there is more than one event source in the peripheral logic block that can trigger an interrupt. The Interrupt-Collector presented here is a proven solution for managing these tasks. It does not impose excessive overhead on a peripheral logic block for a tiny microcontroller and is suitable for the most complex systems on a chip (SOC) with multiple cores running in symmetric or asymmetric multiprocessing mode. Thus, it and its driver software can be reused across a wide range of designs.
The description of the Interrupt-Collector in the subsequent chapters is structured in a top-down manner, starting from a testbench that includes it, and progressing to its internal functions.
The testbench simulation can be run immediately with either the GHDL or ModelSim simulator using the included ANT scripts. For more information, see the QuickStartSimlation Quick Start Simulation section.
The VHDL source code, along with other source code in this repository, can be used liberally under the MIT license for any design.
The "Interrupt Collector Testbench" illustrates the Device Under Test (DUT)—our Interrupt Collector—within a red-bordered block. On the left, there are two processors, simulating a multiprocessor system. Each processor is an instance of the Eccelerators SimStm Testbench. These processors are augmented by a BusJoin unit, which forms the common bus connection for the Dual Core Processor system, and an InterruptDispatcher unit that dispatches arriving interrupts to one of the cores. Both cores execute the same SimStm code, as shown on the left. The main routine is differentiated based on the core number; Processor 0 is responsible for managing initial processes and cross-run signals for Processor 1. It is only Processor 0 that performs the initialization of the DUT and MOCK.
A short glance at the SimStm program "Main" routine snippet, the corresponding source file is testMain.stm .
The SimStm source code is very compact and easy readable. It starts with the declaration and definition of constants, variables signals and buses. Following is the 'testMain' procedure, then the Interrupt procedure and helper procedures.
A BusDivider unit, generated by HxS, features two delegates. It splits the bus into two separate buses, each designated for different address areas: one for the Device Under Test (DUT) and another for the MOCK.
The MOCK includes an interrupt generator with four channels. These channels are designed to generate a charged number of interrupts at programmable intervals repeatedly.
The interrupt generator is maintained in its own repository Eccelerators Interrupt Generator. The documentation of its HW/SW interface is InterruptGeneratorIfc.pdf.
For each interrupt, acknowledgment is required from the software interrupt service routine within the corresponding channel of the generator. This acknowledgment process involves reading the actual count from a register and then writing this count to a reference count register. Any missed or incorrect acknowledgments are logged for each issued interrupt in a failure count register. Should any channel experience a fault, the generator signals this failure through its "GeneratorFailure" output at the first occurrence of such a fault.
The four interrupts generated by the Interrupt Generator are processed by the Device Under Test (DUT), the Interrupt Collector. They are delivered to the Dual Core Processor system via its "OutUpInterrupt" output.
The running simulation of the testbench should demonstrate that all generated interrupts are serviced in parallel, with the services being evenly distributed between both cores.
The interrupt collector consists of two parts. The first part, the hardware-software interface, is generated by the Eccelerators Tool HxS. It uses the description of the Mask-, Service- and Request, Registers in the HxS language as input. The output is the complete implementation of these registers in VHDL connected to a Wishbone Bus, with the necessary inputs and outputs to a user logic block. The second part contains the logic of the interrupt collector function, coded by the user Eccelerators.
The design allows for the simultaneous processing of different interrupts within the same interrupt collector by multiple processors of a multiprocessor system, without the need for additional synchronization measures such as Spin-Locks.
The accompanying diagram illustrates the implementation, including the connection of the HxS block to a Wishbone bus leading to the CPU or the multiprocessor system. The User Block demonstrates the realization of the interrupt logic. Both blocks are scalable in terms of the number of serviced interrupt inputs.
Upon the arrival of an interrupt event at an input, an interrupt is triggered to the CPU system. This leads to the execution of an interrupt routine by software on exactly one CPU of the system. The routine reads the Request-Register in the interrupt collector, selects one of the reported interrupt requests for processing, and acknowledges this by setting the corresponding bit in the Request-Register. This interrupt request is then reset in the Request-Register and appears in the Service-Register. After completing the tasks in the interrupt service routine, the CPU sets to the corresponding bit in the Service-Register, thereby signaling the end of the interrupt routine to the interrupt collector. Only from this point can the corresponding Request-Register bit be set again by the same interrupt input.
