Mantidae is a successor of Mantis (, but with more functionalities. With Mantidae, you can build a complete neural machine translation system with ease. Mantidae works fast and its performance is competitive with lamtram ( or nematus (
Before compiling Mantidae, you need:
Eigen, using the development version (not release), e.g. 3.3.beta2 (
cuda version 7.5 or higher
boost, e.g., 1.58 using libboost-all-dev ubuntu package
cmake, e.g., 3.5.1 using cmake ubuntu package
dynet. I myself modify some functions of dynet. So, dynet will be integrated inside Mantidae. You don't need to install it.
First, clone the repository
git clone
As mentioned above, you'll need the latest version of eigen (3.3.x or higher)
hg clone
A modified version of dynet ( is already included (e.g., dynet folder).
Compiling to execute on a CPU is as follows
mkdir build_cpu
cd build_cpu
make -j 2
Boost note. The "-DBoost_NO_BOOST_CMAKE=ON" can be optional but if you have a trouble of boost-related build error(s), adding it will help to overcome.
MKL support. If you have Intel's MKL library installed on your machine, you can speed up the computation on the CPU by:
substituting in different paths to EIGEN and MKL if you have placed them in different directories.
This will build the 3 binaries
Building on the GPU uses the Nvidia CUDA library, currently tested against version 7.5. The process is as follows
mkdir build_gpu
cd build_gpu
make -j 2
substituting in your Eigen and CUDA folders, as appropriate.
This will result in some binaries, including:
(to be updated)
Hoang Cong Duy Vu ([email protected] or [email protected]), Trevor Cohn and Reza Haffari
Updated Mar 2017