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nelsonic committed Sep 7, 2023
1 parent 39a758c commit 80c81c3
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Showing 3 changed files with 46 additions and 350 deletions.
317 changes: 9 additions & 308 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -120,14 +120,8 @@ With that in place, let's get building!
- [15.4 Adding test](#154-adding-test)
- [16. `Lists`](#16-lists)
- [17. Reordering `items` Using Drag \& Drop](#17-reordering-items-using-drag--drop)
- [17.1 `Item` schema changes](#171-item-schema-changes)
- [16.1 Changing the `list_item.position` field in the database](#161-changing-the-list_itemposition-field-in-the-database)
- [16.3 Return `position` in `items_with_timers` function](#163-return-position-in-items_with_timers-function)
- [16.4 Implementing drag and drop in `Liveview`](#164-implementing-drag-and-drop-in-liveview)
- [16.5 Adding unit test](#165-adding-unit-test)
- [16.6 Check it in action!](#166-check-it-in-action)
- [17. Run the _Finished_ MVP App!](#17-run-the-finished-mvp-app)
- [17.1 Run the Tests](#171-run-the-tests)
- [18. Run the _Finished_ MVP App!](#18-run-the-finished-mvp-app)
- [18.1 Run the Tests](#181-run-the-tests)
- [17.2 Run The App](#172-run-the-app)
- [Thanks!](#thanks)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5812,7 +5806,7 @@ one hour *less* than what the person inputted.
# 16. `Lists`
In preparation for the next set of features in the `MVP`,
we added `lists` and `list_items`
we added `lists`
which are simply a collection of `items`.
Please see:
Expand All @@ -5825,7 +5819,7 @@ or "move" `items` between `lists`.
If you want to help with defining the interface,
please comment on the issue:
Expand All @@ -5848,311 +5842,18 @@ And by using `Phoenix LiveView`,
**other people** will also be able
to **see the changes in real time**!
For _all_ the detail implementing this feature,
please see:
## 17.1 `Item` schema changes
By introducing this feature
(and so everyone sees the correct positioning of each item),
we ought to add a new field:
This new field called **`position`** will be an `integer`,
referencing the *index of the item within the list*.
The `position` field can't be under `0`
and will dynamically change according to the position of the item in the list.
With this in mind,
let's add this field in our migration
and schema definition files.
Open `priv/repo/migrations/20220627162154_create_items.exs`
and add the following line.
add(:text, :string)
add(:person_id, :integer)
add(:status, :integer)
add(:position, :integer) # add this line
In `lib/app/item.ex`,
add the field as well.
We are also going to change the `changeset` functions
to accept this field.
schema "items" do
field :person_id, :integer
field :status, :integer
field :text, :string
field :position, :integer # add this line
has_many :timer, Timer
many_to_many(:tags, Tag, join_through: ItemTag, on_replace: :delete)
def changeset(item, attrs) do
|> cast(attrs, [:person_id, :status, :text, :position]) # add the `:position` field
|> validate_required([:text, :person_id])
def changeset_with_tags(item, attrs) do
changeset(item, attrs)
|> put_assoc(:tags, attrs.tags)
def draft_changeset(item, attrs) do
|> cast(attrs, [:person_id, :status, :text, :position]) # add the `:position` field
|> validate_required([:person_id])
To reset the database changes,
we run `mix ecto.reset`
and then `mix ecto.setup`
to rebuild our database with our added `position` column.
## 16.1 Changing the `list_item.position` field in the database
To change the `position` of an `item` in the `list`
we need a way set the `list_item.position`
with reference to _existing_ `items`.
We need a function to do this for us.
We now need to have a few functions
that will *change* the `position` field value of the `list_item`.
Whenever a new todo item is added,
it should be added to the top of the list
(as it currently is).
For this to work with the `position` field,
we need to **increment the positions of each item of the list whenever a new item is added**.
For this, in `lib/app/item.ex`
create the following function.
defp reorder_list_to_add_item(%Item{position: position}) do
# Increments the positions above a given position.
# We are making space for the item to be added.
from(i in Item,
where: i.position > ^position,
update: [inc: [position: 1]]
|> Repo.update_all([])
This function uses [`update_all/3`](
to increment all the item's positions
above a given `position` value.
When a user drag and drops an item in a new index,
we are *basically switching the `position` value of the two items*.
Let's create a function for this.
