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Implicit creation of retrofit2 instances based on the Spring framework DI, providing more functionality through annotations and extensions


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easy-retrofit-spring-boot-starter provides easier use and enhancement of common functions of Retrofit2 in SpringBoot project, and realizes the enhancement of common functions through more annotations.





dependencies {
    implementation 'io.github.easyretrofit:spring-boot-starter:${latest-version}'

This version is compatible with SpringBoot2 and Springboot3 versions under different JDKs as follows:

jdk version Springboot2 version Springboot3 version
jdk8 2.0.0.RELEASE - 2.7.x NA
jdk11 2.0.0.RELEASE - 2.7.x NA
jdk17 2.4.2 - 2.7.x 3.0.0 - latest
jdk21 2.7.16 - 2.7.x 3.1.0 - latest

Quick Start

Add @EnableRetrofit Annotation

The @EnableRetrofit Annotation will enable to use retrofit-spring-boot-stater.

public class QuickStartApplication {
    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

You can specify basePackages like @EnableRetrofit(basePackages = "xxx.demo.api"), "xxx.demo.api" is your retrofit APIs folder name. By default, all files in the directory where the starter class file is located will be scanned

Create an Interface file, and use @RetrofitBuilder

@RetrofitBuilder will create a Retrofit.Builder() object, and it will be managed by Spring container

baseUrl can be a URL string or a properties in a resource file

// baseUrl = "http://localhost:8080/"
@RetrofitBuilder(baseUrl = "${app.hello.url}")
public interface HelloApi {
     * call hello API method of backend service
     * @param message message
     * @return
    Call<ResponseBody> hello(@Path("message") String message);

and application.yml

    url: http://localhost:8080/

Use Retrofit API in Controller

Use @Autowired to inject API Interface, the retrofit-spring-boot-starter will help you to create instance of API Interface file.

public class HelloController {

    private HelloApi helloApi;

    public ResponseEntity<String> hello(@PathVariable String message) throws IOException {
        final ResponseBody body = helloApi.hello(message).execute().body();
        return ResponseEntity.ok(body.string());

You can refer to retrofit-spring-boot-starter-sample-quickstart & retrofit-spring-boot-starter-sample-backend-services

Yes, Congratulations, your code should work normally.

Advanced Configuration

Add other Retrofit attributes to @RetrofitBuilder, if you need

You can set the other properties of Retrofit in @RetrofitBuilder, the @RetrofitBuilder properties name is same as method name of Retrofit.Builder()

@RetrofitBuilder(baseUrl = "${app.hello.url}",
        addConverterFactory = {GsonConvertFactoryBuilder.class},
        addCallAdapterFactory = {RxJavaCallAdapterFactoryBuilder.class},
        callbackExecutor = CallBackExecutorBuilder.class,
        client = OkHttpClientBuilder.class,
        validateEagerly = false)
@RetrofitInterceptor(handler = LoggingInterceptor.class)
@RetrofitInterceptor(handler = MyRetrofitInterceptor.class)
public interface HelloApi {
     * call hello API method of backend service
     * @param message message
     * @return
    Call<HelloBean> hello(@Path("message") String message);

Create custom ConverterFactory

Create a custom ConvertFactory need extend BaseConverterFactoryBuilder

public class GsonConvertFactoryBuilder extends BaseConverterFactoryBuilder {
    public Converter.Factory buildConverterFactory() {
        return GsonConverterFactory.create();

Create custom CallAdapterFactory

Create a custom CallAdapterFactory need extend BaseCallAdapterFactoryBuilder

public class RxJavaCallAdapterFactoryBuilder extends BaseCallAdapterFactoryBuilder {
    public CallAdapter.Factory buildCallAdapterFactory() {
        return RxJavaCallAdapterFactory.create();

Create custom CallBackExecutor

Create a custom CallBackExecutor need extend BaseCallBackExecutorBuilder

public class CallBackExecutorBuilder extends BaseCallBackExecutorBuilder {

    public Executor buildCallBackExecutor() {
        return command ->;

