This gem provides you a way to declare variables which value depends on some context. You can declare these variables inside a namespace so you can access easily to them.
gem install meta_vars
The idea of this gem came to me thanks to the activenetwork's OmnitureClient gem
There is some borrowed code from unawared coders. So thank you to
###Defining meta_vars You must include MetaVars and then declare the meta_vars you are going to use calling the has_meta_var function passing a generic name for your meta_vars.
class Foo
include MetaVars
has_meta_var :var
has_meta_var accepts one options hash, with these options:
true or false, the meta_vars will be inherited by subclasses
default_namespace for vars. If not given, the default namespace will be ''
Once you have done this, you will be able to call all these methods inside your class. Note that these methods are generated for the generic name 'var'.
####Class methods:
*var(varname, namespaces, &block)
It creates a new meta_var, with its name like var_name and a block, which will be evaluated when the value is needed inside a given contxt.
find_meta_var(var_name, namespace=default_var_namespace)
Returns the MetaVar or MetaContainer corresponding to the namespace given
####Instance methods
Returns an array with all meta_vars
Returns the MetaVar or MetaContainer corresponding to the namespace given
find_meta_var(var_name, namespace=default_var_namespace)
The same as find_meta_vars, but you can specify a var name. In fact, it is the same as find_meta_vars("#{namespace}.#{var_name}")
Returns an array with all meta_vars evaluated in the given contxt. The evaluation is done by calling an instance_eval in the contxt passed of the proc in the var
find_vars(contxt, namespace=default_var_namespace)
Returns an array with all meta_vars evaluated in the given contxt, which are inside the given namespace.
find_var(contxt, var_name, namespace=default_var_namespace)
The same as find_vars, but you can specify a var name. In fact, it is the same as find_vars(contxt, "#{namespace}.#{var_name}")
Returns the MetaContainer object which keeps all meta_vars
Returns the default_namespace given. This default_namespace is set when declaring the meta_vars
###Components There are three components:
- MetaContainer
- MetaVar
- Var
####MetaContainer It stores the meta_vars. You should not use this class directly, but if you want to... take a look to its code ;-)
####MetaVar The MetaVar itself.
Returns the name of the instance
Returns the proc associated to this meta_var
Returns a Var object, which contains the value of the meta_var resulting from evaluating its proc in the given contxt
####Var The result of the evaluation of the MetaVar in a context. You can get this by calling the to_var method in a MetaVar instance
Returns the name of the var -which it's the same as the meta_var
Returns the value of the var
Let's create a meta_var for storing the title of the page. Since this value it's not going to be the same in every action, we can use action names as namespaces.
class FooController
include MetaVars
has_meta_var :seo_var, :inheritable => true, :default_namespace => 'default'
before_filter :get_seo_title
seo_var :title, 'index' do
seo_var :title, 'show', 'edit' do
I18n.t("seo.#{params[:action]}.title", :foo => @foo)
seo_var :title do
def get_seo_title
@seo_title = (find\_seo_var(self, 'title', params[:action]) || find\_seo_var(self, 'title')).value