All build framework options can be set in local /projectConfig.js (<5.x /projectConfig.json)
Description will follow soon, see default config:
config.js is the default configuration for all gulp tasks. The following is an overview of the default settings used in this framework.
All configurations can be overwritten via a projectConfig.js inside the root folder of the project using this build-framework.
<String> src: src, //base folder for all the project files, defaults to 'src'
<String> dev: dev, //temporary folder for all files that get created in the serve/build process, defaults to '.tmp'
<String> dist: dist, //build folder for the finalized files when running a build process, defaults to 'dist'
<String> node: node, //node_modules base folder, defaults to 'node_modules'
<String> cwd: cwd, //process.cwd(), current working dir of node project ###TODO should maybe be private###
<boolean> isWin: isWin, //checks the os and sets the variable to true if running on a windows system
<boolean> debug: false, //toggle debbuging prompts from the tasks (static:hb, browserConfig, partialHelper), default is false
<String> dataObject: 'data' //name of the global data object, which can be used in static handlebars templates via {{data.key}}
Array<String> resources: ['/resources'], //resource folders inside the src folder, needed to run multiple tasks, can contain multiple different folders
Array<String> components: ['/components'] //component folders corresponding to the resource folders
<String> handlebarsHelper: '/js/handlebars.helper.js', //path to dynamic handlebar helpers relative to the resources folder
<Object> tasks: {}, //see tasks
<Object> externalResources: {} //see external resources
<Object> bowerResources: {} //see bower resources
You can toggle certain task in the build-framework. Every Task can be configurated with a boolean.
This list shows the configurable tasks as well as a brief description about what they do.
browserSupport: true, //creates an overview of the support browser from a *.json file
cleanCss: true, //minify CSS files for build
cssStats: true, //checks the maximum selectors in each css file, fails if there are more than 4096 (IE 9 issue)
favicons: true, //creates and embeds the favicons as well as the mobile icons from an image, default image root is '/resources/'
handlebars: true, //creates dynamic handlebar templates from hbs files, static page generation is handled in a seperate task
iconfont: true, //creates the iconfont from svg images, default icon path is '/resources/icons'
image: true, //compress images stores in '/resources/img'
linting: true, //linting of js/ts/scss files
sass: true, //disables the sass compiler, disabled if you use vanilla css
uglify: true, //uglifies js files in the build
webpack: true //compiles typescript and transpiles ES6 Code in *.ts files
If you use external resources for the final build you can add those with this object. The module name references the module inside the node_modules folder. The file name needs to be relative to the module.
JS files then get copied to '.tmp/resources/js/vendor/', CSS files to '.tmp/resources/css/vendor/'. When using scss files, reference the node_modules folder directly from there.
'moduleName': 'singleFile.ext',
'otherModuleName': ['firstFile.ext', 'folder/secondFile.ext2'],
To maintain backwards compatibility when using bower resources in conditional loader. Files get copied to "/resources/bower_components/moduleName/filePath".
'moduleName': 'singleFile.ext',
'otherModuleName': ['firstFile.ext', 'folder/secondFile.ext2'],
Autoprefixer uses the default options, with the last browser versions. Repo:
autoprefixer: {
browsers: ['last 1 version']
Set the file path to the corresponding *.json file to create a browser support overview.
browserSupport: {
file: cwd + '/browserSupport.json'
Check dependencies only uses default options. Repo:
Clean CSS uses default options with rebase set to false to prevent rewriting file paths. Repo: Repo:
cleanCss: {
rebase: false
cssStats exits on error in order to break the build process. Repo:
cssstats: {
exit: true
Set the port and the folders being watch for connect/livereload. Repo:
connect: {
port: 9000,
globs: [
dev + '/**/*.*',
src + '/resources/js/**/*.js',
src + '/resources/bower_components/**/*',
src + '/_mock/**/*',
src + '/_config/**/*',
'!' + dev + '/_mock/**/*',
'!' + dev + '/_config/**/*',
'!' + dev + '/_assets/**/*',
'!' + dev + '/resources/js/vendor/**/*.js',
'!' + dev + '/resources/css/**/*.map',
'!' + dev + '/resources/bower_components/**/*',
'!' + dev + '/resources/js/handlebars.templates.js'
This creates all the favicons and a manifest.json from an image file. Repo:
favicons: {
appName: "gulp-frontend-boilerplate",
background: "#020307",
path: "favicons/",
display: "standalone",
orientation: "portrait",
version: 1.0,
logging: false,
online: false,
html: "htmlhead.favicons.html",
pipeHTML: true,
replace: true,
icons: {
appleStartup: false
Dynamic handlebar templates and partials get created and added to a namespace. Repo:
handlebars: {
templateWrap: 'Handlebars.template(<%= contents %>)',
partialWrap: 'Handlebars.registerPartial(<%= processPartialName(file.relative) %>, Handlebars.template(<%= contents %>));',
namespace: '',
noRedeclare: true
Icon font settings are split into gulp-svgicons2svgfont settings and the path settings. Repo:
iconfont: {
fontName: 'Icons',
prependUnicode: true,
timestamp: Math.round( / 1000),
normalize: true
iconfontCss: [
fontName: 'Icons',
path: src + '/resources/scss/fonts/iconfont/_icons.scss',
targetPath: '../../../../.iconfont/_icons.scss',
fontPath: '../fonts/icons/',
cssClass: 'icon'
}, {
fontName: 'Icons',
path: src + '/resources/scss/fonts/iconfont/_iconStyles.scss',
targetPath: '../../../../.iconfont/_iconStyles.scss',
fontPath: '../fonts/icons/',
cssClass: 'icon'
Minifiy the images inside "/resources/img". Repo:
image: {
verbose: true
Force line-endings to 'LF' formatting to create unification across platform. Repo:
lec: {
verbose: false,
eolc: 'LF',
encoding: 'utf8'
Specifies the port for using livereload. Runs with connect. See connect settings.
livereload: {
port: 35729
Runs modernizr tests and creates polyfills. Repo: Options:
modernizr: {
options: [
excludeTests: [
Sass compiler based on node-sass. Repo: Options:
sass: {
includePaths: []
Linting of sass files. Default options. Rules need to be defined. Repo:
sassLint: {},
Javascript uglification settings. Repo:
uglify: {
preserveComments: 'license',
sourcemaps: false,
folders: ['js', 'ts'],
ignoreList: []
Watch task uses polling on windows system, therefore the interval is increased to reduce cpu usage. Repo:
watch: {
usePolling: isWin,
interval: (isWin ? 250 : 100)
Add files to an ignoreList, set path relative to src path. Webpack settings are set via webpack.config.js Repo:
webpack: {
ignoreList: []
There are other tasks in use, but they can not be modified via a projectConfig.js file. If this is needed please open an issue or send a pull request.
High cpu usage on windows: the watch task uses polling, which can require a high cpu usage. If your system runs slow or crashes, try to increase the interval of the watch task.
Current defaults: Unix 100, Windows 250