Create custom OKHttpClient

Create a custom OKHttpClient need extend BaseOkHttpClientBuilder

public class OkHttpClientBuilder extends BaseOkHttpClientBuilder {
    public OkHttpClient.Builder buildOkHttpClientBuilder(OkHttpClient.Builder builder) {
        return builder.connectTimeout(Duration.ofMillis(30000));

important: When you need to use the objects managed by the spring container in the Custom Builder, you only need to use @Component on the class header and inject the objects you need

public class MyOkHttpClient extends BaseOkHttpClientBuilder {

    private int timeout;

    public OkHttpClient.Builder buildOkHttpClientBuilder(OkHttpClient.Builder builder) {
        return builder.connectTimeout(Duration.ofMillis(timeout));

and application.yml

  timeout: 30000

Create custom OKHttpClient Interceptor

The OkHttpClient Interceptor object can be created separately from the OkHttpClient object, which makes it more flexible to expand and use

Create a custom Interceptor of OKHttpClient need extend BaseInterceptor

important: When you need to use the objects managed by the spring container in the Custom Interceptor, you only need to use @Component on the class header and inject the objects you need

public class MyRetrofitInterceptor extends BaseInterceptor {

     * The context is created and registered in the spring container by retrofit-spring-boot-starter. The context object includes all retrofit-spring-boot-starter context objects
    private RetrofitResourceContext context;

    protected Response executeIntercept(Chain chain) {
        Request request = chain.request();
        String clazzName = Objects.requireNonNull(request.tag(Invocation.class)).method().getDeclaringClass().getName();
        final RetrofitServiceBean currentServiceBean = context.getRetrofitServiceBean(clazzName);
        // TODO if you need
        return chain.proceed(request);

and set class name like @RetrofitInterceptor(handler = MyRetrofitInterceptor.class)

Use OkHttpClient HttpLoggingInterceptor

public class LoggingInterceptor extends BaseInterceptor {

    private HttpLoggingInterceptor httpLoggingInterceptor;

    public LoggingInterceptor() {
        httpLoggingInterceptor = new HttpLoggingInterceptor();

    protected Response executeIntercept(Chain chain) {
        return httpLoggingInterceptor.intercept(chain);

Tips: When you only want to set the interceptor without making other modifications to the OKHttpClient object, you can delete the client = OkHttpClientBuilder.class property of @RetrofitBuilder and There is no need to customize your OKHttpClient

Set include,exclude,type and sort for @RetrofitInterceptor

you could set include,exclude, type and sort properties in @RetrofitInterceptor like @RetrofitInterceptor(handler = MyRetrofitInterceptor.class, exclude = {"/v1/hello/*"})

When exclude is used, the corresponding API will ignore this interceptor.

When you use sort, please ensure that all interceptors use sort, because by default, sort is 0. You can ensure the execution order of your interceptors through int type. By default, the interceptor is loaded from top to bottom.

When you use type, type is an Interceptor Enum , You can specify whether this interceptor is to be addInterceptor() or addNetworkInterceptor() in OkHttpClient

You can refer to retrofit-spring-boot-starter-sample-retrofitbuilder & retrofit-spring-boot-starter-sample-backend-services

Interface Inheritance

If you have hundreds of Interface method, it is from a same source Base URL, and you want your code structure to be more orderly and look consistent with the source service structure, you could do this,

Interface file extends Mode

Use extends keyword to inherit the interface that declares @RetrofitBuilder

Define an empty Interface file,and set @RetrofitBuilder

@RetrofitBuilder(baseUrl = "${app.hello.url}",
        addConverterFactory = {GsonConvertFactoryBuilder.class},
        client = OkHttpClientBuilder.class)
@RetrofitInterceptor(handler = LoggingInterceptor.class)
@RetrofitInterceptor(handler = MyRetrofitInterceptor.class)
public interface BaseApi {

