MarcoSmiles is a music instrument player developed in Unity3D, controlled via the LeapMotion Controller. It allows people with disabilities like ALS to play music.
- Possibility to save hands positions
- Hand Position Camera
- Basic UI
- Editable Sound Engine
- Machine-Learning Agents
- Music Session
- It requires the user to have the LeapMotion Controller drivers to work.
- It's necessary to install Unity Engine at the version 2019.4.12f1
- It's necessary to install Visual Studio with the "Game development with Unity" package
- Clone the repo into a directory, for example "littletest"
- Once everything is installed, open the Unity Hub and select "Add"
- Navigate to the directory "littletest", open the folder MarcoSmiles and select the second folder named MarcoSmile
- Confirm and open the imported project showed into Unity Hub