#2619 - Lack of setNullParameter() functionality on io.ebean.SqlQuery interface
#2617 - ENH: JsonContext accepts a bean as target
#2613 - Bump ebean-migration to 12.16.1 bug
#2609 - Fix module-info export io.ebean.config.dbplatform.yugabyte bug
#2600 - Pending drops migration with the same version of the target migration cause trouble bug
#2612 - Incorrect DDL generation for MySql on history tables that use quoted identifiers bug
#2537 #2608 - DB2: Add Tablespace support
#2607 - DDL: Support schema in history entities and ignore case in DB2 procedures
#2605 - DB2-DDL: Create history table with "create table as"
#2606 - Use correctly quoted historyTableName in DDL-History
#2604 - Remove LowerTableName
#2603 - Refactored DDL generation to correctly handle quoted identifiers
#2601 - Extended @column support for DB2