This docker image is part of the eBioKit 2017 project.
This docker image extends and distributes the following software:
- Based on Björn Grüning's galaxy docker.
- Licensed under MIT license..
- Based on Galaxy project.
- Licensed under Academic Free License v3.0..
- Citation:
Goecks, J, Nekrutenko, A, Taylor, J and The Galaxy Team. "Galaxy: a comprehensive approach for supporting accessible, reproducible, and transparent computational research in the life sciences." Genome Biol. 2010 Aug 25;11(8):R86.
Blankenberg D, Von Kuster G, Coraor N, Ananda G, Lazarus R, Mangan M, Nekrutenko A, Taylor J. "Galaxy: a web-based genome analysis tool for experimentalists". Current Protocols in Molecular Biology. 2010 Jan; Chapter 19:Unit 19.10.1-21.
Giardine B, Riemer C, Hardison RC, Burhans R, Elnitski L, Shah P, Zhang Y, Blankenberg D, Albert I, Taylor J, Miller W, Kent WJ, Nekrutenko A. "Galaxy: a platform for interactive large-scale genome analysis." Genome Research. 2005 Oct; 15(10):1451-5.
The eBioKit is a system running multiple open source web services on an Apple Mac-mini where all databases are stored locally. This reduces the need for a fast internet connection while giving the users an opportunity to incorporate their data sets in widely used web services.
The eBioKit is developed by the SLU Global Bioinformatics Centre (SGBC), an academic research and educational initiative aimed to build a long-term successful bioinformatics infrastructure facility that serves the Swedish University for Agricultural Sciences (SLU) and life science research communities worldwide.
Find more information at and at the SGBC website.
Contact [email protected]