CS50x Final Project
By: Duncan Starkenburg
Hi, I am Duncan Starkenburg, I am 15, I live in Orange County, California, and this is my CS50 final project.
####### SUMMARY #######
My Dad and I wanted a way to log who and when people parked in the space in front of our house. During the school year various cars take the space we normally park in, so we decided we should investigate exactly who is parking there.
The project is called WhoIsMySpot
The main idea is to have a camera setup facing the back license plate of the car parked in the spot, then log when and what license is parked in that spot throughout the day.
####### DETAILS #######
There is a python script, a Flask/HTML website, and a FTP server that the camera posts to.
The camera, in position, takes a photo every 15 minutes. It then names the file with a time stamp and transfers the photo to a mounted drive on our webserver. Every minute, a python script called collector.py reads the the directory of the images to check if a new image has been created. If it finds a new image, it runs the image through OpenALPR (to check a license plate). Then, it takes the output from ALPR and inputs it into a SQLite3 database.
The website, running Flask and using an HTML template, updates every time the page is reloaded checking the SQLite database for new entries or new photos. The website shows the latest photo, the time stamp, and declares whether or not the car is in the 'known-cars' database.
A live website of this project is viewable at whoisinmyspot.com https://youtu.be/ef5fPdof9RQ