BACoN stands for "Bait, Assemble and Compare Nanopore". It extracts and assembles Nanopore reads matching a reference from many samples in parallel. Assemblies are then compared by extracting SNPs and building a tree.
BACoN was designed with genome skimming in mind. BACoN allows reconstruction of organelle genomes from Nanopore data. Performing targeted sequencing to enrich sequence(s) of interest (say chloroplast genome) is highly recommended to achieve higher coverage, thus better assemblies, especially for larger genomes (I like to call this "Power Skimming").
BACoN follows these steps:
- Extract Nanopore reads matching reference with
(ideally using the same reference used for targeted sequencing). - Remove Nanopore adapters with
and filter small (min 500bp) and lower quality (discard bottom 5% or keep top 100X) reads withfiltlong
. - Assemble reads with
. Note that the "ont-hq" flag is used for Flye, assuming that Guppy5+ or Q20+ chemistry (<5% error) was used for basecalling. Flye and Shasta are de novo assemblers while rebaler is a reference-guided assembler. Flye seems to work better with circular genomes. Shasta works well too with circular references (like full organelle genomes), but will also work with linear references (like ribosomal DNA). Rebaler is more experimental (not fully validated for this type of application, but I thought it would be good to have a "different" type of assembler to try in case the de novo methods don't work well). - Extract core SNPs with
. Boostrap trees (n=100) are also created usingRAxML
Requires conda. See here for instructions if needed.
- Clone repository:
# Make sure you have "git" install in your base enviroment:
conda install git
# Clone repo to your prefered location:
git clone
- Create virtual environment and test BACoN:
# Create BACoN virtual environment:
cd BACoN
conda create -n BACoN -y -c bioconda -c etetoolkit -c hcc --file requirements.txt
# Alternative environment creation method
conda create -n BACoN -y -c bioconda -c etetoolkit -c hcc -c conda-forge porechop=0.2.4 filtlong=0.2.1 minimap2=2.24 \
samtools=1.16 bcftools=1.16 flye=2.9.1 shasta=0.11.1 bbmap=39.01 git ete3=3.1.2 pysam=0.20.0 bandage=0.8.1 \
parsnp=1.7.4 harvesttools=1.2 raxml=8.2.12 fasttree=2.1.11 psutil=5.9.4 pandas=1.5.3 rebaler=0.2.0 \
snippy=4.6.0 phame=1.0.3 mummer=3.23 bowtie2=2.5.1 bwa=0.7.17 perl-bioperl=1.7.8 perl=5.32.1
# Activate enviroment:
conda activate BACoN
# Test program. No errors should promp:
python -h
usage: python [-h] -r /path/to/reference_organelle/genome.fasta -i /path/to/input/folder/ or /path/to/my_fastq.gz -o /path/to/output/folder/ [-b {minimap2,bbduk}] [-a {flye,shasta,rebaler}] [--min-size 3000] [-t 16]
[-p 2] [-m 57] [-s 150000] [-k 99] [--keep-bam] [-snp {parsnp,snippy,phame}] [-v]
Extract, assemble and compare Nanopore reads matching a reference sequence.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-r /path/to/reference_organelle/genome.fasta, --reference /path/to/reference_organelle/genome.fasta
Reference genome for read mapping. Mandatory.
-i /path/to/input/folder/ or /path/to/my_fastq.gz, --input /path/to/input/folder/ or /path/to/my_fastq.gz
Folder that contains the fastq files or individual fastq file. Mandatory.
-o /path/to/output/folder/, --output /path/to/output/folder/
Folder to hold the result files. Mandatory.
-b {minimap2,bbduk}, --baiting-method {minimap2,bbduk}
Read baiting method. Default "minimap2". Optional.
-a {flye,shasta,rebaler}, --assembly-method {flye,shasta,rebaler}
Assembly method. Default "flye". Optional.
--min-size 3000 Minimum read size for Shasta assembler or minimum read overlap for Flye. Default 3000 for Shasta and auto for Flye. Optional.
-t 16, --threads 16 Number of threads. Default is maximum available(16). Optional.
-p 2, --parallel 2 Number of samples to process in parallel. Default is 2. Optional.
-m 57, --memory 57 Memory in GB. Default is 85% of total memory (57)
-s 150000, --size 150000
Override automatically detected reference size. Optional.
-k 99, --kmer-size 99
Kmer size for baiting. Only used if "--baiting-method" is "bbduk". Optional.
--keep-bam Do not delete BAM files. Only used if "--baiting-method" is "minimap2". Optional.
-snp {parsnp,snippy,phame}, --snp-method {parsnp,snippy,phame}
SNP calling method. Default "snippy". Optional.
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
- First step is to perform basecalline (fast5->fastq) using the lastest
. You'll need to adjust the parameters based on your graphics card, the accuracy wanted and if samples were multiplexed or not.
# Basecall using RTX A4000 and Titan RTX.
# Q20+ kit using barcodes
guppy_basecaller \
--config dna_r10.4_e8.1_sup.cfg \
--input_path "$fast5" \
--save_path "$basecalled" \
--calib_detect \
--recursive \
--records_per_fastq 0 \
--compress_fastq \
--disable_pings \
--gpu_runners_per_device 2 \
--chunk_size 1000 \
--chunks_per_runner 128 \
--device "cuda:0 cuda:1" \
--barcode_kits "SQK-NBD112-24" \
--detect_barcodes \
--detect_adapter \
--detect_primer \
--trim_barcodes \
--trim_adapters \
- Run BACoN to extract and assemble reads matching your reference.
# Change path according to where you cloned BACoN on your machine.
# Don't forget to activate your BACoN virtual environment if not already done.
python \
-r /path/to/my_reference.fasta \
-i /path/to/folder/containing/Nanopore/reads \
-o /path/to/BACoN/output/folder
is the reference sequence used to bait the reads.-i
is the input reads. Fastq and fasta are supported, gzipped or not.-o
is the output folder.
- Results Here's a tree representation of the main output files and folders using default settings.
├── 1_extracted
│ ├── sample1.fastq.gz
│ ├── sample2.fastq.gz
│ └── sample3.fastq.gz
├── 2_trimmed
│ ├── sample1.fastq.gz
│ ├── sample2.fastq.gz
│ └── sample3.fastq.gz
├── 3_filtered
│ ├── sample1.fastq.gz
│ ├── sample2.fastq.gz
│ └── sample3.fastq.gz
├── 4_assembled
│ ├── all_assemblies
│ ├── assembly_graphs
│ ├── sample1
│ ├── sample2
│ └── sample3
├── 5_compared
│ ├── fasttree.pdf
│ ├── fasttree.tree
│ ├── parsnp.fasta
│ ├── parsnp.tree
│ ├── parsnp.xmfa
│ ├── RAxML_bestTree.raxml.tree
│ └── RAxML_bipartitionsBranchLabels.raxml.tree
├── done_assembling
├── done_comparing
├── done_extracting
├── done_filtering
└── done_trimming
contains the baited reads byminimap2
contains the trimmed reads byporechop
contains the filtered reads byfiltlong
contains the assembly sub-folders for each sample. All assemblies are located in theall_assemblies
folder. Assembly quality can be assessed quickly from theassembly_graphs
contains the SNPs and tree files fromparsnp
. RAxML and FastTree are provided to add bootstrap values to the tree.- The
files are checkpoint files.
Note that the output files and their structure within each folder will vary depending on method used.
If you want to compare different SNP detection methods, you can rename the 5_compared
folder, remove the done_comparing
file, change the method for the -snp
option and rerun the command. Only the last step will be executed.