This is a minimal demo of Service Mesh catered for Discover Financial Services. The demo is designed to follow the "RedBeard" deck and showcases the simplicity of enabling routing policies using Service Mesh. This demo can be extended to show RBAC controls, MTLS, and other Service Mesh features but for now it showcases Routing policies, Kiali, and Jaeger.
RedBeard Deck:
Login to Cluster: admin r3dh4t1!
oc login --token=N1oBMcMrB8y9TygpU7PAbXMeGcgtuEjbIOL52edur9s --server=
- Show basic Service Mesh components
- Show application components (three services and versioning)
- Show sidecar proxy
Kiali Route: echo https://$(oc get route -n user1-smcp kiali -o 'jsonpath={}')
Kiali Route:
Jaeger Route: echo https://$(oc get route -n user1-smcp jaeger -o 'jsonpath={}')
Showcase Tracing, REST metrics, and Graphs.
oc get route user1-smcp
while :; do sleep 0.2; curl http://$INGRESS_GATEWAY &> /dev/null ; done
Look at existing SM components: oc get istio-io -n user1-tutorial
Detailed Look at SM components: oc describe istio-io -n user1-tutorial
The Virtual Service specifying the routing rules to apply when the host is addressed. These routing rules can include
- Routing to specific destinations
- Matching on a transport type
- Matching on specific transport attributes such as headers or path
The Destination Rule specifying policies to be applied to the destination such as
- Load balancing
- Outlier detection
- Transport Encryption (TLS)
- Connection Pools
Destination Rule: oc apply -f destination-rule.yml -n user1-tutorial
Virtual Service 80-20: oc apply -f virtual-service-80-20.yml -n user1-tutorial
Virtual Service Canary-deployment: oc apply -f canary-deployment.yml -n user1-tutorial
curl: curl -H "user-location: Boston" http://${INGRESS_GATEWAY}/
Cleanup: oc delete virtualservice recommendation -n admin-tutorial
- Not enough time for this. Just describe it