Full Changelog:
- [ADDED] heat_consumer plotting
- [ADDED] variable "u_w_per_m2k" to std_type pipe
- [ADDED] standard district heating pipe types
- [ADDED] support for Python 3.12
- [ADDED] t_outlet_k to result tables of branch components
- [ADDED] relying tests, to check the ability to work with pandapower develop
- [ADDED] bidirectional calculation mode for heat calculations
- [CHANGED] heat_consumer to enable temperature control
- [CHANGED] switched from setup.py to pyproject.toml
- [CHANGED] variable "alpha_w_per_m2k" to "u_w_per_m2k"
- [CHANGED] option "all" for pipeflow heat calculations to "sequential", the new option is "bidirectional"
- [CHANGED] volume flow in result tables instead of normalized volume flow for non gas fluids
- [CHANGED] introduction of slack mass flow into nodes as solved variable
- [CHANGED] circulation pumps are now branches and thus cannot generate or consume mass
- [FIXED] Pressure plot not working for circ pump
- [FIXED] volume flow rate for incompressible fluids based on real density, thus in this case results are renamed from "vdot_norm_m3_per_s" to "vdot_m3_per_s"
- [FIXED] some imports from pandapower
- [FIXED] NAN to nan because of numpy changes
- [FIXED] if velocity in a branch is negative to get corrected nodes from the branch pit
- [FIXED] plot pressure profile not working for circulation pump sources
- [FIXED] Infeed switches are considered correctly
- [FIXED] Heat consumers with qext_w = 0 and temperature control ignore temperature set points
- [FIXED] alpha also applied to mdot
- [REMOVED] support for Python 3.8 due to EOL
More Details: v0.10.0...v0.11.0