The actual triggering of an interrupt to the CPU system can be enabled or disabled in the Mask-Register for each input. After each acknowledged request, the interrupt line to the CPU system is briefly deactivated to allow for the processing of further interrupts by other CPUs of the system.
The sources for the Interrupt-Collector inputs must have a level-triggering nature. The source logic block issuing an interrupt event must keep its signal active until it is acknowledged by the interrupt service routine by some SW access to the source logic block.
Edge-triggering sources e.g., timers must be converted to level-triggering sources. A solution for this conversion is the the EventCatcher IP.
We use Ubuntu 22.04 for demonstration.
At least a java runtime >= 17 is required. If not already present e.g., install it by:
sudo apt install openjdk-17-jre
All builds are run by means of APACHE ANT and respective build.xml files. If not already present e.g., install it by:
sudo apt install ant
Git is required to clone the interrupt-collector repository. If not already present e.g., install it by:
sudo apt install git
Next, we clone the actual interrupt collector repository repository:
git clone --recursive
The --recursive
parameter is mandatory because many resources e.g. child build.xml files are residing there.
In an unconventional approach, all necessary artifacts generated by previously executed build steps in the Ecclerators IP project workflow are already present in the cloned working copy. This setup facilitates easy use and progress with this starter IP.
To run the simulation with GHDL its version 4.0.0 must be present.
If not jump to Install GHDL Ubuntu22.04 section, if not callable as 'ghdl' in path, usually wit Windows, jump to AdaptAntBuild Adapt Ant Build .
Then simulation can be run, assuming the cloned repository is located in 'git/interrupt-collector':
cd git/interrupt-collector ant ghdl-wishbone-all
This should result in:
[exec] Core0: Main test started [exec] Core1: Cross notify interrupt happened [exec] Core1: test started [exec] Core0: Cross notify interrupt happened [exec] Core1 currently: Interrupts in total: 32, Source0: 12, Source1: 6, Source2: 6, Source3: 8 [exec] Core0 currently: Interrupts in total: 32, Source0: 13, Source1: 11, Source2: 6, Source3: 2 [exec] Core1 currently: Interrupts in total: 64, Source0: 22, Source1: 14, Source2: 12, Source3: 16 [exec] Core0 currently: Interrupts in total: 64, Source0: 28, Source1: 21, Source2: 12, Source3: 3 [exec] Core1 currently: Interrupts in total: 96, Source0: 34, Source1: 19, Source2: 20, Source3: 23 [exec] Core0 currently: Interrupts in total: 96, Source0: 43, Source1: 30, Source2: 18, Source3: 5 [exec] Core1 currently: Interrupts in total: 128, Source0: 46, Source1: 25, Source2: 25, Source3: 32 [exec] Core0 currently: Interrupts in total: 128, Source0: 56, Source1: 41, Source2: 24, Source3: 7 [exec] Core1 currently: Interrupts in total: 160, Source0: 56, Source1: 32, Source2: 32, Source3: 40 [exec] Core0 currently: Interrupts in total: 160, Source0: 69, Source1: 52, Source2: 30, Source3: 9 [exec] Core1 currently: Interrupts in total: 192, Source0: 68, Source1: 38, Source2: 38, Source3: 48 [exec] Core0 currently: Interrupts in total: 192, Source0: 84, Source1: 62, Source2: 36, Source3: 10 [exec] Core1 currently: Interrupts in total: 224, Source0: 78, Source1: 46, Source2: 44, Source3: 56 [exec] Core0 currently: Interrupts in total: 224, Source0: 98, Source1: 72, Source2: 42, Source3: 12 [exec] Core1 currently: Interrupts in total: 256, Source0: 90, Source1: 51, Source2: 52, Source3: 63 [exec] Core0 currently: Interrupts in total: 256, Source0: 110, Source1: 84, Source2: 48, Source3: 14 [exec] Core1 currently: Interrupts in total: 288, Source0: 102, Source1: 57, Source2: 57, Source3: 72 [exec] Core0 currently: Interrupts in total: 288, Source0: 125, Source1: 93, Source2: 54, Source3: 16 [exec] Core1 currently: Interrupts in total: 320, Source0: 112, Source1: 64, Source2: 64, Source3: 80 [exec] Core0 currently: Interrupts in total: 320, Source0: 139, Source1: 103, Source2: 61, Source3: 17 [exec] Core1 currently: Interrupts in total: 352, Source0: 124, Source1: 70, Source2: 70, Source3: 88 [exec] Core0 currently: Interrupts in total: 352, Source0: 153, Source1: 113, Source2: 67, Source3: 19 [exec] Core1 currently: Interrupts in total: 384, Source0: 134, Source1: 78, Source2: 76, Source3: 96 [exec] Core0 currently: Interrupts in total: 384, Source0: 166, Source1: 125, Source2: 72, Source3: 21 [exec] Core1 currently: Interrupts in total: 416, Source0: 146, Source1: 83, Source2: 84, Source3: 103 [exec] Core0 currently: Interrupts in total: 416, Source0: 180, Source1: 135, Source2: 79, Source3: 22 [exec] Core1 currently: Interrupts in total: 448, Source0: 158, Source1: 89, Source2: 89, Source3: 112 [exec] Core1 currently: Interrupts in total: 480, Source0: 168, Source1: 96, Source2: 96, Source3: 120 [exec] Core0 currently: Interrupts in total: 448, Source0: 195, Source1: 144, Source2: 85, Source3: 24 [exec] Core1 currently: Interrupts in total: 512, Source0: 180, Source1: 102, Source2: 102, Source3: 128 [exec] Core0 currently: Interrupts in total: 480, Source0: 207, Source1: 156, Source2: 91, Source3: 26 [exec] Core1 currently: Interrupts in total: 544, Source0: 190, Source1: 110, Source2: 108, Source3: 136 [exec] Core0 currently: Interrupts in total: 512, Source0: 221, Source1: 166, Source2: 97, Source3: 28 [exec] Core1 currently: Interrupts in total: 576, Source0: 202, Source1: 115, Source2: 116, Source3: 143 [exec] Core0 currently: Interrupts in total: 544, Source0: 236, Source1: 176, Source2: 103, Source3: 29 [exec] Core1 currently: Interrupts in total: 608, Source0: 214, Source1: 121, Source2: 121, Source3: 152 [exec] Core0 currently: Interrupts in total: 576, Source0: 251, Source1: 185, Source2: 109, Source3: 31 [exec] Core1 currently: Interrupts in total: 640, Source0: 224, Source1: 128, Source2: 128, Source3: 160 [exec] Core0 currently: Interrupts in total: 608, Source0: 264, Source1: 197, Source2: 114, Source3: 33 [exec] Core1 currently: Interrupts in total: 672, Source0: 236, Source1: 134, Source2: 134, Source3: 168 [exec] Core0 currently: Interrupts in total: 640, Source0: 276, Source1: 208, Source2: 121, Source3: 35 [exec] Core1 currently: Interrupts in total: 704, Source0: 246, Source1: 142, Source2: 140, Source3: 176 [exec] Core0 currently: Interrupts in total: 672, Source0: 291, Source1: 218, Source2: 127, Source3: 36 [exec] Core1 currently: Interrupts in total: 736, Source0: 258, Source1: 147, Source2: 148, Source3: 183 [exec] Core0 currently: Interrupts in total: 704, Source0: 305, Source1: 228, Source2: 133, Source3: 38 [exec] Core1 currently: Interrupts in total: 768, Source0: 270, Source1: 153, Source2: 153, Source3: 192 [exec] Core0 currently: Interrupts in total: 736, Source0: 318, Source1: 239, Source2: 139, Source3: 40 [exec] Core1 currently: Interrupts in total: 800, Source0: 280, Source1: 160, Source2: 160, Source3: 200 [exec] Core0 currently: Interrupts in total: 768, Source0: 332, Source1: 249, Source2: 145, Source3: 42 [exec] Core1 currently: Interrupts in total: 832, Source0: 292, Source1: 166, Source2: 166, Source3: 208 [exec] Core0 currently: Interrupts in total: 800, Source0: 341, Source1: 260, Source2: 156, Source3: 43 [exec] Core1 currently: Interrupts in total: 864, Source0: 299, Source1: 181, Source2: 171, Source3: 213 [exec] Core0 currently: Interrupts in total: 832, Source0: 341, Source1: 268, Source2: 180, Source3: 43 [exec] Core1 currently: Interrupts in total: 896, Source0: 299, Source1: 213, Source2: 171, Source3: 213 [exec] Core0 currently: Interrupts in total: 864, Source0: 341, Source1: 276, Source2: 204, Source3: 43 [exec] [exec] Core1 finally: Interrupts in total: 916, Source0: 299, Source1: 233, Source2: 171, Source3: 213 [exec] Core1: test finished [exec] [exec] Core0 finally: Interrupts in total: 876, Source0: 341, Source1: 279, Source2: 213, Source3: 43 [exec] [exec] Total counts finally: ActualSum: 1792, Actual0: 640, Actual1: 512, Actual2: 384, Actual3: 256 [exec] Total failure count finally: FailureSum: 0, Failures0: 0, Failures1: 0, Failures2: 0, Failures3: 0 [exec] [exec] Core0: Main test finished [exec] [exec] /home/heinrich/git/interrupt-collector/submodules/simstm/src/tb_simstm.vhd:1308:21:@773696100ps:(assertion note): test finished with no errors!! [exec] /home/heinrich/git/interrupt-collector/simulation/ghdl-wishbone/work/tb_top_wishbone:info: simulation stopped by --stop-time @99992130300ps
Then simulation can be re-run then, since compilation and elaboration has already been done by the target 'ghdl-wishbone-all':
cd git/interrupt-collector ant ghdl-wishbone-simulate
This is very useful since the SimStm (.stm) stimuli files can be changed to do a new simulation WITHOUT recompilation.
