A Collection of Code Samples Written in C++, Java, Python, Perl and Awk.
- report.awk
- A report generator written in Awk that creates an employee roster from a data file.
- geometry.cpp
- Determines whether or not a given point is contained in a given rectangle.
- TempConverter.cpp
- Converts a Celsius temperature from user input to its Fahrenheit equivalent and displays the result.
- encryption.cpp
- Encrypts a file by reading characters from a file into a 2D array, transposing the array and writing the characters from the array to an output file until the input file has been read.
- parser.cpp
- Reads a line of words and puts them into an array. When user types QUIT, the program exits.
- puzzle.cpp
- Requests the user to input the number of disks in the puzzle, the peg on which all the disks are placed initially,and the peg on which the disks are to be moved to print the solution to the Towers of Hanoi puzzle.
- recursion.cpp
- A recursive function that rotates the first n integers in an array to the left.
- crc.java
- Cyclic-Redundancy-Check (CRC) Error Detection Algorithm Written in Java.
- sales.pl
- A report generator wrtiten in Perl that creates a summary of sales averages by quarter and displays the top seller.
- dysh.py
- A command interpreter written in python.
- maze.py
- A python program that uses a list of character arrays to represent the maze. It solves the maze by using a LinkedQueue to guarantee shortest path to exit the maze.
- pickle.py
- A Python program written to demonstrate the serializing and de-serializing a Python object data structure.
- radixSort.py
- Sort n nonnegative integers, represented in base 10, in nondecreasing order.
Dylan A Parsons – @dylanparsons – [email protected]
Distributed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, version 3. See LICENSE
for more information.