This repository is a limited access to Cala Mobile, our mobile app built with React Native. Code is linted using ESlint with the Airbnb ruleset and Prettier. We don't use Redux or any other state management library but React hooks and Apollo state with React Navigation for the routing.
- Android Studio
- Xcode
- node >= 10
- watchman
- follow those steps
You will have to add a pickup slot picker to the Checkout screen. You can find the design in our Figma workspace.
Tasks are as follows:
- Create a component to display a sticky modal using react-native-modal.
- Fetch the available pickup slots using Apollo and graphQL tags.
- Implement the design found in Figma using styled-component.
- Store the selected slot so as to use it at checkout.
Feel free to ask about anything 😉
Start Android:
npm run android
Start IOS:
npm run ios