Then simulation can be re-run with GUI:
cd git/interrupt-collector ant ghdl-wishbone-simulate-gui
If the script complains about 'gtkwave' missing, see respective install section in Install GHDL Ubuntu 2204 to install it.
We use Windows 10 for demonstration.
At least a java runtime >= 17 is required. If not already present e.g., install it by downloading:
Git is required to clone the interrupt-collector repository. If not already present e.g., by having already installed MSYS2 for GHDL install it in your favorite way.
Next, we clone the actual interrupt collector repository repository:
git clone --recursive
The --recursive
parameter is mandatory because many resources e.g. child build.xml files are residing there.
In an unconventional approach, all necessary artifacts generated by previously executed build steps in the Ecclerators IP project workflow are already present in the cloned working copy. This setup facilitates easy use and progress with this starter IP.
All builds are run by means of APACHE ANT and respective build.xml files. If not already present e.g., install it by downloading:
Unzip it e.g., to C:/apache-ant-1.10.14-bin and add the bin folder to your path environment.
c:\Data\git\interrupt-collector>ant -p build.xml
should produce then:
Buildfile: c:\Data\git\interrupt-collector\build.xml Main targets: _helper-add-submodules initially add all submodules given in the helper list _helper-clean-project-totally remove all generated folders _helper-generate-ghdl-wishbone-ant-build-xml generate ant build file for ghdl wishbone case _helper-generate-modelsim-wishbone-ant-build-xml generate ant build file for modelsim wishbone case _helper-generate-proposal-for-setup-py generate a proposal for _helper-plausibility_check_of_setup_py check plausibility of _helper-remove-ghdl remove ghdl _helper-remove-modelsim remove modelsim _helper-remove-submodules remove all submodules given in the helper list ghdl-wishbone-all all from scratch until interactive simulation ghdl-wishbone-clean delete work folder ghdl-wishbone-compile compile all ghdl-wishbone-elaborate elaborate ghdl-wishbone-prepare make work folder ghdl-wishbone-simulate run simulation ghdl-wishbone-simulate-gui simulate and write trace.vcd hxs-all compile all hxs-clean Delete all previously generated result files hxs-docbook2html Generate a HTML5 file hxs-docbook2pdf Generate a PDF file hxs-hxs2c Build c files hxs-hxs2python Build python files hxs-hxs2rst Build rst text description hxs-hxs2simstm Build simstm files hxs-hxs2vhdl Build vhdl files hxs-rst2docbook Build docbook description from rst with Sphinx hxs-rst2html-sphinx Build html description from rst with Sphinx modelsim-wishbone-all all from scratch until interactive simulation modelsim-wishbone-all-gui all from scratch until interactive simulation modelsim-wishbone-clean delete work folder modelsim-wishbone-compile compile all modelsim-wishbone-prepare make work folder modelsim-wishbone-simulate simulate modelsim-wishbone-simulate-gui simulate start gui
To run the simulation with GHDL its version 4.0.0 must be present.
If not jump to Install GHDL Windows section, if not callable as 'ghdl' in path, usually with Windows, jump to AdaptAntBuild Adapt Ant Build.
Then simulation can be run, assuming the cloned repository is located in 'git/interrupt-collector':
cd git/interrupt-collector ant ghdl-wishbone-all
This should result in:
[exec] Core0: Main test started [exec] Core1: Cross notify interrupt happened [exec] Core1: test started [exec] Core0: Cross notify interrupt happened [exec] Core1 currently: Interrupts in total: 32, Source0: 12, Source1: 6, Source2: 6, Source3: 8 [exec] Core0 currently: Interrupts in total: 32, Source0: 13, Source1: 11, Source2: 6, Source3: 2 [exec] Core1 currently: Interrupts in total: 64, Source0: 22, Source1: 14, Source2: 12, Source3: 16 [exec] Core0 currently: Interrupts in total: 64, Source0: 28, Source1: 21, Source2: 12, Source3: 3 [exec] Core1 currently: Interrupts in total: 96, Source0: 34, Source1: 19, Source2: 20, Source3: 23 [exec] Core0 currently: Interrupts in total: 96, Source0: 43, Source1: 30, Source2: 18, Source3: 5 [exec] Core1 currently: Interrupts in total: 128, Source0: 46, Source1: 25, Source2: 25, Source3: 32 [exec] Core0 currently: Interrupts in total: 128, Source0: 56, Source1: 41, Source2: 24, Source3: 7 [exec] Core1 currently: Interrupts in total: 160, Source0: 56, Source1: 32, Source2: 32, Source3: 40 [exec] Core0 currently: Interrupts in total: 160, Source0: 69, Source1: 52, Source2: 30, Source3: 9 [exec] Core1 currently: Interrupts in total: 192, Source0: 68, Source1: 38, Source2: 38, Source3: 48 [exec] Core0 currently: Interrupts in total: 192, Source0: 84, Source1: 62, Source2: 36, Source3: 10 [exec] Core1 currently: Interrupts in total: 224, Source0: 78, Source1: 46, Source2: 44, Source3: 56 [exec] Core0 currently: Interrupts in total: 224, Source0: 98, Source1: 72, Source2: 42, Source3: 12 [exec] Core1 currently: Interrupts in total: 256, Source0: 90, Source1: 51, Source2: 52, Source3: 63 [exec] Core0 currently: Interrupts in total: 256, Source0: 110, Source1: 84, Source2: 48, Source3: 14 [exec] Core1 currently: Interrupts in total: 288, Source0: 102, Source1: 57, Source2: 57, Source3: 72 [exec] Core0 currently: Interrupts in total: 288, Source0: 125, Source1: 93, Source2: 54, Source3: 16 [exec] Core1 currently: Interrupts in total: 320, Source0: 112, Source1: 64, Source2: 64, Source3: 80 [exec] Core0 currently: Interrupts in total: 320, Source0: 139, Source1: 103, Source2: 61, Source3: 17 [exec] Core1 currently: Interrupts in total: 352, Source0: 124, Source1: 70, Source2: 70, Source3: 88 [exec] Core0 currently: Interrupts in total: 352, Source0: 153, Source1: 113, Source2: 67, Source3: 19 [exec] Core1 currently: Interrupts in total: 384, Source0: 134, Source1: 78, Source2: 76, Source3: 96 [exec] Core0 currently: Interrupts in total: 384, Source0: 166, Source1: 125, Source2: 72, Source3: 21 [exec] Core1 currently: Interrupts in total: 416, Source0: 146, Source1: 83, Source2: 84, Source3: 103 [exec] Core0 currently: Interrupts in total: 416, Source0: 180, Source1: 135, Source2: 79, Source3: 22 [exec] Core1 currently: Interrupts in total: 448, Source0: 158, Source1: 89, Source2: 89, Source3: 112 [exec] Core1 currently: Interrupts in total: 480, Source0: 168, Source1: 96, Source2: 96, Source3: 120 [exec] Core0 currently: Interrupts in total: 448, Source0: 195, Source1: 144, Source2: 85, Source3: 24 [exec] Core1 currently: Interrupts in total: 512, Source0: 180, Source1: 102, Source2: 102, Source3: 128 [exec] Core0 currently: Interrupts in total: 480, Source0: 207, Source1: 156, Source2: 91, Source3: 26 [exec] Core1 currently: Interrupts in total: 544, Source0: 190, Source1: 110, Source2: 108, Source3: 136 [exec] Core0 currently: Interrupts in total: 512, Source0: 221, Source1: 