Create other API Interface extend Parent class

public interface HelloApi extends BaseApi {
     * call hello API method of backend service
     * @param message message
     * @return
    Call<HelloBean> hello(@Path("message") String message);

@RetrofitBase mode

Use @RetrofitBase annotation to set @RetrofitBuilder Interface file

@RetrofitBase(baseInterface = BaseApi.class)
public interface HelloApi {
     * call hello API method of backend service
     * @param message message
     * @return
    Call<HelloBean> hello(@Path("message") String message);

if HelloApi use extends BaseApi and used @RetrofitBase(baseInterface = BaseApi.class), The starter first to use @RetrofitBase(baseInterface = BaseApi.class)

URL Prefix

You can use @RetrofitUrlPrefix to define the prefix of URL, just like using @RequestMapping of springboot

public interface HelloApi extends BaseApi {
     * call hello API method of backend service
     * @param message message
     * @return
    Call<HelloBean> hello(@Path("message") String message);
public interface HelloApi extends BaseApi {
     * call hello API method of backend service
     * @param message message
     * @return
    Call<HelloBean> hello(@Path("message") String message);

The URLs of the two hello methods are the same

You can refer to retrofit-spring-boot-starter-sample-inherit & retrofit-spring-boot-starter-sample-backend-services

Warning: If you inject the parent Interface and the inherited Interface at the same place, the following errors may occur


Field api in io.liuziyuan.demo.controller.HelloController required a single bean, but 2 were found:
	- io.github.easyretrofit.samples.inherit.api.BaseApi: defined in null
	- io.github.easyretrofit.samples.inherit.api.HelloApi: defined in null


Consider marking one of the beans as @Primary, updating the consumer to accept multiple beans, or using @Qualifier to identify the bean that should be consumed

So, you need use @Qualifier(""), and the value is API Interface class full name, Please try not to use the parent class in the injected place

public class HelloController {

    private BaseApi baseApi;
    private HelloApi helloApi;

    public ResponseEntity<String> hello(@PathVariable String message) throws IOException {
        final HelloBean helloBody = helloApi.hello(message).execute().body();
        return ResponseEntity.ok(helloBody.getMessage());

Single Retrofit Instance

Create a single Retrofit instance When the Retrofit configuration is the same and only the SUFFIX part of the baseUrl is different

You can refer to retrofit-spring-boot-starter-sample-single-instance & retrofit-spring-boot-starter-sample-backend-services

@RetrofitDynamicBaseUrl Annotation

You can use @RetrofitDynamicBaseUrl to dynamically change the baseUrl in @RetrofitBuilder

You can refer to retrofit-spring-boot-starter-sample-awesome & retrofit-spring-boot-starter-sample-backend-services

@RetrofitCloudService Annotation (v0.0.20 temporary discard)

In spring cloud micro services cluster, You can use @RetrofitCloudService to call another micro service. This function depends on spring-cloud-starter-loadbalancer,so adding to pom.xml

@RetrofitCloudService(name = "catalog")
public interface RetrofitApi {

    Call<ResponseBody> echo(@Path("string") String string);

the catalog is name of provider micro service. That's the name in the registry center.

Dynamic URL

you could use@RetrofitDynamicBaseUrl dynamic change baseUrlof@RetrofitBuilder

You can refer to retrofit-spring-boot-starter-sample-awesome & retrofit-spring-boot-starter-sample-backend-services

Global Configuration

You can configure the retrofit-spring-boot-starter global configuration in the Spring Boot project's configuration file application.yml. When global configuration is enabled, all the configurations in the @RetrofitBuilder will use the global configuration.

    enable: true
    overwrite-type: global_first
    base-url: http://localhost:8080
    converter-factory-builder-clazz: io.github.liuziyuan.test.retrofit.spring.boot.common.JacksonConverterFactoryBuilder,io.github.liuziyuan.test.retrofit.spring.boot.common.GsonConverterFactoryBuilder
    call-adapter-factory-builder-clazz: io.github.liuziyuan.test.retrofit.spring.boot.common.RxJavaCallAdapterFactoryBuilder
    validate-eagerly: false

The properties here are exactly the same as those in @RetrofitBuilder. You can refer to the comments in @RetrofitBuilder for explanation.

