Ansible Configuration and Playbooks for Blue Button API.
Configuration variables and sensitive values are now stored in this repository using ansible-vault. hhs_Ansible uses a cascading set of variable files:
- ./vars/envs/common.yaml: For frequently used variables across all environments.
- ./vars/all-var.yml: All variables used across any platform. Environment specific variables are embedded inside the variable defined in this file. Environment specific variables are prefixed with "env_".
- ./vars/env/{environment_name}/env.yml: Non-sensitive environment specific variables are stored in this file. Sensitive environment variables are embedded within env_{variable_name} variables and are prefixed with "vault_".
Variable files can't embed other variable files as includes. Therefore the playbook must load the variables files as includes. A typical include section in a playbook would be:
Where the playbook is found in: ./playbook/{role}/playbook.yml
- "./../../vars/common.yml"
- "./../../vault/env/{{ env }}/vault.yml"
- "./../../vars/env/{{ env }}/env.yml"
- "./../../vars/all_var.yml"
{env} is a variable passed at run time to the playbook using --extra-vars env=dev | test | impl | prod
for example: In all_var.yml: aws_secret_key: "{{ env_aws_secret_key }}"
In ./vars/env/{{ env }}/env.yml: env_aws_secret_key: "{{ vault_env_aws_secret_key }}"
In ./vault/env/{{ env }}/vault.yml: vault_env_aws_secret_key: "what_ever_the_secret_should_be"
To enable ec2 support you must install python-boto:
sudo yum install -y python-pip
sudo pip install --upgrade pip
sudo yum -y install git
sudo yum -y install ansible
sudo yum -y install python-boto
NOTE: if FIPS is enabled add an additional parameter to pip command: -i
Install hhs_ansible:
mkdir /hhs_ansible
cd /hhs_ansible
git clone
Updating the Application Load Balancers requires a newer version of awscli. Install updated version as follows:
sudo /bin/bash
cd /root
pip install --upgrade --user awscli -i
this will install the updated version to
Then add your hosts to
Edit the config file:
The public keys from ec2-user ( and need to be generated on the Management Server so that they can be copied to the remote machines in the base_patch role. As the ec2-user on the Management Server generate two sets of keys with no passphrase:
ssh-keygen -t rsa
ssh-keygen -t ecdsa
- Do not enter a passphrase. Hit enter to step pass the prompt
- Do not change the default filenames id_rsa and id_ecdsa.
As a minimum, if you are using AWS you will probably want to change: ' #remote_user = root'
to the remote user account used to connect to a server.
Hosts fall into the following groups:
- mgmtservers (The ansible management server)
- appservers
- dbservers
When creating a MGMT server instance in ec2 to run ansible add the following tags to the instance:
- Managed = "BB-MANAGED-{{ env|upper }}"
- Environment = {{ env|upper }} eg. DEV | TEST | IMPL | PROD
- Layer = "MGMT"
These fields are added to each ec2 instance to be managed. These instances will automatically be grouped in to the relevant group in /etc/anasible/hosts based upon their Layer setting (MGMT | APP | DATA)
more information about hhs_ansible is here: [./]