First Android App with Kotlin
tutorial: Build Your First Android App in Kotlin
- toast: by clicking this button, toast message shows, and then dismisses in seconds.
- count: by clicking this button, integer increases from 0 by 1.
- random: show random integer between 0 and counted number.
- counted number updated by clicking the "count" button
- by clicking the "random" button, next page will show a random integer between 0 and counted number
- this counted number was passed through navigated pages via "androidx.navigation.safeargs"
- http: with retrofit2, by clicking count button, send request to
build from command line
# list all tasks
./gradlew tasks
# build debug apk
./gradlew assemble
# apk path
ls -lh app/build/outputs/apk/debug
deploy to emulator
# ensure path in bash_profile/zshrc/...
# see
# e.g.:
export ANDROID_SDK=~/Library/Android/sdk
export PATH=${ANDROID_SDK}/emulator:${ANDROID_SDK}/tools:${ANDROID_SDK}/cmdline-tools/5.0/bin:${ANDROID_SDK}/platform-tools:$PATH
# list all emulators
emulator -list-avds
# start emulator
emulator -avd Pixel_5_API_30
# install use adb
adb install app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk
issue1: navigation-safe-args
- error: Type 'ArgumentsGenerationTask' property 'applicationId' is missing an input or output annotation.
- see:
- error: Unresolved reference: SecondFragmentArgs
- see: google-developer-training/first-android-app#80