This repository has been archived and is no longer maintained. An updated version of the Job Shop Scheduling demo can be found here.
A demo on how to optimally schedule jobs using a quantum computer.
Given a set of jobs and a finite number of machines, how should we schedule our jobs on those machines such that all our jobs are completed at the earliest possible time? This question is the job shop scheduling problem!
Now let's go over some details about job shop scheduling. Each of our jobs can be broken down into smaller machine-specific tasks. For example, the job of making pancakes can be broken down into several machine-specific tasks: mixing ingredients in a mixer and cooking the batter on the stove. There is an order to these tasks (e.g. we can't bake the batter before we mix the ingredients) and there is a time associated with each task (e.g. 5 minutes on the mixer, 2 minutes to cook on the stove). Given that that we have multiple jobs with only a set number of machines, how do we schedule our tasks onto those machines so that our jobs complete as early as possible?
Here is a breakfast example with making pancakes and frying some eggs:
# Note that jobs and tasks in this demo are described in the following format:
# {"job_name": [("machine_name", duration_on_machine), ..], ..}
{"pancakes": [("mixer", 5), ("stove", 2)],
"eggs": [("stove", 3)]}
Bad schedule: make pancakes and then make eggs. The jobs complete after 10 minutes (5 + 2 + 3 = 10).
Good schedule: while mixing pancake ingredients, make eggs. The jobs complete after 7 minutes (5 + 2 = 7; making eggs happens during the 5 minutes the pancakes are being mixed).
You can run this example without installation in cloud-based IDEs that support the Development Containers specification (aka "devcontainers").
For development environments that do not support devcontainers
, install
pip install -r requirements.txt
If you are cloning the repo to your local system, working in a virtual environment is recommended.
Your development environment should be configured to access Leap’s Solvers. You can see information about supported IDEs and authorizing access to your Leap account here.
Run the demo with:
Most of the Job Shop Scheduling magic happens in
, so
the following overview is on that code. (Note: the job_shop_scheduler
module gets imported into
In the
, we describe the Job Shop Scheduling Problem
with the following constraints:
- Each task starts only once
- Each task within the job must follow a particular order
- At most, one task can run on a machine at a given time
- Task times must be possible
Using tools from the D-Wave Ocean, these constraints get converted into a BQM, a mathematical model that we can then submit to a solver. Afterwards, the solver returns a solution that indicates the times in which the tasks should be scheduled.
As mentioned before, the core code for Job Shop Scheduling lives in
, so the following sections describe that code.
The jobs dictionary describes the jobs we're interested in scheduling. Namely, the dictionary key is the name of the job and the dictionary value is the ordered list of tasks that the job must do.
It follows the format:
{"job_a": [(machine_name, time_duration_on_machine), ..],
"job_b": [(some_machine, time_duration_on_machine), ..],
"job_n": [(machine_name, time_duration_on_machine), ..]}
For example,
{"pancakes": [("mixer", 5), ("stove", 2)],
"eggs": [("stove", 3)]}
, we see a variable called max_time
It refers to the maximum possible end time in our job shop schedule.
Naively, we could set our max_time
to infinity, so that our solver
would consider all possible schedules with end times from 0 to infinity.
However, this is a huge space to explore, and makes our BQM unnecessarily
large and difficult to solve.
Instead, we can apply our knowledge on the worst possible schedule scenario so
that we can put an upper bound on the schedule end times. The worst possible
scenario is if all job tasks require the same exact machine, hence there is no
opportunity for parallelization. In this case, the schedule end time is the sum
of all task durations because that one machine will run those tasks
back-to-back. We know the optimal schedule for these tasks must finish earlier
or at the same time as this worst case scenario because these tasks don't
necessarily all need to run on that one machine; this allows for parallelization
and a shorter schedule. Thus, by default, the max_time
considered for a
schedule is the sum of task durations.
Note that we can lower max_time
so that the solver considers a smaller space
of schedule solutions. In terms of quantum computing hardware, this means using
fewer qubits as we are considering a smaller range of end times and thus, fewer
possible schedules. This is acceptable so long as the optimal schedule has an
end time that is less than max_time
. Otherwise, no valid schedule would be
explored as we are considering schedule end times that are shorter than that of
the optimal schedule (i.e. shortest possible of any valid schedule).
D. Venturelli, D. Marchand, and G. Rojo, "Quantum Annealing Implementation of Job-Shop Scheduling", arXiv:1506.08479v2
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