166, Source2: 97, Source3: 28 [exec] Core1 currently: Interrupts in total: 576, Source0: 202, Source1: 115, Source2: 116, Source3: 143 [exec] Core0 currently: Interrupts in total: 544, Source0: 236, Source1: 176, Source2: 103, Source3: 29 [exec] Core1 currently: Interrupts in total: 608, Source0: 214, Source1: 121, Source2: 121, Source3: 152 [exec] Core0 currently: Interrupts in total: 576, Source0: 251, Source1: 185, Source2: 109, Source3: 31 [exec] Core1 currently: Interrupts in total: 640, Source0: 224, Source1: 128, Source2: 128, Source3: 160 [exec] Core0 currently: Interrupts in total: 608, Source0: 264, Source1: 197, Source2: 114, Source3: 33 [exec] Core1 currently: Interrupts in total: 672, Source0: 236, Source1: 134, Source2: 134, Source3: 168 [exec] Core0 currently: Interrupts in total: 640, Source0: 276, Source1: 208, Source2: 121, Source3: 35 [exec] Core1 currently: Interrupts in total: 704, Source0: 246, Source1: 142, Source2: 140, Source3: 176 [exec] Core0 currently: Interrupts in total: 672, Source0: 291, Source1: 218, Source2: 127, Source3: 36 [exec] Core1 currently: Interrupts in total: 736, Source0: 258, Source1: 147, Source2: 148, Source3: 183 [exec] Core0 currently: Interrupts in total: 704, Source0: 305, Source1: 228, Source2: 133, Source3: 38 [exec] Core1 currently: Interrupts in total: 768, Source0: 270, Source1: 153, Source2: 153, Source3: 192 [exec] Core0 currently: Interrupts in total: 736, Source0: 318, Source1: 239, Source2: 139, Source3: 40 [exec] Core1 currently: Interrupts in total: 800, Source0: 280, Source1: 160, Source2: 160, Source3: 200 [exec] Core0 currently: Interrupts in total: 768, Source0: 332, Source1: 249, Source2: 145, Source3: 42 [exec] Core1 currently: Interrupts in total: 832, Source0: 292, Source1: 166, Source2: 166, Source3: 208 [exec] Core0 currently: Interrupts in total: 800, Source0: 341, Source1: 260, Source2: 156, Source3: 43 [exec] Core1 currently: Interrupts in total: 864, Source0: 299, Source1: 181, Source2: 171, Source3: 213 [exec] Core0 currently: Interrupts in total: 832, Source0: 341, Source1: 268, Source2: 180, Source3: 43 [exec] Core1 currently: Interrupts in total: 896, Source0: 299, Source1: 213, Source2: 171, Source3: 213 [exec] Core0 currently: Interrupts in total: 864, Source0: 341, Source1: 276, Source2: 204, Source3: 43 [exec] [exec] Core1 finally: Interrupts in total: 916, Source0: 299, Source1: 233, Source2: 171, Source3: 213 [exec] Core1: test finished [exec] [exec] Core0 finally: Interrupts in total: 876, Source0: 341, Source1: 279, Source2: 213, Source3: 43 [exec] [exec] Total counts finally: ActualSum: 1792, Actual0: 640, Actual1: 512, Actual2: 384, Actual3: 256 [exec] Total failure count finally: FailureSum: 0, Failures0: 0, Failures1: 0, Failures2: 0, Failures3: 0 [exec] [exec] Core0: Main test finished [exec] [exec] /home/heinrich/git/interrupt-collector/submodules/simstm/src/tb_simstm.vhd:1308:21:@773696100ps:(assertion note): test finished with no errors!! [exec] /home/heinrich/git/interrupt-collector/simulation/ghdl-wishbone/work/tb_top_wishbone:info: simulation stopped by --stop-time @99992130300ps
Then simulation can be re-run then, since compilation and elaboration has already been done by the target 'ghdl-wishbone-all':
cd git/interrupt-collector ant ghdl-wishbone-simulate
This is very useful since the SimStm (.stm) stimuli files can be changed to do a new simulation WITHOUT recompilation.
Then simulation can be re-run with GUI:
cd git/interrupt-collector ant ghdl-wishbone-simulate-gui
If the script complains about 'gtkwave' missing, see respective install section in Install GHDL Windows to install it.
