#2968 #2969 - [ebean-test] - Default ebean.test.registerTestTenantProvider = false ... by default not auto register a test CurrentTenantProvider
#2881 - Add StdFunctions, StdExpressions, TQColumn marker interface
#2971 - Bump ebean-datasource to 8.5 - use connection.setSchema() rather than connection Properties
#2970 - Bump ebean-migration to 13.7.0 - DB2 uses logical lock due to reorg tables
#2936 - BUG: Memory-leak on streaming queries when LoadBuffers are not aligned
#2942 #2967 - [ebean-joda] Joda JSON ISO8601 format for DateMidnight includes timezone bug
#2942 #2966 [ebean-joda] Joda LocalDateTime JSON parsing - DateTimeParseException when ScalarTypeJodaLocalDateTime parsing Json
#2849 - Query beans: UpdateQuery - Add support field aliases when updating, ie. set() methods using type properties
#2912 - Refactoring SpiLogger to better support conditional logging
#2957 - ENH: add statistics trimmedByGC/LRU/TTL/Idle to ServerCacheStatistics?
Full Changelog: ebean-parent-13.12.0...ebean-parent-13.13.0