This client demonstrates authenticating to the Blue Button API and subsequent FHIR API calls.
It demonstrates the OAuth2 Server Side web application flow where a client_secret
is used.
This client is built using the Ruby on Rails web application framework.
The 'oauth2' Ruby Gem is used for OAuth 2.0 client methods.
Docker is used to containerize the Rails web application server.
This demo app is still a work in progress!
The goal of this demo is to provide examples of the technical interaction with the Blue Button API.
The application is in active development so check back often for updates. Please consider improving this code with your contributions. Pull requests welcome ;)
Prerequisite Docker Software Requirement
This demo utilizes docker-compose with the goal of being compatible with different platforms and operating systems.
Please follow the information at the following link for installation instructions:
NOTE: If using Linux, your distro may have packages available to install instead. For example, for Fedora you can run the following command to install:
dnf install docker-compose
On RedHat this would be:
yum install docker-compose
If you are using a Windows operating system, you will need to setup port-forwarding for Docker virtual machine running under VirtualBox. This will enable you to access it via localhost.
- Open the VirtualBox manager.
- Select the Docker VM image (default)
- Open settings -> network -> advanced -> port forwarding
- Add a new forwarded port with Name = "BB-Rails", Host_IP = "", Host_Port = "3000", and Guest_Port = "3000".
- Double-click the "Docker Quickstart terminal" on your desktop. This will startup needed components and give you a command shell for later commands in this README.
git clone
cd bluebutton-sample-client-rails
To run this demo application, you will need to signup for a developer account at our site.
Please reference our documentation for more information at: .
Once you have your developer account created and you've verified your email address, you'll need to set up an application. Log in to your new account, and select "Applications" -> "Applications You Created" -> "Register New Application". From here, you can fill out the form with the following options:
Scope: [you likely want to select all available]
Name: [your choice]
Client type: Confidential
Authorization grant type: Authorization Code
Redirect uris: http://localhost:3000/bluebutton/callback
Once you submit the form, you should receive an application key and secret that can be be added to the local_env.yml file in the next step.
Run the following commands to copy the sample configuration file:
cd bluebutton-sample-client-rails
cp config/local_env_sample.yml config/local_env.yml
Edit the local_env.yml file and update the following entries in the development section with your application's client id and secret:
BB_CLIENT_ID: "<enter client id here>"
BB_CLIENT_SECRET: "<enter client secret here>"
Startup the Docker daemon per instructions for your operating system. Most linux distributions will use systemctl or service commands as root. This only needs to be run once per system boot. You can also place this in your system's startup/boot configuration to start automatically.
# For systemctl:
$ sudo systemctl start docker
# For service:
$ sudo service docker start
Any time you want to start the Rails server container use the following command:
docker-compose up
Any time you want to gracefully stop the Rails server container use the following command:
docker-compose down
To use and test the demo application you can navigate to http://localhost:3000 in your web browser.
This README and demo app is still in progress! More to come :-)