Assuming ModelSim is already installed, to simulate the design we run:
cd git/interrupt-collector ant modelsim-wishbone-all
Possibly the path to the ModelSim executable may have to be adapted in the ant build.xml file.
Using ModelSim Starter edition it may take up to 5 minutes until the output of a successful simulation will yield like this:
(ModelSim Starter edition will take already a very long time cause of design size)
# Core0 currently: Interrupts in total: 0x0380, Source0: 0x013E, Source1: 0xFF, Source2: 0xC0, Source3: 0x83
# Core1 currently: Interrupts in total: 0x0380, Source0: 0x0142, Source1: 0x0101, Source2: 0xC0, Source3: 0x7D
# Core1 finally: Interrupts in total: 0x0380, Source0: 0x0142, Source1: 0x0101, Source2: 0xC0, Source3: 0x7D
# Core1: test finished
# Core0 finally: Interrupts in total: 0x0380, Source0: 0x013E, Source1: 0xFF, Source2: 0xC0, Source3: 0x83
# Total counts finally: ActualSum: 0x0700, Actual0: 0x0280, Actual1: 0x0200, Actual2: 0x0180, Actual3: 0x0100
# Total failure count finally: FailureSum: 0x00, Failures0: 0x00, Failures1: 0x00, Failures2: 0x00, Failures3: 0x00
# Core0: Main test finished
# ** Note: test finished with no errors!!
# Time: 773216100 ps Iteration: 0 Instance: /tb_top_wishbone/i0_tb_simstm
# ** Note: Leaving proc Main and halt at line 195 end_proc file ../../tb/simstm/TestMainWishbone.stm
# Time: 1000790207100 ps Iteration: 0 Instance: /tb_top_wishbone/i1_tb_simstm
Then simulation can be re-run, since compilation and elaboration has already been done by the target 'ghdl-wishbone-all':
cd git/interrupt-collector ant modelsim-wishbone-simulate
This is very useful since the SimStm (.stm) stimuli files can be changed to do a new simulation WITHOUT recompilation.
Then simulation can be re-run with GUI:
cd git/interrupt-collector ant ghdl-wishbone-simulate-gui
The Hardware/Software interface description of the Interrupt-Collector generated by HxS is: file.
The respective HxS sources are found in the hxs folder of the interrupt-collector clone.
Further generated artifacts Vhdl, SimStm, C, Python, HTML-Documentation, and PDF-Documentation is placed in hxs artifacts folder.
The same applies for the Interrupt-Generator of the Mock and can be found the respective submodule folder.
A glance at the HxS source snippet of the Interrupt Request Register:
Then HxS artifacts can be generated by calling the following ANT target. A precondition for this step is having installed the HxS Tool and Python, see Install Python. However since the artifacts are already present, since they are unusually under version control in this repository too, it is not necessary to have the tool to run the simulation.
cd git/interrupt-collector ant hxs-all
The target calls further targets in different levels of the complete workflow:
hxs-vhdl to generate the vhdl files in the src-gen/vhdl folder referenced by the user code files in the src/vhdl folder.
hxs-hxs2c to generate the C-header files in the src-gen/c folder.
hxs-hxs2python to generate the Python class files in the src-gen/python folder.
hxs-hxs2simstm to generate the SimStm files in the src-gen/simstm folder included by the testbench.
- hxs-hxs2rst to generate the restructured text files in the src-gen/rst folder referenced by the user code files in the src/rst folder.A '.drawio' drawing is generated there, waiting to be included in documentation by the useror used for presentations.A preliminary '.docx' Microsoft Word is generated there, if enabled by annotation in the HxS source. The user restructured text entered inHxS descriptions is not yet transformed but flows through as it is, it will be presented in following realses of HxS.
- hxs-rst2html-sphinx to generate a final Sphinx style HTML document in src-gen/html-sphinxThe composition of the resulting document is determined by user source code in the folder src/rst.The generatedfiles are included there to determine the place where they are located in the final user document with e.g., additional user sections.
- hxs-rst2docbook to generate the necessary interim input files for further DocBook transformations .The composition of the resulting document by further steps is determined by user source code in the folder src/docbook. The generatedfiles are included there to determine the place where they are located in the final user document with e.g., additional user sections.Resources like the company logo can be adapted there. For further customization hints see Docbook Customizations section.
hxs-docbook2pdf to generate the final PDF document im src-gen/docbook-pdf
- hxs-docbook2html to generate a final HTML document im src-gen/docbook-htmlThis html output is an alternative to the Sphinx html, it is much closer to the form of the PDF output.
