Library allows to build USB class devices and to make it usable with minimal effort:
- CDC, communication device class,
- MSC, mass storage class,
- HID, human interface device class: keyboard, mouse, gamepad, generic IN/OUT,
- MIDI, musical instrument digital interface class,
- DFU, device firmware update class,
- WebUSB, its using vendor class to show webusb usage.
To use native USB we need to connect pins 19 and 20 to usb cable or with similar connectors:
Library allows to set all values in standard USB device like:
- manufacturer
- product name
- serial number
- revision
- VID and PID
ANYusb device; // any USB class like HID, MSC, CDC
device.product(char*); // product name
device.serial(char*); // serial number SN
device.revision(uint16_t); // product revison
device.deviceID(uint16_t VID, uint16_t PID);
device.deviceID(uint16_t* VID, uint16_t* PID);
Issues and PRs are welcome.
Currently library is not working with vanila arduino-esp32. It is due some tinyusb callbacks cant be overriden and are used by arduino-esp32. To make it works it is required to add __attribute__ ((weak))
in 3 lines in local arduino file: