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2. Data Attribute API

Jacob Burden edited this page Aug 18, 2016 · 29 revisions

OpenShare can be used in full without having to write a single line of JavaScript. Both share and count nodes can be created by simply adding a few data attributes to your HTML elements.

You can even create dynamic OpenShare nodes on the fly using OpenShare Watchers. Here is the complete OpenShare Data Attributes API reference.

OpenShare can optionally build iOS-specific URL schemes (Android handles automatically) before defaulting to the web using the data-open-share-ios="true" attribute for a number of integrations. It's important to note that if the app is not installed an "invalid URL" alert will be displayed before redirecting to the web version. Unfortunately there is no workaround that we are aware of and so this feature is an optional addition for use where it makes sense.

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Initialize an OpenShare Facebook instance with data-open-share="facebook" and customize with the following.

Attribute Notes
data-open-share-link Required
data-open-share-dynamic Fetch new attribute values on every share

Facebook Send

Initialize an OpenShare Facebook instance with data-open-share="facebook-send" and customize with the following.

Attribute Notes
data-open-share-link Required
data-open-share-dynamic Fetch new attribute values on every share


Initialize an OpenShare Twitter instance with data-open-share="twitter" and customize with the following.

Attribute Notes
data-open-share-url Required
data-open-share-via Username without @
data-open-share-hashtags Comma separated
data-open-share-dynamic Fetch new attribute values on every share
data-open-share-ios Set to true to attempt to open app before defaulting to web

Twitter Retweet

Initialize an OpenShare Twitter instance with data-open-share="twitter-retweet" and customize with the following.

Attribute Notes
data-open-share-tweet-id Required
data-open-share-related Related accounts
data-open-share-ios Set to true to attempt to open app before defaulting to web

Twitter Like

Initialize an OpenShare Twitter instance with data-open-share="twitter-retweet" and customize with the following.

Attribute Notes
data-open-share-tweet-id Required
data-open-share-related Related accounts
data-open-share-ios Set to true to attempt to open app before defaulting to web

Twitter Follow

Initialize an OpenShare Twitter instance with data-open-share="twitter-follow" and customize with the following.

Attribute Notes
data-open-share-user-id Either user ID or Screen name required
data-open-share-ios Set to true to attempt to open app before defaulting to web


Initialize an OpenShare Google instance with data-open-share="google" and customize with the following.

Attribute Notes
data-open-share-url Required
data-open-share-dynamic Fetch new attribute values on every share

Google Maps

Initialize an OpenShare Google Maps instance with data-open-share="google-maps" and customize with the following.

Attribute Notes
data-open-share-center comma separated string of latitude,longitude.
data-open-share-views 'satellite', 'traffic', or 'transit'
data-open-share-zoom An integer that specifies the zoom level of the map.
data-open-share-search A Google Maps search query.
data-open-share-saddr This can be a latitude,longitude or a query formatted address.
data-open-share-dadd Sets the end point for directions searches. Has the same format and behavior as saddr.
data-open-share-directions-mode Method of transportation. Can be set to: driving, transit, bicycling or walking.
data-open-share-ios Set to true to attempt to open app before defaulting to web


Initialize an OpenShare Pinterest instance with data-open-share="pinterest" and customize with the following.

Attribute Notes
data-open-share-media Required. URL of image to pin
data-open-share-url URL to share with image
data-open-share-dynamic Fetch new attribute values on every share


Initialize an OpenShare LinkedIn instance with data-open-share="linkedIn" and customize with the following.

Attribute Notes
data-open-share-url Required
data-open-share-dynamic Fetch new attribute values on every share


Initialize an OpenShare LinkedIn instance with data-open-share="linkedIn" and customize with the following.

Attribute Notes
data-open-share-url Required
data-open-share-dynamic Fetch new attribute values on every share


Initialize an OpenShare Buffer instance with data-open-share="youtube" and customize with the following.

Attribute Notes
data-open-share-video Required video ID
data-open-share-ios Set to true to attempt to open app before defaulting to web

YouTube Subscribe

Initialize an OpenShare YouTube instance with data-open-share="youtube-subscribe" and customize with the following.

Attribute Notes
data-open-share-user Required user name
data-open-share-ios Set to true to attempt to open app before defaulting to web

YouTube Follow

Initialize an OpenShare YouTube instance with data-open-share="youtube-follow" and customize with the following.

Attribute Notes
data-open-share-user Required user name
data-open-share-ios Set to true to attempt to open app before defaulting to web


Initialize an OpenShare Instagram instance with data-open-share="instagram". This integration is iOS only.

Instagram Follow

Initialize an OpenShare Instagram instance with data-open-share="instagram-follow" and customize with the following.

Attribute Notes
data-open-share-username Required user name
data-open-share-ios Set to true to attempt to open app before defaulting to web


Initialize an OpenShare Reddit instance with data-open-share="reddit" and customize with the following.

Attribute Notes
data-open-share-url Required
data-open-share-dynamic Fetch new attribute values on every share


Initialize an OpenShare Email instance with data-open-share="email" and customize with the following.

Attribute Notes
data-open-share-to Required. Email address
data-open-share-dynamic Fetch new attribute values on every share


Initialize an OpenShare Flickr instance with data-open-share="flickr" and customize with the following.

Attribute Notes
data-open-share-username Required. Username
data-open-share-dynamic Fetch new attribute values on every share


Initialize an OpenShare Flickr instance with data-open-share="whatsapp" and customize with the following.

Attribute Notes
data-open-share-text Required. Text message.
data-open-share-dynamic Fetch new attribute values on every share


Initialize an OpenShare Github instance with data-open-share="github" and customize with the following.

Attribute Notes
data-open-share-url Full Github repo url
data-open-share-repo user/repo (for use instead of full Github repo url)
data-open-share-issue Issue title
data-open-share-body Issue body
data-open-share-dynamic Fetch new attribute values on every share


Initialize an OpenShare Dribbble instance with data-open-share="dribbble" and customize with the following.

Attribute Notes
data-open-share-url Full Dribbble shot url
data-open-share-shot shot (for use instead of full Dribbble url)
data-open-share-dynamic Fetch new attribute values on every share


Initialize an OpenShare Codepen instance with data-open-share="codepen" and customize with the following.

Attribute Notes
data-open-share-url Full Codepen url
data-open-share-username (for use instead of full codepen url)
data-open-share-view (for use instead of full codepen url)
data-open-share-pen (for use instead of full codepen url)
data-open-share-dynamic Fetch new attribute values on every share


Initialize an OpenShare PayPal instance with data-open-share="paypal" and customize with the following.

Attribute Notes
data-open-share-buttonId PayPal button ID
data-open-share-sandbox Boolean (default false) sandbox PayPal button


Initialize an OpenShare Analytics instance with data-open-share-analytics="{analytics type}" and customize with the following.

Data Attribute Analytics Integration
event [Google Analytics Event] (
social [Google Analytics Social Interaction] (
tagManager [Google Tag Manager Message] (


OpenShare uses Mutation Observers in order to support dynamically created OpenShare nodes using straight up HTML with data attributes. You will need a polyfill for <= IE10 support but otherwise it's as simple as follows.

<div data-open-share-watch>
    <!-- OpenShare nodes inserted here will be automatically instantiated -->