Solution for a challenge from
This is an Unsplash mini clone. You can find the link to the demo in the title above.
This application/site was created as a submission to a DevChallenges challenge. The challenge was to build an application to complete the given user stories:
- User story: I can see a list of photos in the masonry layout that I have added
- User story: I can add a new photo to the list
- User story: I can search for photos by label
- User story: When I hover a photo, I can see a label and a delete button
- User story: I can delete images
However, more features were added to give the application more functionality such as authentication, a route for a user's photos, the ability to like photos and responsiveness.
To clone and run this application, you'll need Git and Node.js (which comes with npm) installed on your computer. From your command line:
# Clone this repository
$ git clone
# Install dependencies
$ npm install
# Run the app
$ npm run start
You will also need to set some environment variables:
- Set the database connection url
# .env
# Specify the url of your database connection that is going to be used by the prisma client.
# If you don't have an existing database you can set one up quickly using docker:
# docker run --name postgresql -e POSTGRES_USER=my_unsplash -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=my_unsplash -p 5432:5432 -v
# ~/my-unsplash/data:/var/lib/postgresql/data -d postgres
- Specify your google app credentials, you can get these from google. Remember to set the authorised redirect URI to
# .env
- Set your github oauth app credentials. Your authirization call back url should be
# .env
- Elephantsql for their free database hosting tier
- SWR, a lightweight react hooks library for data fetching
- NextAuth.js