The docbook tranformation is done by the submodule eccelerators-docbook. Further customizations can be done by taking this as a base for a own 'user-docbook' submodule. The adaptions are to be done in the folder customization similar to the eccelerators-book found there in our submodule. Detailed explanations can be found at DocBook.
Simply use it for your design.
Have a template for Eclipse and VsCode to easily enter the Mask, Request and Service bits with common name stem.
- Adapt tb_signals_pkg.vhdto different interrupt priority schemes or nested interrupts.Extend SimStm code with respective test cases.
- Adapt InterruptDispatcher.vhdto respect disabled interrupts in a core or a core already busy with an interrupt in dispatachin scheme.Extend SimStm code with respective test cases.
Model more cores and user specific behaviour
The helper folder of the repository contains different python helper scripts. Eccelerators will provide its IPs as python packages in future, thus submodules will be replaced and dependencies and sub-dependencies will be mangaged much easier. Many of the helper scripts already rely on a or generate it in the current interim state.
Install it by downloading:
Copy the downloaded file to the a local folder e.g, 'ghdl_download' and unpack it there e.g., with
cd ghdl_download tar -xzf ghdl-gha-ubuntu-22.04-llvm.tgz -C ./usr
It is sufficient to copy the contents of the subfolders of the unpacked user folder to their respective pendants in the system root '/usr' after their owner has been set to root.
sudo chown -R root:root ./usr sudo cp -r ./usr/bin/* /usr/bin sudo cp -r ./usr/include/* /usr/include sudo cp -r ./usr/lib/* /usr/lib
Then issuing:
ghdl --version
should show:
GHDL 4.0.0 (3.0.0.r912.gc0e7e1483) [Dunoon edition] Compiled with GNAT Version: 10.5.0 llvm 14.0.0 code generator Written by Tristan Gingold. Copyright (C) 2003 - 2024 Tristan Gingold. GHDL is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
It may complain about missing libraries, then install them with:
sudo apt update sudo apt install build-essential sudo apt install llvm-14 sudo apt install gnat
Install 'gtkwave' to use the GUI variant for simulation:
sudo apt update sudo apt install gtkwave
There are many options beneath the following, we describe the MSYS way.
MSYS2 is required, install it by downloading:
Add C:\msys64\ucrt64\bin
to your environment path variable.
Download GHDL:
Execute in the 'MSYS2 MSYS' console:
cd /c/Users/<your-user>/Downloads pacman -U mingw-w64-ucrt-x86_64-ghdl-llvm-ci-1-any.pkg.tar.zst
Then issuing:
ghdl --version
should show:
GHDL 4.0.0 (3.0.0.r912.gc0e7e1483) [Dunoon edition] Compiled with GNAT Version: 10.5.0 llvm 14.0.0 code generator Written by Tristan Gingold. Copyright (C) 2003 - 2024 Tristan Gingold. GHDL is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
Install 'gtkwave' to use the GUI variant for simulation in the 'MSYS2 MSYS' console:
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-gtkwave
Python must be present to run the helper- and hxs- generator targets of the ANT build file. To get all necessary dependencies you can run:
cd git/interrupt-collector pip install -r requirements.txt
If it is present its path can be adapted in the top 'build.xml' file in the repository root once for all builds and child builds. Especially the pathes to the python , ghdl and modelsim executables usually have to be adapted for windows.
``<!-- properties for local purposes, should be overriden by ci ant call e.g, `` `` with -Dpython-executable argument for ci purposes `` `` `` ``defaults : `` `` `` ``<property name="ghdl-executable" value="ghdl"/> `` ``<property name="gtkwave-executable" value="gtkwave"/> `` `` `` ``<property name="vlib-executable" value="vlib"/> `` ``<property name="vmap-executable" value="vmap"/> `` ``<property name="vcom-executable" value="vcom"/> `` ``<property name="vsim-executable" value="vsim"/> `` `` `` ``override respectively by uncommenting e.g, for python the following line: `` ``--> `` ``<!-- <property name="python-executable" `` `` value="C:Users\user\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38\python.exe"/> --> ``