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[Usa2019Q1] proof f_injective and a bit more
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dwrensha committed Sep 13, 2023
1 parent b9f09a3 commit 6836aa2
Showing 1 changed file with 95 additions and 8 deletions.
103 changes: 95 additions & 8 deletions MathPuzzles/Usa2019Q1.lean
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Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: David Renshaw

import Mathlib.Data.PNat.Defs
import Mathlib.Data.PNat.Basic
import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Parity

import Mathlib.Tactic
Expand All @@ -23,8 +23,95 @@ Given this information, determine all possible values of f(1000).

namespace Usa2019Q1

lemma f_injective
(f : ℕ+ → ℕ+)
(hf : ∀ n, f^[f n] n * f (f n) = n ^ 2) :
f.Injective := by
intros p q hpq
-- If f(p)=f(q), then f^2(p)=f^2(q) and f^{f(p)}(p) = f^{f(q)}(q)
have h1 : f^[2] p = f^[2] q := by
apply_fun f at hpq
exact hpq

have h2 : ∀ n : ℕ+, f^[n] p = f^[n] q := by
intro n
obtain ⟨n, hn⟩ := n
cases' n with n <;> aesop

have h3 : f^[f p] p = f^[f q] q := by rw[hpq]; exact h2 (f q)

-- ⇒ p^2 = f^2(p) ⬝ f^{f(p)}(p) = f^2(q) ⬝ f^{f(q)}(q) = q^2
have h4 :=
calc p^2
= f^[f p] p * f^[2] p := (hf p).symm
_ = f^[f q] q * f^[2] q := by rw[h3, h1]
_ = q^2 := hf q

-- ⇒ p = q
obtain ⟨p, hp⟩ := p
obtain ⟨q, hq⟩ := q
apply_fun (fun x ↦ x.val) at h4
rw[PNat.pow_coe, PNat.pow_coe, PNat.mk_coe, PNat.mk_coe] at h4
rw[pow_left_inj (le_of_lt hp) (le_of_lt hq) zero_lt_two] at h4
exact h4

lemma f_iterated_injective
(f : ℕ+ → ℕ+)
(hf : ∀ n, f^[f n] n * f (f n) = n ^ 2)
(r : ℕ) :
(f^[r]).Injective := by
induction' r with r ih
· simp[Function.injective_id]
· have h1 : f.Injective := f_injective f hf
exact Function.Injective.comp ih h1

lemma lemma_1
(f : ℕ+ → ℕ+)
(hf : ∀ n, f^[f n] n * f (f n) = n ^ 2)
(a b : ℕ+)
(r : ℕ)
(fab1 : f^[r] b = a)
(fab2 : f a = a) :
b = a := by
have h1 : ∀ s, f^[s] a = a := fun s ↦ by
induction' s with s ih
· dsimp
· aesop

have h2 := calc f^[r] b
= a := fab1
_ = f^[r] a := (h1 r).symm

-- which implies b=a by injectivity of f^r.
exact f_iterated_injective f hf r h2

lemma lemma_2
(f : ℕ+ → ℕ+)
(hf : ∀ n, f^[f n] n * f (f n) = n ^ 2)
(m : ℕ+)
(hm1 : f^[2] m = f^[f m] m)
(hm2 : f^[f m] m = m)
(hm3 : Odd m.val) :
f m = m := by
-- Let f(m)=k.
let k := f m
-- Since f^2(m)=m, f(k)=m.
have h1 : f k = m := by unfold_let k; sorry

-- So, f^2(k)=k.
-- f^2(k) · f^{f(k)}(k) = k^2.

-- Since k≠0, f^{f(k)}(k)=k.
-- ⇒ f^m(k)=k
-- ⇒ f^{gcd(m, 2)}(k)=k
-- ⇒ f(k)=k

-- @[solution_data]
def solution_set : Set ℕ+ := { x : ℕ+ | Even x.val }
def solution_set : Set ℕ+ := { x : ℕ+ | Even x }

-- @[problem_statement]
theorem usa2019Q1 (m : ℕ+) :
Expand All @@ -33,10 +120,10 @@ theorem usa2019Q1 (m : ℕ+) :
(∀ n, f^[f n] n * f (f n) = n ^ 2) ∧
m = f 1000) := by
-- (informal proof outline from
-- 1. prove that f is injective.
-- 2. prove that if f^r(b)=a and f(a)=a, then b=a.
-- 3. prove that if f^2(m)=f^{f(m)}(m)=m and m is odd, then f(m)=m.
-- 4. prove by contradiction that f(m)=m for all odd m.
-- 5. by injectivity, f(1000) is not odd.
-- 6. prove that f(1000) can equal any even number.
-- 0. prove that f is injective.
-- 1. prove that if f^r(b)=a and f(a)=a, then b=a.
-- 2. prove that if f^2(m)=f^{f(m)}(m)=m and m is odd, then f(m)=m.
-- 3. prove by contradiction that f(m)=m for all odd m.
-- 4. by injectivity, f(1000) is not odd.
-- 5. prove that f(1000) can equal any even number.

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