This application fetch currency online and present it as list. Currency are update automatically by timer. User can select one currency as input, this will move currency to the top and allow user to input currency amount. Other currency will show this value after exchange.
Application have multiple flavours :
- Mock - this flavour will generate data/error responses from service. We can define delay, type of event and quantity.
- Dev - flavour fetch currency from online service
- Rec - This flavour works like dev but with recording service responses to a file.
Project is divided into two parts
core - This is android module that wrap all classes that are application logic (exclude activities/views etc.) including business logic, data access layer, anti corruption layer app - this is actual android part of application view only part.
We have only one service method, this method will fetch selected currency exchange rates
interface CurrencyService {
fun getExchangeRate(sourceCurrency : String) : Observable<ExchangeRateDto>
This interface have multiple definition, depend on product flavour
This service allow as to define input as event list, this is example how we can define response from service:
MockEvents.Error(RuntimeException("SIMULATE RUNTIME ERROR")),
MockEvents.Error(NullPointerException("SIMULATE NULL POINTER ERROR")),
MockEvents.Data(mockCurrencies, 5),
MockEvents.Error(TimeoutException("SIMULATE TIMEOUT ERROR 1")),
MockEvents.Error(TimeoutException("SIMULATE TIMEOUT ERROR 2")),
MockEvents.Error(TimeoutException("SIMULATE TIMEOUT ERROR 3")),
MockEvents.Data(mockCurrencies.filter { it !=(CurrencyType.USD) }, -1)
We are creating service and provide event in desired order.
MockEvent is seals class, that can be defined as Error or Data.
sealed class MockEvents(val count: Int, val delay: Long) {
companion object {
const val INFINITY = -1;
data class Error(val throwable: Throwable, var delayMs: Long = 1500L) : MockEvents(1, delayMs)
data class Data(val currencies: List<CurrencyType>, var repetitionCount: Int = 1, var delayMs: Long = 1500L) :
MockEvents(repetitionCount, delayMs)
- Error require exception and response delay,
- Data require list of currencies to simulate, event repetition and response delay
Our example will send:
- first two request will be error responses, one runtimeexception and one nullpointer
- next service will generate valid 5 responses
- after that we will have 3 timeouts
- finally we will have infinity valid answers (excluded USD)
This service use retrofit and GSON to fetch data, it very simple :
class CurrencyServiceImpl(private val currencyServiceRetrofit: CurrencyServiceRetrofit) : CurrencyService {
override fun getExchangeRate(sourceCurrency: String): Observable<ExchangeRateDto> =
Service work just like Dev Service with additional forwarding to Record class.
Service does not return answer from retrofit, instead it create PublishSubject that act as proxy. Service subscribes to retrofit Observable, and push result to PublishSubject, and to
class CurrencyServiceWithRecorder( private val currencyServiceRetrofit: CurrencyServiceRetrofit) : CurrencyService {
private val recorder = Recorder()
private val gson = GsonBuilder().setLenient().create()
override fun getExchangeRate(sourceCurrency: String): Observable<ExchangeRateDto> {
var out: PublishSubject<ExchangeRateDto> = PublishSubject.create()
val subscribe = this.currencyServiceRetrofit
}, {
}, {
return out
Recorder save data to external storage so permission have to be enabled from application manager (application does not ask for this permission because it is additional debug feature!)
Exchange repository is application model for exchange, repository can be shared between activities. Each activity create own ViewModel that use ExchangeRepository.
Exchange repository should be able to recover when wiped by android.
- Repository should wrap one domain (DDD like)
- Repository is also place for ACL (Anti Corruption Layer).
- Repository can emits domain events
Repository main tasks:
Fetch data using injected DAL, Translate POJO into business objects (for example ExchangeRateDto -> ExchangeRateState) using Translators (ACL), This is place to add high level cache / flyweight patter
This class handle updating currency rates for selected currency. Class use shorter interval when fetch is successful and longer on error.
Exchange rate push data as state :
sealed class ExchangeRateState {
data class LoadingState(val currencyType: CurrencyType) : ExchangeRateState()
data class DataState(val currencyType: CurrencyType, val rates: List<Rate>) : ExchangeRateState()
data class ErrorState(val error: Throwable) : ExchangeRateState()
Interval can be changed by simply sending interval value to BehaviorSubject:
.switchMap { currentPeriod ->
Observable.interval(0, currentPeriod, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
Frontend UI will listen on
val rates: BehaviorSubject<ExchangeRateState> = BehaviorSubject.create()
And update UI depend on this state.
Activity create adapter and view model. View model listen to data from ExchangeRate and create CurrencyActivityViewState and distribute state by MutableLiveData to update adapter data.
Activity show error in snackbar distributed in windows of 10 seconds or when previous error was different the latest. This prevent from spamming notification with short refresh on error interval. this is done by observer
.window(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.switchMap { source -> source.distinctUntilChanged{ it -> it.localizedMessage } }
.subscribe { Snackbar.make(currency_list, it.localizedMessage, Snackbar.LENGTH_SHORT).show() }