The small lib to convert generic Handler to net/http.HandleFunc
zhttp is designed to be the simplest way to declare a http.HandlerFunc, which have a lot of boilerplate code, you can use it with net/http, chi-router or gorilla mux
go get -u
- Convert generic
func(context.Context, *Input) (*Output, error)
- Handle Error with statusCode by generic interface
- Some helper function to declare common http error
Basic handler
package main
import (
// HelloRequest take input from body by those methods:
// * url query, eg: /?name=abc-xyz
// * POST body, default is application/json
// * Bind(r *http.Request) error method (Boundable interface), which you can override
type HelloRequest struct {
Name string `url:"name"`
// HelloResponse can be marshal to json
// you can define
// func(out *HelloResponse) Marshal(context.Context) ([]byte, error)
// to customize the response
type HelloResponse struct {
Message string
func Hello(ctx context.Context, in *HelloRequest) (*HelloResponse, error) {
return &HelloResponse{
Message: fmt.Sprintf("Hello, %s!").
}, nil
func main() {
http.Handle("/", zhttp.Handler(Hello))
http.ListenAndServe(":3000", nil)
// curl http://localhost:3000/?name=World
// {"message": "Hello, World!"}
Error handler
var ErrBadRequestMock = errors.New("error mock for bad request")
func func Hello(ctx context.Context, in *HelloRequest) (*HelloResponse, error){
return nil, zhttp.BadRequestf("hello bad request, %w", ErrBadRequestMock)
Because I'm tired of typing a lot of boilerplate if else, w.WriteHeader and w.Write... you will cost a bit about performance (for the raw hello world without handle error cases, you cost for 40-45% time slower because underly it check the error for you), but you don't need write a lot of boilerplate code everywhere
May be!