Jakub Cwynar, Ewa Juralewicz, Jakub Michałowski
This project's goal is to visualize polish train delays in time, along with weather data and aims at helping to understand the causes and consequences of delays in Poland. In Q1 2019, almost 20% of trains operated by the biggest national operator, PKP Intercity, were delayed at least 6 minutes [1]. The polish railways operator, PKP PLK, publishes only current delays information, with data about past events. In this project we try to aggregate and visualize past delays.
We used data from InfoPasażer Archives [2], collected during 2017-2018 period.
Additionally, we used IMGW archived meteorological data for weather visualization. [3]
[1] Urząd Transportu Kolejowego, Punktualność przewozów pasażerskich w 2019r. [online] ↩.
[2] Tomasz Maciejewski, InfoPasażer Archives, github: tmaciejewski/ipa, [online] ↩.
[3] IMGW, Dane publiczne IMGW-PIB, [online] ↩.
Rain icon made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com.