The overwrite-type provides two modes: global_first and local_first.

When global_first, the global configuration will be merged with the @RetrofitBuilder configuration and use the properties of the global configuration. The properties of the global configuration will be used if they are empty.

When local_first, the global configuration will be merged with the @RetrofitBuilder configuration and use the properties of the @RetrofitBuilder configuration. The properties of the @RetrofitBuilder configuration will be used if they are empty.

Provide a denyGlobalConfig = true in @RetrofitBuilder to refuse the global configuration and keep its independence without being polluted by the global configuration.

@RetrofitBuilder(baseUrl = "http://localhost:8080/", denyGlobalConfig = true)
public interface HelloApi {

You can refer to retrofit-spring-boot-starter-sample-global-config

Interceptor Extension

You can write Interceptor-based extensions for Retrofit,

Take for example @RetrofitCloudService, an Interceptor-based extension that implements load balancing for Retrofit in Spring Cloud

@RetrofitInterceptor(handler = RetrofitCloudInterceptor.class)
public @interface RetrofitCloudService {
            annotation = RetrofitDynamicBaseUrl.class,
            attribute = "value"
    String name() default "";

public class RetrofitCloudInterceptor extends BaseInterceptor {

    private LoadBalancerClient loadBalancerClient;

    private RetrofitResourceContext context;

    protected Response executeIntercept(Chain chain) {
        Request request = chain.request();
        final Method method = super.getRequestMethod(request);
        String clazzName = super.getClazzNameByMethod(method);
        final RetrofitApiInterfaceBean currentServiceBean = context.getRetrofitApiInterfaceBean(clazzName);
        RetrofitCloudService annotation = null;
        annotation = currentServiceBean.getSelfClazz().getAnnotation(RetrofitCloudService.class);
        if (annotation == null) {
            annotation = currentServiceBean.getParentClazz().getAnnotation(RetrofitCloudService.class);
        final String serviceName =;
        if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(serviceName)) {
            final URI uri = loadBalancerClient.choose(serviceName).getUri();
            final HttpUrl httpUrl = HttpUrl.get(uri);
            HttpUrl newUrl = request.url().newBuilder()
            request = request.newBuilder().url(newUrl).build();
        return chain.proceed(request);

public class RetrofitCloudServiceExtension implements RetrofitInterceptorExtension {
    public Class<? extends Annotation> createAnnotation() {
        return RetrofitCloudService.class;

    public Class<? extends BaseInterceptor> createInterceptor() {
        return RetrofitCloudInterceptor.class;

public class RetrofitSpringCouldWebConfig {
    public RetrofitCloudServiceExtension retrofitSpringCouldWebConfig() {
        return new RetrofitCloudServiceExtension();

    public RetrofitCloudInterceptor retrofitCloudInterceptor() {
        return new RetrofitCloudInterceptor();

@RetrofitCloudService(name = "catalog")
public interface RetrofitApi {

    Call<ResponseBody> echo(@Path("string") String string);

You can refer to retrofit-spring-boot-starter-sample-plugin

Why is there another retrofit-spring-boot-starter

First, thank lianjiatech for providing an almost perfect project of retrofit-spring-boot-starter.

However, in use, I found that it will create a retrofit instance for each API Interface file, which in my opinion is a waste of resources. After reading the code, I think it is difficult to modify the original basis in a short time, so I repeated a wheel.

In my work, the team will use retrofit as the API of BFF layer HTTP client to request micro services. Therefore, there will be hundreds of interface files in BFF. Therefore, I improved the time of creating retrofit instance, allowing one retrofit interface to inherit one base interface, which can define and configure retrofit attributes




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MIT © liuziyuan


Implicit creation of retrofit2 instances based on the Spring framework DI, providing more functionality through annotations and extensions








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