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Simple data sanitization library for PHP 7.1+ without any external library dependencies.

Build Status codecov


use Sanitizer\Sanitizer;
use Sanitizer\SanitizerSchema as SS;

// Single element
$processed = Sanitezer::process(true, SS::boolean());

// Complex schema
$processed = Sanitizer::process($input, SS::arr()->schema([
    'id'        => SS::integer()->min(1),
    'nickname'  => SS::string()->alphaNum(),
    'email'     => SS::string()->email(),
    'ip'        => SS::string()->ip(),
    'sex'       => SS::string()->optional('na')->oneOf(['male', 'female', 'na']),
    'favMovies' => SS::arr()->each(
            'title'   => SS::string()->trim()->max(200),
            'release' => SS::date()->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
            'tags'    => SS::arr()->unique()->each(


Aliases allow for a single definition of commonly used sanitization rules. They can be defined via SS::createAlias(string $name, SanitizerSchema $schema, bool $persistent = true) and used as normal schema rules SS::alias($name) everywhere, no matter the depth. The $persistent parameter indicates if the alias should be preserved after first full validation (single call of Sanitizer::process(...)). They can also be destroyed manually via SS::destroyAlias(string $name).

Because of the schemas nature these are also more memory efficient than defining a separate schemas.

SS::createAlias('alphaNum', SS::string()->alphaNum());

$processed = Sanitizer::process($input, SS::arr()->schema([
    'nickname'  => SS::alias('alphaNum'),
    'favMovies' => SS::arr()->each(
            'tags' => SS::arr()->unique()->each(SS::alias('alphaNum')),

Detailed supported methods


method params description
optional ?bool $default Sets a default boolean in case a value is not provided for validation.


method params description
optional ?int $default Sets a default integer in case a value is not provided for validation.
min int $value Checks if the value is above or equal to the one provided in parameter.
max int $value Checks if the value is below or equal to the one provided in parameter.
between int $min, int $max Checks if the value is between minimum and maximum provided in params.
equals int $expected Checks if the value is equal to the one provided in parameter.
not int $unexpected Checks if the value is not equal to the one provided in parameter.
oneOf int[] $values Checks if the value is one of the array provided in parameter.
notOneOf int[] $values Checks if the value is not one of the array provided in parameter.


method params description
optional ?string $default Sets a default string in case a value is not provided for validation.
trim bool $left = true, bool $right = true Trims spaces from the start(in case $left = true) and from the end(in case $right = true). Note: at least one of both parameters have to be set to true.
length bool $length, string $charset = 'UTF-8' Checks if the value length is exactly the same as the one provided in $length parameter.
min bool $length, string $charset = 'UTF-8' Checks if the value length is greater or equal to the one provided in $length parameter.
max bool $length, string $charset = 'UTF-8' Checks if the value length is smaller or equal to the one provided in $length parameter.
oneOf string[] $values, bool $strict = true Checks if the value is one of the array provided in parameter.
notOneOf string[] $values, bool $strict = true Checks if the value is not one of the array provided in parameter.
email - Checks if the value is a valid email address.
ip bool $v4 = true, bool $v6 = false Checks if the value is a valid IP address. Flags in parameters indicate if v4/v6 should be considered valid.
url bool $httpsOnly = false Checks if the value is a valid URL. $httpsOnly flags indicates in only https:// URLs should be considered valid.
regex string $pattern, string $name = null Checks if the value matches a specific regular expression pattern. Parameter $name is used for naming the pattern and will be displayed in error message instead of the whole pattern.
alpha bool $dash = false, bool $space = false Checks if the value contains only characters from A to Z, lower or uppercase. Parameter $dash indicates if - and _ characters should also be allowed. Parameter $space indicates if spaces should also be allowed.
alphaNum bool $dash = false, bool $space = false Checks if the value contains only characters from A to Z, lower or uppercase + numbers. Parameter $dash indicates if - and _ characters should also be allowed. Parameter $space indicates if spaces should also be allowed.


method params description
optional ?string $default Sets a default date in case a value is not provided for validation. Value should be in the same format as instantiated date.
before string $date Checks if validated date is before the one provided in parameter.
after string $date Checks if validated date is after the one provided in parameter.


method params description
optional ?array $default Sets a default array in case a value is not provided for validation.
scalar - Checks if all values of the validated array are scalar.
unique - Checks if all values of the validated array are unique.
each SanitizerSchema $schema Checks if each of the values of the validated array satisfy the specified $schema
schema array $schema Validates every key => value based on provided schema.
min int $length Validates if array has $min minimum length.
max int $length Validates if array has $max maximum length.


method params description
optional ?string/int/float $default Sets a default string/int/float in case a value is not provided for validation.
min string/int/float $value Checks if the value is above or equal to the one provided in parameter.
max string/int/float $value Checks if the value is below or equal to the one provided in parameter.

Custom error messages

Error messages are defined inside a static map SanitizerException::$messages and can be easily redefined. This can be used for multilingual messages for example.