Monochrome is a minimal, responsive, ready to use Jekyll theme for blogging. Demo (Built on top of Emerald Jekyll theme)
- Completely responsive and mobile first
- Clean SEO friendly URLs, auto-generated from post title (no messy dates in the url)
- SEO title/description integration
- Sitemap ready
- Pagination support
- Mobile friendly navigation menu
- Easy customization for header, footer, navigation links, colors, favicon etc
- Default Monochrome Color Palette - black, white, greys
- About page
- 404 page
- ..and a lot more
(Skip if you already have Jekyll 2.2)
- Make sure Ruby 2.2 is installed
sudo apt-get install ruby2.2 (sudo apt-get install ruby-full)
sudo apt-get install ruby2.2-dev
- Install bundle:
sudo gem install bundler
- Install jekyll:
sudo gem install jekyll
- We found the jekyll tutorials on youtube very quick and useful to get started
- Jekyll documentation
sudo gem install jekyll-paginate
sudo gem install jekyll-sitemap
- Fork this repository
- Clone the forked repository to your local machine to make changes: git clone
- (Optional) Change the 'baseurl' value in the 'config.yml' file, from '/blog' to your preferred directory/project name (example '/xyz' or '/' to install in root)
- Run 'jekyll serve' and open browser to 'localhost:4000/blog/' to see your changes
- (Optional) Host with github pages
Note: If you fork the repository, your version of the repository will not be searchable. If you want searchability, we suggest you use the next option.
- Simply download the .zip folder from the repository github page
- Extract the contents from the .zip folder into your local folder
- cd into monochrome/
- Run 'jekyll serve' and open browser to 'localhost:4000/blog/' to see your changes
- Create a repository in github and push the files
- (Optional) Host with github pages
- cd into
- create new file with format
- add title/description (refer any of the test posts)
- add markdown and save
You can customize this layout using instructions below.
Set a custom header tag by setting the related option in the _config.yml
file to "true". Then insert your custom code into the header-custom.html
In the same way, you can customize the footer of the navigation menu, by setting to "true" the related option and put your code into the nav-footer-custom.html
Moreover select a reverse option that allows to move the navigation menu to the left side, by setting it to "true".
The basic colors are set into the base.scss
- $background-color: used for background and links in the navigation menu
- $text-color: used for text and title in posts and pages
- $text-light-color: used for text lighter than text-color
- $text-dark-color: used for text darker than text-color
To customize the colors, just set the values in HEX, RGB (or RGBa) or any other format accepted by CSS.
The links inside the navigation menu are autogenerated from pages having the layout set to page
You can set custom links, by putting in the <a>
tag into the link.html
There are two branches:
: is for
: is only for demo site.
You can change the 'baseurl' value in the 'config.yml' file, from '/monochrome' to your preferred directory/project name (example '/xyz' or '/' to install in root)
To maintain the vertical rhythm, it has been applied a Typographic scale as a modular scale, with a baseline set to 24px. To maintain this rhythm you need to insert elements like image, video or other contents with a 24px (or multiple) height as refer.
- We found the jekyll tutorials on youtube very quick and useful to get started
- Jekyll documentation
- Google Analytics integration
- Footer to stick to bottom even when content is less
- Dyuti Barma
- Web site: Review Aggregation and Summary Site for India -
Released under MIT License.