Converts from the NZ Bridge Scorer XML results format to USEBIO 1.2.
> pip install scorer_to_usebio
Run the GUI (note that you will need PyQt5 installed!):
> ScorerConverter
Convert a file on the command-line:
> scorer_to_usebio -p examples/pairs.xml
Or on the command-line via the python interpreter:
> python3 -m scorer_to_usebio -p examples/pairs.xml
Or using the repl:
>>> import scorer_to_usebio >>> scorer_to_usebio.convert('examples/pairs.xml')
Run unit tests:
> nosetests
Check unit test code coverage:
> nosetests --with-coverage --cover-erase --cover-package=scorer_to_usebio
- Python 3.5 (will probably work with earlier 3.x versions, but untested)
- PyQt5 (optional, required for the GUI)
- lxml (optional, required for DTD & pretty-printing support)
- nose (optional for running tests)
- coverage (optional for checking test code coverage)
The conversion code supports running with Python 2.7 as well as Python 3. The GUI has not been tested and may or may not work correctly.
When running with Python 2.7 the following additional dependencies are required to run the unit tests:
- mock
- pathlib2
GNU Affero General Public License (AGPLv3) or any later version.