This function will receive the item `id` of the **origin item**
and the **target item**
and perform a basic switch,
saving the new `positions` in the database.
def move_item(id_from, id_to) do
item_from = get_item!(id_from)
itemPosition_from = Map.get(item_from, :position)
item_to = get_item!(id_to)
itemPosition_to = Map.get(item_to, :position)
{:ok, %{model: _item, version: _version}} =
update_item(item_from, %{position: itemPosition_to})
{:ok, %{model: _item, version: _version}} =
update_item(item_to, %{position: itemPosition_from})
With these new two functions,
we ought to change the functions
that **create an item**
so they create an `item` on the top of the list.
In the same file,
change the two following functions
so they look like so.
def create_item(attrs) do
## Make room at beginning of list first.
reorder_list_to_add_item(%Item{position: -1})
%Item{position: 0}
|> changeset(attrs)
|> PaperTrail.insert(originator: %{id: Map.get(attrs, :person_id, 0)})
def create_item_with_tags(attrs) do
# Make room at beginning of list first.
# This increments the positions of the items.
reorder_list_to_add_item(%Item{position: -1})
%Item{position: 0}
|> changeset_with_tags(attrs)
|> PaperTrail.insert(originator: %{id: Map.get(attrs, :person_id, 0)})
We've used the `reorder_list_to_add_item/1` function
we've created to "make room" for the new item
that is being created.
## 16.3 Return `position` in `items_with_timers` function
Since we are calling the `items_with_timers/1` function
(located in `lib/app/item.ex`)
on startup to fetch the item list,
we need to change it so it *also returns the `position` field*.
change it so it looks like the following
snippet of code.
def items_with_timers(person_id \\ 0) do
sql = """
SELECT, i.text, i.status, i.person_id, i.position, t.start, t.stop, as timer_id FROM items i
FULL JOIN timers as t ON t.item_id =
WHERE i.person_id = $1 AND i.status IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY i.position ASC;
values =
Ecto.Adapters.SQL.query!(Repo, sql, [person_id])
|> map_columns_to_values()
items_tags =
|> Enum.reduce(%{}, fn i, acc -> Map.put(acc,, i) end)
|> t ->
Map.put(t, :tags, items_tags[].tags)
|> Enum.sort_by(& &1.position)
And that's it!
We are now returning the `position` of the item
and also *ordering* the list
by ascending `position`.
## 16.4 Implementing drag and drop in `Liveview`
To add `drag and drop` to the Liveview app,
we have created a separate guide.
Since our project already uses `Alpine.js`,
you may follow
to implement drag and drop in the app.
There are a few differences in our project
compared with the guide in the link above.
- we've used
to add an icon to the todo item in `lib/app_web/live/app_live.html.heex`.
- in `assets/js/app.js`,
we create an `update-indexes` event by passing
the **origin item `id`** to switch with the **target item `id`**.
We use a global variable called `itemId_to`
that is updated whenever it is dragged over an item on the list.
*The last value of `itemId_to` is the target item `id`*.
If you want to see the changes we've made,
you can check the pull request -
## 16.5 Adding unit test
To get our coverage back to 100%,
we ougth to add a simple test that will simulate
the dragover and update events,
as well as the highlights that are seen by each person
connected to the Liveview.
In `test/app_web/live/app_live_test.exs`,
simply add the following test.
test "drag and drop item", %{conn: conn} do
# Creating two items
{:ok, %{model: item, version: _version}} =
Item.create_item(%{text: "Learn Elixir", person_id: 0, status: 2})
{:ok, %{model: item2, version: _version}} =
Item.create_item(%{text: "Learn Elixir 2", person_id: 0, status: 2})
pre_item_position = item.position
pre_item2_position = item2.position
# Render liveview
{:ok, view, _html} = live(conn, "/")
# Highlight broadcast should have occurred
assert render_hook(view, "highlight", %{"id" =>})
|> String.split("bg-teal-300")
|> Enum.drop(1)
|> length() > 0
# Dragover and remove highlight
render_hook(view, "dragoverItem", %{
"currentItemId" =>,
"selectedItemId" =>
assert render_hook(view, "removeHighlight", %{"id" =>})
# Switch items (update indexes)
render_hook(view, "updateIndexes", %{
"itemId_from" =>,
"itemId_to" =>
assert item.position == pre_item2_position
assert item2.position == pre_item_position
## 16.6 Check it in action!
If you run `mix phx.server`,
you can now drag and drop each item.
When dragging, the item **will be highlighted**
and this highlight **is visible to all people in the same Liveview**.
# 17. Run the _Finished_ MVP App!
# 18. Run the _Finished_ MVP App!
With all the code saved, let's run the tests one more time.
## 17.1 Run the Tests
## 18.1 Run the Tests
In your terminal window, run:
Expand Down

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