Manage websites, application pools, web applications, and virtual directories in IIS 7.0,7.5,8.0
- Windows Server 2008 (R1, R2)
- Windows Server 2012 (R1, R2) (Testing In Progress)
Manage application pools in IIS
- :create: - creates an application pool
- :config: - configure an application pool
- :delete: - delete an existing application pool
- :start: - start an application pool
- :stop: - stop an application pool
- :restart: - restart an application pool
- name: name of application pool
- properties: List of all properties to be set for application pool
# Create an application pool named TestPool with the following properties set
# recycling.periodicRestart.privatememory" = 4, processmodel.maxprocesses = 3, managedPipeLineMode = Integrated, managedRunTimeVersion = v4.0
# processModel.IdentityType = SpecificUser, Autostart = True, processmodel.username = mydomain\username, processmodel.password = mypassword, recycling.logEventOnRecycle = Time,Requests,IsapiUnhealthy,OnDemand,ConfigChange
iisposh_pool 'pool' do
name "TestPool"
"recycling.periodicRestart.privatememory" => 4,
"processmodel.maxprocesses" => 3,
"managedPipeLineMode" => "Integrated",
"managedRunTimeVersion" => "v2.0",
"processModel.IdentityType" => "SpecificUser",
"autostart" => "True",
"processmodel.username" => "mydomain\\username",
"processmodel.password" => "mypassword",
"recycling.logEventOnRecycle" => "Time,Requests,IsapiUnhealthy,OnDemand,ConfigChange"
action :create
# Delete the TestPool Application Pool
iisposh_pool 'pool' do
name "TestPool"
action :delete
Allows easy management of IIS Websites
- :create: - creates a new website
- :config: - configure a website
- :delete: - delete an existing website
- :start: - start a website
- :stop: - stop a website
- :restart: - restart a website
- name: name of website
- path: Physical path of website files
- pool: Application pool of the website
- properties: List of all properties to be set for website
- bindings: Set website web bindings [["protocol", "port#","hostheader", "IPAddress"]]
- powershell_code: String used to convert ruby hashtable to powershell hashtable
- binding_string: String used to convert ruby array into format usable by powersehll
iisposh_website 'website' do
name "TestSite"
action :create
# create a new website at the location C:\inetpub\wwwroot\testsite with the following properties set
# name = TestSite, applicationPool = TestPool, ServerAutoStart = True, logFile.logFormat = W3C, logfile.deirectory = c:\weblogs, logfile.logExtFileFalgs = Date,Time,ClientIP,ServerIP,Method,UriStem,UriQuery,HttpStatus,BytesSent,TimeTaken,UserAgent
# bindings = http,3030
iisposh_website 'website' do
name "TestSite"
bindings [["http", "3030", "", ""]]
"applicationPool" => "TestPool",
"physicalPath" => "c:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\testsite",
"ServerAutoStart" => "True",
"logfile.logformat" => "W3C",
"" => "c:\\weblogs",
"logfile.logExtFileFlags" => "Date,Time,ClientIP,ServerIP,Method,UriStem,UriQuery,HttpStatus,BytesSent,TimeTaken,UserAgent"
action :create
# Delete the TestSite website
iisposh_website 'website' do
name "TestSite"
action :delete
# configure a website with the following properties
# name = TestSite, applicationPool = TestPool, ServerAutoStart = True, logFile.logFormat = W3C, logfile.deirectory = c:\weblogs, logfile.logExtFileFalgs = Date,Time,ClientIP,ServerIP,Method,UriStem,UriQuery,HttpStatus,BytesSent,TimeTaken,UserAgent
# bindings = http,3030
iisposh_website 'website' do
name "TestSite"
bindings [["http", "3030", "", ""]]
"applicationPool" => "TestPool",
"physicalPath" => "c:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\testsite",
"ServerAutoStart" => "True",
"logfile.logformat" => "W3C",
"" => "c:\\weblogs",
"logfile.logExtFileFlags" => "Date,Time,ClientIP,ServerIP,Method,UriStem,UriQuery,HttpStatus,BytesSent,TimeTaken,UserAgent"
action :config
# configure a website with the following properties
# name = TestSite, applicationPool = TestPool, ServerAutoStart = True, logFile.logFormat = W3C, logfile.deirectory = c:\weblogs, logfile.logExtFileFalgs = Date,Time,ClientIP,ServerIP,Method,UriStem,UriQuery,HttpStatus,BytesSent,TimeTaken,UserAgent
iisposh_website 'website' do
name "TestSite"
"applicationPool" => "TestPool",
"physicalPath" => "c:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\testsite",
"ServerAutoStart" => "True",
"logfile.logformat" => "W3C",
"" => "c:\\weblogs",
"logfile.logExtFileFlags" => "Date,Time,ClientIP,ServerIP,Method,UriStem,UriQuery,HttpStatus,BytesSent,TimeTaken,UserAgent"
action :config
# restart the TestSite website
iisposh_website 'website' do
name "TestSite"
action :resetart
Manage web applications in IIS
- :create: - create a web application
- :config: - configure a web application
- :delete: - delete a web application
- name: Name of web application
- path: Physical Path of web application files
- site: Name of the website in which the web application belongs to
- pool: Name of the Application Pool the web application runs under
- properties: List of properties to be set for the application pool
# Create a web application named "TestApp" located at "c:\temp" under the "TestSite" running under the "TestPool" application pool
iisposh_webapp 'webapp' do
name "TestApp"
pool "TestPool"
site "TestSite"
path "c:\\temp"
"username" => "", # example: domain\\username
"password" => ""
action :create
# Delete the "TestApp" web application under the "TestSite" website
iisposh_webapp 'webapp' do
name "TestApp"
site "TestSite"
action :delete
Manage Virtual Directories in IIS
- :create: - create a virtual directory
- :config: - configure a virtual directory
- :delete: - delete a virtual directory
- name: Name of virtual directory
- path: Physical Path of virtual directory files
- site: Name of the website in which the virtual directory belongs to
- properties: List of properties to be set for the virutal directory
# Create a virtual directory named "TestDir" under the "TestSite" website with a path of c:\Temp with the following properties set
# logonMetohod = ClearText, AllowSubDir Config = True
iisposh_vdir 'vdir' do
name "Testdir"
site "TestSite"
path "c:\\temp"
"logonMethod" => "ClearText",
"allowSubDirConfig" => "True"
action :create
# Delete the "TestDir" Virtual Director in the "TestSite" website
iisposh_vdir 'vdir' do
name "Testdir"
site "TestSite"
action :delete
- See powershell folder
- Wrote a powershell script to help discover settings of currently deployed components in IIS. Pools, WebApps, Sites etc
- files\default\test.ps1
- To aid in testing of powershell outside of chef and LWRPs, test.ps1 was created to help test the different function calls.
- Author:: Darrell Johnson ([email protected])
- Author:: Nicholas Carpenter ([email protected])